
Eric’s Blog # 7

#Week 7

This is week 7 right now. We are done with the Team Design Document. Due to the team member’s change, we had to do extra works. This week we do not have a plan to do the third persona. I have to make an extra Figma prototype for the last two weeks. I am starting to learn about Figma on Youtube. The new use case will be texting to the vets and uploading the records to the database.

#Class Plan

Today is the first day to choose the class for the next term. I have a question about CS461. Do we have to pick Cs462 and Cs463 for the next two terms? If we did not choose the Cs462 and Cs463 for the next two term, will it affect my team member? These two are the quesitons I want to ask.

#Future Plan

We will keep doing use case test for the next week. Other than that, I will make a new prototype for the new use case. Keeping improving UI is the most important thing that we are working on right now. We will have a team meeting someday next week to discuss our next step and to determine that if all pages are satisfied with the requirements as well.

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