Friday, September 9, 2016

Poster Award Winners

 Postdoc/Trainee: Rodrigo Goncalves,  Functional characterization of chromo domain proteins  
 Grad student:  Martin Pearce,  Targeting therapy resistant cancer through the Bcl-2 family of proteins  
 Undergrad student:  Madeleine Duquette & Anna Co,  P. sojae revertants: return of the virulence


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
  Moderator: David Maddison, Integrative Biology
9:25Stephanie Yarwood, University of Maryland
Are Urban Centers leading to Microbial Biodiversity Loss?
10:10Carol Mallory-Smith,  Crop & Soil Science 
National Academies Report:Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects
10:35Break (Poster & sponsor setup / displays)
11:00Chrissa Kioussi, College of Pharmacy  
Myopathies and Metabolic Syndrome
11:25Susan Tilton, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
Role of miRNAs in pulmonary inflammation associated with diet and smoking
11:50Laura Kubatko, Ohio State University
Genome-scale Evolutionary Inference using Site Pattern Frequencies
12:35Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Kathy Magnusson, Biomedical Sciences
1:50Michael Wing, Forest Engineering, Resources & Management 
Natural resource phenotyping with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) 
2:15Fuxin Li, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Object Recognition and Semantic Segmentation in the Deep Learning Era
2:40George Perry, University of Texas, San Antonio 
Role of Mitochondria in the Oxidative Stress of Alzheimer Disease
3:25Break (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
3:50Jim Strother, Integrative Biology
Unraveling neural circuits using genetically encoded probes   
4:15Patrick Chappell, Biomedical Sciences 
An in vitro exploration into the effects of estrogen and endocrine disruptors on neuroendocrine regulation of puberty and reproduction in females
4:40Roy Haggerty, Associate Vice President for Research, Office of Research
Closing remarks
5:00 – 7:30Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

Thank you to our conference committee:

David Maddison, Integrative Biology
Kathy Magnusson, Biomedical Sciences
Steven Strauss, Forest Ecosystems & Society

Thank you to our sponsors:

Applied Biosystems
Pacific Biosciences
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