Results from the first two pilots studies of Roots of Resilience are published!

Findings indicate that the online course and coaching are feasible, and help teachers strengthen their knowledge and practice for nurturing resilience with children impacted by trauma. 

Teachers also shared that Roots of Resilience was beneficial to them and children they care for:

“This course gave me a new perspective … I think a lot more now before I react!”

“[I am] more patient and attentive to my kids’ needs and emotions.”

For a brief summary of the article, click here (English and Spanish):

Strengthening Children’s Roots of Resilience_Brief (English)

Fortaleciendo las Raíces de Resiliencia de Niños (Spanish)

The full article is here: Strengthening Children’s Roots_Published Online Oct 2019

We would like to say a big THANKS to the teachers who participated. Their feedback helps ensure future teachers will benefit from Roots of Resilience.

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