Archive of Fall 2020 Coastal Woodland Webinar

Class 1 (September 10): Getting to know your property: trees and forests to know on the Oregon Coast

Video recording of Class 1 click here (This is a large media file and might take a while to download)

Homework and Follow-up from Class 1: 

Follow-up for Week 1 class:

Just for fun:

  • Select a tree on your woodland and see if you can “key it out” using the online dichotomous key:
  • Try out a free plant identification app on your smart phone (PlantSnap, Plantnet are a few examples) compare the result with the online key.

Prework for next class:

  • Complete the My Stewardship values exercise ( this link has been corrected)

If you are interested in creating a management plan for your woodland:

  • Read Management Planning for Woodland Owners: Why and How

Class 2 (September 17): Getting to know your property: assessing your site and your goals

Video recording of Class 2 click here

Follow-up from Class 2:

Check out the digital resources

Pre-work for next class:

Wildlife in Managed Forests:

Introduction to Wildlife on Private Lands: view the video here

Know Your Forests, wildlife page:

Class 3 ( September 24): What’s going on in your woods: wildlife use of forests

Video recording of Class 3 click here

Homework and Follow-up from Class 3:

Check out the digital resources:

Read an article on incorporating fish and wildlife into management planning: :

Pre-work for next class:

Explore the 2019 Aerial Survey story map:

Story maps show geographic data with photos and information. The Aerial survey story map represents forest health detections across Oregon and Washington and provides background information on the various forest health issues.  As you scroll down this story map, you will be able to view photos and descriptions of each forest health issue with an associated detection map. Find your general location on the map to see what specific insects and diseases (and other damage agents) that are causing tree mortality and damage in your area.

Read a short article: A healthy forest is no accident

Drought maps: Drought makes forests more susceptible to insects and disease, check out the drought maps (note you can look at historic time periods)

Class 4 (October 1): What’s going on in your woods: forest health

Video recording of Class 4 available here

Homework and Follow-up from Class 4:

References to drill down further

Forest Health Highlights in Oregon – 2019.  Detailed summary of forest issues in Oregon

Sudden Oak Death Dashboard. This sites maps detections and treatment areas in Curry County:

Sudden Oak Death Prevention, Recognition and Restoration. A guide for homeowners, small woodland owners, resource managers, conservation groups:

Post class homework

Forest health detective

  1. Do you have any examples of dead and dying trees on your property?
  2. Describe the setting.
  3. Slope, aspect, is the tree in dense forests, on the edge?
  4. Describe the species, and general size (diameter and height).
  5. Describe the symptoms.
  6. Is/are the tree(s) completely dead?
  7. Describe any symptoms on foliage/needles.
  8. Describe any symptoms on trunk/base of tree.
  9. Using what you learned in class, do you have any preliminary thoughts on what is causing the symptoms?
  10. Any other observations?

Read up on the Don’t Move Fire Wood campaign and learn how you can help prevent unknowingly spreading invasive pests.

Class 5 (October 8): Taking care of your woods: management techniques including planting, weed control

Video recording of class 5 available: here

Pre-work for class:

Check out and download, if you desire, some handy resources:

The Care and Planting of Tree Seedlings on Your Woodland

Successful Reforestation: An Overview

Oregon’s Forest Protection Laws : An Illustrated Manual

Homework and Follow-up from Class 5:

Vegetation management resources

PNW Weed Management Handbook (Section M. Forestry and Hybrid Cottonwoods):

Choosing the right service provider for your family forest: Chemical Applicator:

Introduction to Conifer Release:

National pesticide information center:

Invasive species in forest lands publication series: English Ivy, blackberry, gorse, scotch broom and many more!

English Ivy:



Scotch broom:

Class 6 (October 15): Taking care of your woods: tending you woods, thinning and marketing wood.

Video recording of Class 6 here

Prework for class:

Check out the Oregon Forest Resources Institute page on Harvesting Trees, at the end of the article are three videos that show different harvest methods: here

and logging and selling timber: here

Homework and Follow-up from Class 6:

Here is a publication on managing Competition and density in Woodland Stands. It has density guides for various species:

An interesting article on variable density thinning:

Read about a case study that describes one family’s experience using active management to convert a mature, even-aged stand to a multiaged stand in this article “Two-aged to Multi-aged Stand Management in the Coast Range”

We talked a about the D+ rule for thinning. If you would like to view a Washington State University Extension handout that provides these guides, go to their site and in the search directory type “D+ rule”. This will direct your to a downloadable PDF. or you can email us and we will send you the PDF as an email attachment.

We talked a lot about the importance of selecting a logger carefully, here is a publication that will help you do that:

We also discussed the concept of hiring a consulting forester to manage all or part of the timber sale process, here is a publication on that subject:

Contracts! Can’t emphasize how important this step is, of course we have a publication on that:

Small scale harvesting for woodland owners publication (this is a more in depth discussion of what we discussed in class):

OSU extension has a small spiral bound book available for purchase called Harvesting and Selling Timber (Unfortunately not available in PDF format for downloading). Here is the link if you want to check it out:

Class 7 (October 22): Getting it done: laws and regulations, fire preparedness

Video recording of Class 7: here

Follow-up from Class 7:

Defensible space/wildfire resources

Check out your County’s Community Wildfire Plan here.

Check out this classic ember storm video (this video demonstrates vulnerabilities of a typical home): here

Landowner assistance programs

Certification Programs