Dr. Becky Crandall is an Adult and Higher Education Professor of Practice at the College of Education, CrossFit enthusiast, and Portland Thorns fan.

What led you to Oregon State University, and how long have you worked for the College of Education?

“I was excited to join the College of Education in June 2021. Three things drew me to Oregon State University: the amazing people who comprise the OSU community, the ways in which the position and the College’s values align with what I believe to be my life’s purpose, and Oregon as a place where I had wanted to plant my life.”

Dr. Becky Crandall (left) with Dean Susan Gardner; Dr. Tenisha Tevis, Assistant Professor of AHE; President Becky Johnson and her wife, Laurie Elkins.

What kind of research do you do? Can you give us the “elevator pitch” of a current or recent project?

“My scholarly approaches are hallmarked by a commitment to equity and supporting student populations such as intercollegiate athletes, LGBTQ+ students, and graduate students in higher education and student affairs programs. For example, two colleagues and I recently had a manuscript accepted that highlights senior student affairs officers’ perspectives of social justice education within higher education graduate preparation programs. Other colleagues and I are currently developing a study that will explore the experiences of LGBTQ+ student-athletes at religious institutions. For the past five years, I have also engaged in campus climate assessment projects alongside my colleagues at Rankin and Associates Consulting, LLC, a company that aids educational institutions in making data-informed decisions toward maximizing equity.”

What made you decide to engage in that kind of research/work?

close to two decades of postsecondary leadership experience, I consider myself a “scholar-practitioner.” In many ways, that work, namely the inequities I saw manifest at the various institutions at which I served, prompted me to engage in this kind of scholarship.”

Dr. Becky Crandall enjoys dirt biking in her free time.

What is your favorite part about your job?

“I love getting to engage with and learn from my colleagues and the wonderful AHE students!”

What do you like to do in your free time, outside of work?

“In my free time, I enjoy CrossFit, cheering on the Portland Thorns, and spending quality time with my close friends.”

Dr. Becky Crandall enjoys CrossFit in her free time.

If you are interested in being featured in a “Get to Know” faculty feature story, contact maia.farris@oregonstate.edu.

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