Monthly Archives: April 2021

Job ads?

In our current market it is crucial to standout from your competitors. Whether you sell products or are applying for a job. Personally, I am currently leveraging my MBA. In our job market, MBA isn’t what it used to be … Continue reading

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Job Hunt……

Searching for a new job is challenging. I am currently on the job hunt. Checking for new jobs posted multiple times a day so I can have a job over summer. I am even applying for internships that can lead … Continue reading

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Experiences in Discrimination

Discrimination amongst individuals should not be tolerated. It should definitely not happen in the workplace. I like many companies here in America. If a company that I like was faced with a public lawsuit in which they were accused of … Continue reading

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Marketing Over Recruitment?

Organizations might decide to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than using those same resources to do a really good job in employee recruitment and selection because of high cost associated with the hiring process. The company … Continue reading

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Job Application Experiences….

Looking for new positions within your chosen industry can be difficult. I am currently seeking position in the finance field back in my home city. Yesterday alone I applied for 7 positions for entry level and internship positions. My experience … Continue reading

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