
Week 3 – Blog Post

Its week 3 and so far, the term has been going well, though I’m definitely starting to feel the pressure when it comes to my assignments now. I still find that doing class entirely online makes it harder for me to focus, I definitely felt like I learned better when I was in physical classes, but my health and the health of my classmates is much more important than my frustrations at online zoom classes. I do wonder how long this kind of learning will be the norm. Will we have some kind of vaccine or treatment anytime soon?

For our capstone project this week we finished writing our Problem Statement for the project, which wasn’t too hard at least. It’s a nice feeling to be able to use the work we had already done on our individual projects and just combine our documents to make a cohesive plan. Thankfully we were all on the same page so it went smoothly, and we got it done quickly and submitted. The individual assignment felt a bit tougher, since it felt like there were less guidelines on how to write the requirements document. I tend to get lost a little bit when an assignment or project is super open-ended, but I managed to pull it together. Hopefully my work will be up to snuff. The technology Review next week seems like its going to be rather involve so I plan to try and get a head start on it if I can (and if my friends don’t keep trying to pull away) and knock it out quickly.

My other classes are going smoothly at least, I’m rather enjoying learning about OpenGL in Professor Bailey’s course. I’d like to look into doing some learning with Blender on the side since 3D modeling seems like a fun (if sometimes tedious) skill to learn. I’ve always wanted to make my own Mario 64 rom-hack or some kind of game with 3d models, so I’d need to get started somewhere!


Week 2 Blog Post

Hello Again! Week 2 has come to a close and the capstone projects have gotten underway. I am excited to dive into my project, though I am always a bit anxious getting started on something new like this. I hope that this long project will go well and that we will be successful in our endeavors to make an Augmented Reality Software for Concrete Strain Visualization. My Team Members seem nice, and I’m glad that we all share a class together this term (that was actually requested by our project benefactor surprisingly).

Augmented Reality as a concept is really fascinating, and I hope that as time goes on the technology involved starts to become a bit cheaper since I could definitely see myself owning something like a Microsoft Hololens in the future. The possibilities almost seem endless for something like this, from using it to visualize changes at a work site like our project, or even something like giving doctor’s real-time feedback when operating, or even something mundane as a Heads-Up Display giving a user useful information about the weather. I’m excited to see how the technology grows as time goes on and what potential applications people find for it.

I am also glad we got to speak with our project leader, though I am also glad Professor Pfeil made the word count easier on us this time, as the time constraint might have been rather rough with my other classes otherwise. Covid-19 has certainly made classes a lot harder for me to focus on, which I’m not a fan of, I miss being able to go to lectures in person, but I’m glad lecture is being delivered safely at least. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go the distance these last 3 terms, since I’m ready to be done with my education and head into the working world!


Week 1 Initial Blog Post

Hi! My name is Conner Rhea and I am a student at Oregon State University currently taking CS 461. To this end, I will be writing blog posts here about development and whatever project I end up getting assigned to!

I am currently a full-time student at OSU, and while I was working a part-time job previously at Fred Meyer, I decided to take a step back and focus on my schoolwork since its my senior year and also due to safety concerns regarding Covid-19. I’ve always been a fan of computers since I was a kid, though sadly my parents didn’t support my wishes to study them until I reached college, so I always feel like I’m a bit behind, especially when compared to some of my classmates who have been programming since they were kids! But I’m the stubborn sort, and I’ll claw my way through regardless of how long it takes.

My CS option is game development and simulations. I’ve always been a huge fan of computer games and the joy they can bring to people, though I must admit I am somewhat loathed to work in the industry itself due to a lot of the crunch horror stories I am always hearing about, though one day I aspire to make my own independently developed game! I am also very interested in the application of simulations for important real-world applications such as using projections for building new structures like one of the projects that were proposed or even perhaps eventually working on a team making medical simulations to train doctors which is another application of technology I find fascinating! Regardless, I look forward to one day being able to put my skills to use creating software for people that need it, regardless of whether it’s for fun or for the benefit of others.

For some miscellaneous information about me, I have 2 pet cats, a mother and son duo named Beverly and Maxwell who are quite the handful, and in my spare time lately, I’ve been playing Monster Hunter and FFXIV Online (when I can find the time to do so of course).


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