All posts by Peter LaMontagne

Reftool Groups Update – 11/16

Reftool will be updated today, 11/16, with a new Azure Groups feature.

Azure Groups Overview

Previously, RefTool would query the local domain controller for user groups. This would return many groups, but would often miss groups that were only in Azure or on a different domain controller. Querying Azure instead solves this issue and gives more information on each group, such as the specific on-premise domain it’s from, the description, and the type of group it is. Some examples of groups only in Azure are Microsoft Teams teams and some administrative groups.

User Interface Changes

The previous group display, located in the “Account Details” block, has been removed. A users groups will now display at the bottom of their user page. A “Jump to User Groups” button has been added to the “Account Details” block to allow you to quickly jump to the new groups display.

This screenshot shows the new “Jump to User Groups” button and shows how the old groups display is no longer there

The Azure Groups block itself is a simple table of information for all of a users groups. The following are some specifics about the table:

  • You can sort the “Group Name” and “Group Source” columns by clocking their headers
  • “Group Source” shows you which on-premise domain controller the user group was synced from or if it is a group only in Azure
  • The copy button will only copy the group name. Copying the DN is not possible
  • There is a “Get Nested Groups” button below the table that allows you to see groups that a user’s groups are members of. This feature is only recommended for advanced users
  • Groups are not instantly synced to Azure. The bottom left of RefTool shows the last sync time. Additionally, there are some cases where certain groups are not synced to Azure
Screenshot of the new groups display

Please contact OSU TeamDynamix Support with any questions or feedback.

Reftool UI update 9/27

RefTool is scheduled to update Monday, September 27th, at 8:30 PM. Below are some changes included in this update

Search Interface Improvements

The user interface for RefTool search has been simplified to better show all the options and tools available to the user. Please note that no functionality was removed, but it may be in a different location. One key difference is that department search is now hidden until you click the “Search Options” button.

The search page after clicking the “Search Options” button

Smaller Improvements

The following changes were also made:

  • Now, searching a se- account as an email address (like will return a result, even if that is not actually a working email address
  • You can now right click -> open in new tab (or middle click) a search result to open it in a new tab
  • RefTool now looks much better on mobile phone and tablets
  • Bug fixes to group names, link editor,

Adobe Licensing Changes

This week, changes were made to the Adobe licensing process. These changes apply to individual (also known as “named user”) licenses for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Licensing Process Changes:

Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Creative Cloud licenses are now controlled by two grouper groups, adobeAcrobat and adobeCreativeCloud, respectively. These grouper groups are the source of truth for Adobe licenses. Any license additions/removals should be made there, and will need to be done by an admin or the Software Licensing Coordinator.

Membership will be synced to the Adobe console at least once a day in the morning. This sync is what will actually grant the user the license, so depending on when they were added to the grouper group, the change could take a while to process. In an urgent situation, an Adobe admin can grant a user a license in the Adobe Console (as long as they also grant grouper group membership).

Acrobat Licensing:

Employees are now automatically granted Adobe Acrobat named user licenses. Specifically, the licenses go to people in the following three groups

  • Employees – Classified
  • Employees – Unclassified
  • TS – Temporary Support Staff

Users with a Creative Cloud license are excluded, as Acrobat is included in Creative Cloud.

These licenses are used to install Acrobat on personal devices. The license is not required to use the serialized Acrobat that is installed by default on CX supported computers.

Creative Cloud Automated Licesning:

The TDx form Software – Adobe Creative Cloud License Request can still be used by customers to request a Creative Cloud license. If they request a license for themselves and provide a valid index & activity code, their request will be automatically processed and they will be granted a license within minutes. Otherwise, the ticket will be sent to the Software Licensing Coordinator for manual processing.

RefTool Service Offerings Changes:

You can now see a customers Adobe licenses in the Service Offerings block in RefTool. See below for an example of someone who has a Creative Cloud license. This is controlled by grouper group membership, so there could be a delay between Reftool showing that a user has access and that access actually being granted in the Adobe console.

Please contact OSU TeamDynamix Support with any questions.