
Eric’s Blog #4

#Week 4!!

Half term is gone already. Each of us in the group was assigned to do something for the project. I am responsible for user research. I did some research on google about user research, it listed a lot of different aspects of users’ need. I think user research takes plenty of time to test the application until users are satisfied with our web-application. It might be complicated for me.

The good thing this week is, our group meeting is always on time and successful. It always made everything go efficiently. Now, we are using a new tool called click up. Thus, each of us in the team can assign each other tasks. Once we finish it, others will know about it. I think this tool is really good for teamwork.

#Technology Review

After I read about the discussion board. I found a lot of new IDE and Databases that I have not used before. I gave me a lot of ideas about my project. However, my group has decided what to use already. I will try to learn about other tools by myself on Youtube.


This week, we are writing about Technology Review and Implementation Plan. It seems like our project went more specifically. As I said at the top, each of us in the group was assigned to different jobs. The assignment listed the parts of the project very clearly such as the UI part, database, and display part. I think it is an important stage for us to think about how are we going to make our project. This week, I think my group will make a draft user interface. We will finish it before next Friday.

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