Graduates of the College of Forestry are our most valuable resource. Our alumni serve as a critical bridge between the university and the world, connecting Oregon State University and its students to communities and employers. They inspire our students to make a difference and they shape the world we live in.

This year, we honor the outstanding accomplishments of three College of Forestry alumni.

Nadine Orozco, 2012
M.S. Wood Science & Engineering

Born and raised in Southern California, Nadine attended Northland College in northern Wisconsin to earn a bachelor’s in business administration with an emphasis in ethical leadership and a minor in coaching. While there she had the opportunity to play and later coach NCAA Division III women’s basketball. After four years of lake-effect snow, she jumped at the opportunity to return to the west coast to attend the College of Forestry and complete her masters in wood science and engineering. Upon graduation, Nadine was introduced to Roseburg Forest Products and hired under their “Organizational Development Candidate” program. Starting in sales, Nadine successfully progressed through several different positions, and is currently the Strategic Business Development Manager, working as part of a team that evaluates the strategic fit of potential mergers and acquisition opportunities, capital investments, and developing a long-term business strategy. Nadine has maintained a strong relationship with the college, applying her industry knowledge and professional experience as an instructor of Forest Products Business WSE 453/553. In her spare time, Nadine enjoys the outdoors with her husband Sven and two daughters Emilia (7) and Tessa (5).

Ray Rasker, 1989
Ph.D. Resource Economics

Until 2022, Ray was the Executive Director of Headwaters Economics, an independent, nonprofit research group with the mission to improve community development and land management decisions. Headwaters Economics expertise includes the economic role of federal lands; state tax policy; reducing wildfire and flood risk to communities; expanding community trails and pathways; rural economic development; and developing free analytical tools for helping understand the link between the economy and the environment. Their partners include rural communities, state and federal legislators, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and other federal agencies, foundations, universities, and nonprofit organizations. Ray has a Ph.D. from the College of Forestry in resource economics, a master’s degree from Colorado State University in agricultural marketing, and a bachelor of science in wildlife biology from the University of Washington. Ray is the recipient of the Wilburforce Foundations’ Conservation Leadership Award and his work has been profiled in Harper’s Magazine, Chronicle of Philanthropy, New York Times, Economist Magazine, and many other news outlets. Ray was born in Canada and raised in Mexico in a Dutch family.

Peter M. Wakeland, ‘95
B.S. Forest Management

Pete is a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, located in northwest Oregon. He graduated from the College of Forestry in 1995 with a bachelor’s of science in forest management, and has over 20 years of forestry and professional experience spending the majority of his career working for self-governance Tribes. He spent 18 years with his own Tribe at Grand Ronde as a Forester, Natural Resources Director, and Deputy Executive Officer. He also served as the Tribal Administrator for the United Auburn Tribe, and as the Natural Resources Director for the Coquille Indian Tribe. His federal career began in 2016 as the Chief Forester, Division of Forestry and Wildland Fire Management for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is within the Department of the Interior and responsible for the administration and management of more than 55 million acres held in trust status on behalf of Native American Tribes by the federal government. The bureau serves all 567 federally recognized Tribes in the nation. Pete also served as the Mark O. Hatfield Fellow in the office of Oregon Senator Ron Wyden in Washington D.C.

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