
Eric’s Blog #3

Week 4!

It has been week 4 already. We are about halfway done with the term. All of the courses are getting more complicated. Also, my team and I are starting to work on the web. The react and the firebase are new to me so I have to watch a lot of youtube videos to get familiar with these new tools. After learning about the firebase and the react. I felt it makes the actual coding easier. Especially, the firebase is simpler than writing a SQL database. Once you made an account on firebase, you can make a project which contains the path of the database. You just need to copy the path into your file and write feel lines of code. Then your project will be able to connect with the firebase.
My experience of the react was also good. Instead of writing a CSS code to modify each div. There are a lot of built-in functions to form the website. It needs fewer codes to do the same amount of work. Besides, you can include an entire div by name it to a word. Thus, you do not have to write a big amount of code. All of these tools make code easier for people.
My group has three team members. Each of us is responsible for one web page. We will be finishing the web pages in two weeks. The first week will be coding. We will do the code review in the second week to make the website better. This is the plan for these two weeks.


Eric’s Blog #2

Week 3

This is week 3 already. I have experienced a lot of new things this week. I realized I have to learn more about assembly language because CS444 operating system 2 and CS373 defense against dart art. These two classes are taking much of my time right now. However, I still need to leave some time to work on Cs462.
I have fixed some bugs about our website this week such as the login function and implementing the adding user information function to the website. There are still many things to do to make the website better. I need to learn more about the firebase since it is my first time using it. It is very important to me because most of the functionality of the website should be achieved by that. The plan for the following week will be to learn firebase and make the functionality of the website work properly.
I also faced a serious problem this week. In the stand-up meeting, one of the team members fought with another team member due to the arrangement of work. One of them thinks we should emphasize the user functionality task first. However, another team member wants to create a shop page because he is more familiar with that. It was hard for me to say who is right who is wrong since both of them want to make the website better. I think I need some time to think about what is the most important part of our website so I can decide it.


Eric’s Blog #1


It is the second week of the term. After the long break, it seems like everyone needs time to get back to work. We have done four meetings in these two weeks. We discussed the use of our projects such as business or project. We have taught each other about the react and firebase since all of us will work together on coding. Most of the things went well in these two weeks.
However, we still need to break each task down into more small tasks. Thus, it will be easier for us to assign the work to each other. Besides. it helps us to make the project more refined. Other than that, we have missed one team meeting because we are busy working on other courses’ assignment. Because of that, we decide to set a time that all of the members are able to attend the meeting. We plan to meet every Tuesday and Sunday at 4 p.m. to track the progress of the project. We also have a lot of things to learn such as react and firebase. Therefore, I think each of the members of the team should spend more time on this project each week.
This week, we have made the term plan and assigned tasks to each member. I think in the following week, we should spend more time on learning firebase and react thus we could be able to finish the projects.