Quarter 2

Capstone Q2

This week has gone amazingly. I finished part of the project that has been worrying me for a long time: turning an image into game objects. In its current state, the code requires the maze to be drawn on a white background, but it works and is able to create a maze out of colliding-walls that are built out of small individual components. I think the next big step for me is changing the input to the code so that it can grab any maze of choice, though I’m not sure how that’s going to be implemented as of now. This has taken up most of my time in the past week or two as I have decided to focus on the project rather than my other classes, so it will be nice to hopefully have everything leveled out to where I can work on every class a little bit at a time. Something that is worrying me immediately is that I have a midterm in one of my classes that I’m not sure I’m completely ready for, but since I have finished this part of the project I will be able to give the midterm my full attention until it is over. I feel that I am pretty lucky that this is my only midterm this year as my classes other than that have been two projects (this is one of the two), and a series of Labs that have taken the majority of my time spent on that class. As far as figuring out how to convert images to game objects, I think it’s a little weird and very annoying how it was so stressful the entire time I was working on it, but now that I’ve finished I think it was a lot of fun. It definitely helps that I think it’s really cool now that it works. Hopefully the next part of the project won’t be as stressful (though I expect it be), but I’m sure I will have enjoyed it once it’s over.

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