What do you do as a Curriculum and Accreditation Coordinator and what is your favorite part about your work?
I am my department’s go-to contact for all things curriculum-related. I oversee our graduate program, Sustainable Forest Management, schedule all FE and FOR courses and manage the ABET and SAF accreditation processes for the Forest Engineering & Forestry undergraduate degrees. I love that my role gives me the opportunity to work with students, staff and faculty every day, which means that each day is likely to bring its own adventure and require unique action on my part.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time working in the COF?
See, having worked here as long as I have, there are a lot of memories to choose from! It’s a toss-up between having colleagues help with my wedding (John Bailey officiated and Jessica Fontaine helped coordinate it), taking part in outrageous Halloween costumes with my FERM team (the colonial men will always be my favorite) and getting the opportunity to travel to Sweden last summer.

What do you like to do in your free time?
When I’m not up to my eyeballs in homework (yes, I’m working towards a master’s degree), I love to read and take a lot of camping trips with my husband, pups and family throughout the year. The last few years we’ve been trying to visit at least one national park (or really cool landmark) a year. Going on a night-time kayak float with manatees in Florida and having bears in our campsite near Glacier, Montana are some of the memories that have really stuck with me so far.

Madison and her partner John at Drottningholm Palace, in Sweden, for the International Union of Forest Research Organizations World Congress

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
As a sister who was exposed to Marvel and DC by her older brother and who is a nerd for anything magical or mythology related, you’d think I would know exactly whose powers I would steal…Chronokinesis is so cool to me – the ability to manipulate and control any element of time. But Azazel from the X-Men comics is probably who I would want to be. He can teleport, shapeshift, use telepathy and is immortal. Do I want to live forever? No. But I think it would be so great to teleport because I would always be on time. Being telepathic would also make me a pretty valuable (and only slightly dangerous) colleague!

What’s your favorite book or movie genre or your all-time favorite title?
I love comedies and romance, both in books and movies. “Young Frankenstein” is easily in my top five movies of all time, right up there with “What Dreams May Come” and “The Wedding Date”. That said, there are few movies that I watch religiously every year. Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings series are definitely favorites…even though the books were better.

Tell us a little about your background – what drew you to working with International Programs at COF?
I am Rabeb, Tunisian, former university teacher of English literature and civilization, as well as a simultaneous interpreter with three active languages. I came to Corvallis, Oregon three years ago and fell in love with the open position at COF. Working closely with students and faculty, smoothing out processes and bridging between cultures are all I could possibly dream of in my job.

What is your favorite part about working with students?
That excitement I see in their eyes when they are applying for an international experience. These moments when I can share my experience or others’ experiences to help them navigate cultural and social differences are priceless. It is worth every minute I spend with them answering their questions, facilitating visa processes and doing research to help them.

What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to so far and is there any place you currently have on your bucket list?
I wouldn’t say I have traveled the world, but I visited some places and they are all breathtaking. The one that marked me the most is Portugal with those unique mosaic pavements and historical buildings. The community is amazing, and the food is absolutely delicious! The other is Corvallis. Of all I could imagine the U.S. would be, Oregon stands out. I’ve been to other states before I finally settled down here, but my experience in Corvallis is awesomely different. Nature, the community and the joie de vivre in Corvallis is by far the best. There are still so many places I’d love to visit, namely other states around the Pacific, Asia and Australia.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I cherish peaceful moments with my family – bathing in a hot tub, swimming, hiking in nature, reading good books and cooking.

What’s your favorite book/movie genre or your all-time favorite title?
This is probably the most difficult question! I have read many books, and each one marked me differently. I particularly love the writing style and witticism of J.M Coetzee and Jamaica Kincaid. In movies, I truly like any movie with a message or some food for thought, far from vulgarity and commonplace.

Tell us a bit about your background and where you consider home to be.
I am originally from a small town called Nashville, NC (not the big one), though I consider Athens, GA my home.

What drew you to working with the College of Forestry and Career Development?
My position is unique in that I have split responsibilities: 50% advising and 50% teaching. I get the most joy out of helping students, and I love that I get the opportunity to aid students in multiple ways through my job. I also get to create events and work with a variety of stakeholders (students, alumni, employers, faculty, etc.). I love that my role connects a broad audience to help students succeed in life after college.

What is something you want every student to know (about you and/or generally)?
I want students to know that OSU provides a vast array of resources to help them be successful during their time at OSU and beyond. Take full advantage of all faculty, staff, clubs, organizations, programs, resources, etc. to reach your goals.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?
My biggest influence has definitely been my mom. My mother has always inspired me to work hard and empowered me to chase my dreams. Along with my wife, my mother also has given me the support and confidence that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I love playing basketball. It’s by far my favorite sport and my top hobby. I also like cycling and hanging out with friends and family.

Ashley D’Antonio, Allison Monroe and Cathy Knock

Did you know that 23% of College of Forestry undergraduate students are the first in their family to attend college? In addition, many of our graduate students, faculty and staff were also first-generation students. They persevered through challenges and bring important perspectives that help many COF students today.

We had the privilege of hearing from three first-generation members of the COF community. They share with us the importance of resilience and remind us that education holds power for personal and community transformation. Cathy Knock, director of budget and compliance for the college, began her story by sharing that her life circumstances were intertwined with her journey towards higher education as a non-traditional student.

“I went back to school to earn my first degree when I was 34, newly divorced, and a single parent to two small children,” she said. “It was literally starting from scratch…a new town, new school for my oldest, new daycare for my youngest, and trying to do it all with virtually no support. And since no one in my family had ever gone to college, I didn’t really have anyone I could ask for guidance. So, I had to figure it out on my own.”

She said that the strength to overcome these challenges came from the belief that earning a college degree would create opportunities for her and move her family toward financial security. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, she continued on to earn a master’s degree while working full-time.

“That also was a struggle, but the end result was worth it,” she said. “I learned that I could do really hard things and that I was resilient. Once I set my mind to something, I can make it happen.”

Knock was not alone in having to navigate university systems by herself. Allison Monroe, a master’s student studying overlooked insect species and their ecological impact in the college’s forest ecosystems and society department, shared this experience as well.

“Being among the first in my family to attend college is both a path lit by pride and shadowed by isolation,” Monroe said. “Navigating this uncharted territory is empowering, but it also means carrying the weight of each challenge without a built-in support network, where every setback echoes louder.”

Along with this challenge is the feeling of “not knowing what you don’t know.” It’s hard to know how to ask for help if you don’t know what you’re missing out on or what support and opportunities exist. Ashley D’Antonio, associate professor in nature-based recreation management and associate department head for forest ecosystems and society, discussed how this shaped part of her undergraduate experience.

“I knew getting research experience as an undergraduate student was important, however, I did not know how to find those experiences,” she said. “I felt I had to work harder than non first-gen students to find the resources to support my education.”

D’Antonio’s experience as a first-generation student informed her chosen career path in academia and current drive to support students from diverse backgrounds and experiences in achieving their academic goals. In working with students directly, she tries to anticipate and automatically address the types of questions students might be afraid to ask or not know how to ask, an approach that, in-part, earned D’Antonio a recent OSU University Day Award for Faculty Teaching Excellence. Her experience also made her more resourceful and strengthened her problem-solving and interpersonal skills.

“Navigating unfamiliar systems and figuring things out independently…translates well when working on challenging research questions,” she said. “My experiences have strengthened my interpersonal skills, and I can effectively communicate with individuals from various and diverse backgrounds – another skill that is important both personally and professionally in my research in outdoor recreation.”

Monroe also noted that blending academic work with creative resilience and using art and writing to process experiences helps build bridges between cultural background and scientific research. This approach was vital to supporting well-being, and a way to navigate and question barriers encountered in academia.

“Often, sharing this journey invites sympathy rather than opportunity, as though these complexities define my limits instead of my potential,” Monroe said. “Resilience isn’t an invitation for pity; it’s a way of making space for possibility.”

Resources for First-Generation Students:
Are you a first-generation college student considering a degree at Oregon State? The College of Forestry and OSU have many resources to help you succeed. Contact the admissions coordinator for the College of Forestry, or learn more about campus-wide programs via OSU First.

Micah Schmidt got hired earlier this year as a Regional Fire Specialist, based in the Union county Extension office. Micah graduated from the College of Forestry in March 2023 with a Master of Science in Sustainable Forest Management with a focus in Fire, Silviculture, and Forest Health. This Q&A was updated in December 2024 with a few additional questions included below.

What is something new you have learned during your first year as a Regional Fire Specialist?
I have learned a ton of new things since I started, but one of the most important things I have learned is the value of building strong relationships with landowners and the various natural resource partners in my region, which includes agencies, Tribes, non-profits, and other organizations. No one person can do everything, and that is especially true in the large nine-county region that I serve. Building strong relationships and trust with a diversity of people is so important because we can leverage each other’s strengths, capacity, and resources to work together toward a shared vision of healthy, productive, and resilient ecosystems across the region.

What do you enjoy most about your position?
I find a lot of enjoyment interacting with the diverse group of landowners across my region. I realized early in my career that private, non-industrial ownerships are the best place to find innovative management solutions to the complex problems we are seeing in our forest and range landscapes across the Pacific Northwest. Northeastern Oregon is no different. Many of the landowners out here care deeply for the piece of land that they can call their own. The way that many of them manage their lands reflects that level of care and looks very different depending on the management objectives. The other thing that I really enjoy about my position is the team that I work with. Our Fire Program consists of six regional specialists, a director, a manager, a workforce development coordinator, and the Northwest Fire Science Consortium Coordinator. Our team functions really well together and is full of great people that I can always count on for support when I run into challenges.

Is there anything specific you’d like to accomplish next year?
My biggest hope for next year is that we are able to form a Prescribed Burn Association in my region. There is a ton of interest from landowners wanting to implement prescribed fire on their lands, but very little opportunity to do so. I have been working hard to build the foundation for this to happen, and I think we have a good shot at getting one formed and doing some prescribed underburning on private lands next year, which is extremely rare in my region. I’m hoping this can create accessible opportunities for anybody interested in prescribed fire to come out and burn with us and help rebuild a healthy and inclusive fire culture in the region.

Original interview with Micah from February 2024

Does one class, teacher or experience at Oregon State University really stand out?
One class that really stands out for me was the Prescribed Fire Practicum taught by John Punches, Daniel Leavell, John Rizza, and Jacob Putney. The course had a two-week field session in La Grande and is one of the reasons that I moved here after I graduated. All of those professors were great to learn from, but I will single out John Punches as particularly important in my education. I now work in the same office as him. He is really a stand-out guy that I know will be an excellent resource during my career with Extension. I would also mention Dave Shaw, James Johnston, Andrew Merschel, Eric Forsman, and Jimmy Swingle as people who I learned a ton from during my time at OSU.

How did COF prepare you for your career?
COF definitely helped me build skills to be successful in my career, but I feel like my time working with Marty Main at his consulting forestry company Small Woodland Services, Inc. in southwest Oregon really prepared me the most. Marty was a great mentor to me and gave me an excellent education in forestry for several years before I went on to get my Master’s degree. That experience showed me how beneficial having an experienced mentor to work with day in and day out is for someone trying to break into a natural resources field. I’m hoping I can engage with young people hoping to get into this line of work so that I can potentially have that impact on others.

What are your main duties as a Regional Fire Specialist?
I’m still getting settled into my position and figuring that out myself. I think the most important part of my job is assessing the fire-related needs of the communities in the region I work in and figuring out how to best respond in an effective manner. I’m hoping to utilize my technical skills to assist local partners and stakeholders with their projects, communicate fire science to communities in my region in an accessible way, and help to build and maintain cross-boundary land management partnerships since we all can acknowledge that wildfire does not recognize property boundaries. I’m particularly looking forward to returning good fire on the land through prescribed burning. There’s a ton of interest in that in northeast Oregon, and I hope to help promote it as much as possible. But depending on the needs of the region, my job could look very different year-to-year.

What is your favorite tree?
Until I moved to northeast Oregon, my favorite tree was sugar pine. I still have a great admiration for that tree, but western larch is quickly looking to unseat it as my favorite since sugar pine doesn’t occur in my region. Honorable mentions would include Pacific yew and California black oak.

Anything else you would like to share?
I just feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to fill this position. I interacted with my predecessor, John Rizza, and admired the way he went about things in this role. I’m also lucky to work in the Union County Extension office which is full of great people. I have a lot of support from the northeast Oregon extension foresters and an awesome fire team to work with and learn from. I’ll also give a shout-out to my supervisor EJ Davis, who has been nothing short of fantastic in how she has welcomed me into this position.

How did you become interested in conservation, management, and global forest restoration, and/or why did you go into teaching it?
I spent my childhood in Galveston, Texas. There was an educational tourist destination there called Moody Gardens, which consisted of three large pyramids. One was an aquarium, one held science exhibits and activities, and one was a huge greenhouse with a tropical rainforest inside. I was fascinated by the rainforest pyramid as a kid – seeing the poison dart frogs, barracudas, free-roaming iguanas – and went to many events there during my time in Galveston. I was definitely one of those 90s kids that went to a “save the rainforest” science camp.

Fast forward 30 or so years, and my interests in the diversity of global forest ecosystems that our amazing planet hosts has only grown with time. I have had the immense privilege of living in ten different states across the U.S. and traveling to twenty different countries (including living in Thailand for three years). As I’ve explored the forested landscapes in these places, I have retained my initial interest in tropical forests but have found myself increasingly fascinated by the diversity and complexity of global forest ecosystems. I see teaching and research in conservation, management, and restoration of these forests as indulging in the things that excite me – but also as a way of helping these ecosystems and the communities that steward them.

Walk us through one research project you’re proud of, or that you feel had a significant impact.
As I build my research group here at Oregon State University, I frequently think back to my own master’s research project, in which I designed and implemented carbon stock inventories in three mangrove forests in Thailand and four mangrove forests in Vietnam – all in one summer! I remember being very nervous about flying from Connecticut to Thailand to collect all this data and ultimately write not only my thesis – but also a report for a joint United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and United States Agency for International Development program, which was partially funding the work.

Fortunately, I had wonderful mentors and individuals who believed in me, including individuals at the Forest Service that let me cold call them and ask them questions on a very specific set of sampling protocols for several hours. I also had incredible field teams. For example, I had picked up a fair bit of Thai while living in Thailand for three years, but my Thai field crews spoke a different dialect (and not a lick of English) and were patient enough with me that we successfully collected a wonderful dataset that I have used in multiple research projects now. As I meet with prospective students and discuss future projects, I think back on how exciting, fun, nerve-wracking, challenging and rewarding the entire experience was. I am thrilled to now be in a position where I can help others create their own experiences and adventures.

What advice do you have for current forestry students?
Indulge in your interests while in school but also be strategic in setting yourself up well for the future job or career that you want. Formally investing in your education is a wonderful and special thing. Be resourceful and use the flexibility and network of Oregon State University to connect with individuals and organizations whose work excites you. Finally, be kind to your peers and those around you. The natural resources sector is surprisingly small, and they will be your future colleagues!

What do you like to do in your free time?
My favorite thing to do is spend time outside with my partner and our two dogs. I often will go for trail runs with our dogs in the McDonald-Dunn Forest after work, and on weekends we enjoy getting out to the coast or the Cascades. I also really enjoy cooking and exploring the bountiful food options that Oregon has to offer.

What’s your favorite book/movie genre or your all-time favorite title?
It’s a predictably nerdy answer, but I am trying to read as many of the Pulitzer Prize winners for general nonfiction as I can. They are all wonderfully written, on very diverse topics and are guaranteed to teach you something.

Tell us a bit about your background and where you consider home to be.
I’ve been working in student affairs now for about 10 years. Broadly, I’d consider the East Coast of the United States to be home.

Why did you decide to join the College of Forestry as an academic advisor and what are you looking forward to doing here?
I decided to join the College of Forestry because of its uniqueness in terms of the degree programs it offers and student populations it serves. I am looking forward to helping COF students meet their academic goals through advising.

What is something you want every student to know (about you or generally)?
I would say that I am committed to COF students’ success and that I want all of them to get as much out of their experience at Oregon State as possible.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I am an avid baseball fan. I follow the game pretty closely. My team is the New York Mets.

If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would it be and why?
Honestly? A cat. I already have one and they are great companions. They’re very funny and come in handy if there’s a bug in the house or something even scarier (like a mouse).

Tell us a bit about your background and where you consider home to be.
I consider Michigan home, went to Western Michigan University for undergraduate and Bowling Green State University in Ohio for graduate school. That was where my interest in advising started, and I have been advising for eight years. I really like it because it is a little bit of everything, you get to support students and see their full journey from the start to graduation.

Why did you decide to join the College of Forestry as an academic advisor and what are you looking forward to doing here?
I’ve been at OSU for six years and wanted to support a different population of students such as transfer, non-traditional and e-campus. I’m passionate about access to higher education for students and the outdoors, and find myself relating to students through that.

What is something you want every student to know (about you or generally)?
Generally, there’s always going to be challenges. But knowing where to go to get help and support is the difference in being able to succeed and get through them.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I’m involved with Heart of the Valley Runners and on the board of directors. It’s a good way to meet people and help support youth and running programs and give back to the kids through programming.

If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would it be and why?
I would have a tiny orca because they are extremely smart and communicate well.

Several members of the College of Forestry community were honored on University Day with awards for their exceptional contributions.

Arijit Sinha, professor in wood science and engineering, received the Excellence in Postdoctoral Mentoring Award. Arijit has worked with five postdoc scholars since 2019. As a mentor, he prepares them to be successful researchers, providing guidance on proposal writing and budget planning that are essential skills for securing research funding. He also encourages collaboration with industry partners, helping postdocs build professional working relationships with experts in the field.

Arijit Sinha

Greg Goralogia, research associate in forest ecosystems and society, received the Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring by a Post-doc Award. Greg has mentored 12 undergraduate and 11 graduate students over the past five years, working one-on-one with students through all the stages of their research projects, from an abstract idea through experimentation and finally to results.

Ashley D’Antonio, associate professor in forest ecosystems and society, received the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. Ashley teaches three required courses in the Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership Natural Resources program, one of which also fulfills the Contemporary Global Issues requirement in the Baccalaureate Core. She is also active in training and programs for the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Congratulations! We’re incredibly thankful for all our dedicated faculty and staff who make a lasting impact every day.

When world leaders convened in New Delhi for the 2023 G20 Summit, they were handed policy briefs by Think 20 (T20) engagement group to inform their decisions, including one led by Associate Professor Rajat Panwar. As a lead author of one of the policy briefs produced by a T20 taskforce focused on accelerating sustainable development goals, Panwar worked in partnership with four other experts to produce the policy brief, “Aligning G20 Industrial Policies with Biodiversity Conservation.” Panwar is also lead author for the “Bioeconomy Assessment for Latin America and the Carribean” conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with Jazmin Tovar as co-author.

Can you tell me a little bit about your research and why you find it so compelling?
My research focuses on sustainable business practices. Current projects explore two key areas: (i) how business practices impact biodiversity loss and deforestation, and potential solutions, and (ii) building a sustainable bioeconomy.

Growing up in India during a period of rapid economic expansion, I witnessed the development-conservation debate come alive. Within a decade, the natural landscape surrounding my village transformed into monoculture plantations feeding newly built paper mills and plywood factories. The region was subsequently designated a “dark zone” due to critically low water levels. Disappointingly, most villagers seemed content. The belief that environmental loss was an inevitable price for escaping poverty, increasing income, and generating local jobs ran just too deep. I recall an elder in the village saying, with a sentiment I now challenge, “Sustainability comes after breakfast.”

These experiences profoundly impacted me. My academic work is dedicated to finding ways for both sustainability and breakfast to be on the table, ensuring a future where meeting human needs does not come at the cost of the environment. It is both daunting and fascinating.

Did you begin your career studying deforestation or did you pivot from something else?
I did not. Actually, my initial post-MBA job was at Coca-Cola. However, only six months into it, I sensed the need for self-reflection. I went on a brief retreat to a quaint Himalayan town, where I resided in a Buddhist monastery. Although my intention was a week-long stay, I ended up remaining for nine months! Within the first week, I decided to not return to my corporate job.

It was during this period that I became engaged with local community members reliant on locally sourced non-wood forest products (NWFPs). We explored various cooperative models for marketing these products, none of which worked. Later, I transitioned to the Forest Research Institute of India, studying community-based forest management in the northwest Himalayas (across India and Nepal). I also contributed to research on ecotourism social enterprises in Asia and Africa.

And then, as any discerning individual would do, I came to OSU College of Forestry to pursue doctoral studies !! Thus, my entry into the world of forests was both fortuitous and meandering. I consider myself fortunate for the journey though.

You have had many accomplishments in your career, including working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, being a Senior Fellow, Sustainable palm oil initiative, at the Center for Responsible Business in New Delhi, India, consulting for the G20 as a member of T20 (Think 20), acting as the lead author for the business and biodiversity assessment by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and recently being selected as a lead author for the National Nature Assessment being conducted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Which accomplishment or experience was most meaningful for you and why?
Not any of those. The most significant work I have engaged in has taken place within classrooms. I have had the privilege to teach in several countries, spanning various levels and settings — business schools, forestry schools, and liberal arts institutions. Much of what I know stems from the insightful questions posed by students, many of which have evolved into my research endeavors. Moreover, my transdisciplinary research is a direct result of my teaching across diverse disciplines to both traditional students and participants in executive education programs.

Your earned your graduate degree from OSU in 2008 and returned in 2021 as an associate professor of responsible and sustainable business. Can you tell me a bit about what the College of Forestry means to you?
This is home. I felt a sense of belonging when I first arrived here in 2004, and it felt like leaving home when I departed in 2008. Despite Thomas Wolfe’s famous assertion, “You Can’t Go Home Again,” returning in 2021 truly felt like a homecoming. Some things have changed, such as this new building, but the essence of the culture—marked by kindness, compassion, and honesty—has remained steadfast and will continue to endure. Being a member of the College is integral to my identity. That is what the College of Forestry means to me.

Who or what has influenced you the most, either during your career or regarding your research?
My professional journey has been profoundly shaped by a cohort of exceptional mentors. Eric Hansen, in particular, has fostered the development of critical thinking skills within me, encouraging a balanced and objective approach to analysis, despite our spirited disagreements on most things. Alix Gitelman’s guidance instilled the importance of intellectual humility and a commitment to rigorous inquiry. Kathleen Dean Moore’s influence cultivated in me a deep sense of empathy. Rob Kozak honed my pedagogical skills, and Michael Barnett helped enhance my writing abilities. Padam Bhjovaid’s mentorship ignited my creative spark, and Jeffrey Sachs’s passionate advocacy has inspired my commitment to social justice.

However, my most profound and personal growth occurred during my time in the monastery and within the surrounding communities. Reflecting on that period holds a special significance— how many of us have spent their formative period in a monastery!

What’s next for you and your research?
My research is moving towards conservation finance, though the specific research streams are still crystallizing for me. The upcoming two years are packed with commitments to IPBES and National Nature Assessment. It has been several years since I have done a book project, so that avenue might also be on the horizon.