Jim Rivers, an animal ecologist in the OSU College of Forestry, is among the American Ornithological Society’s 2023 honorees, receiving the Marion Jenkinson Service Award in recognition of his “sustained and generous contributions of time, energy, mentorship, and leadership in the AOS.”

The Marion Jenkinson Service Award goes to an early- or mid-career ornithologist “who has performed continued extensive service” to the society.

The award carries an honorarium of $1,000 and is expected to be formally presented in August at the society’s annual conference in London, Ontario.

Rivers has served on multiple AOS committees, including as chair of the Student Affairs Committee shortly after its establishment.

“In addition to being an enduring advocate for students and early professionals in our society, Dr. Rivers has contributed directly to several AOS conferences, has helped develop new awards to recognize significant contributions, and continues to serve as an associate editor for (the journal) Ornithology,” the society notes.

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