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Job/Internship of the Week  
Argronomist -Emerging Leader Program
DuPont Pioneer



DuPont Pioneer 2013 Emerging Leaders Program (ELP): The DuPont Pioneer Emerging Leaders Program offers job training and targeted career development for selected college graduates and other strong talent through wide exposure and high-touch experiences in the DuPont Pioneer business. It is designed to provide Emerging Leaders with the necessary knowledge, experience and skills to fill future leadership positions within DuPont Pioneer. The Program is designed to span 12 – 24 months of actual job assignment. Assignments will primarily relate to seed production and will have responsibilities including but not limited to grower relations, contracting, parent seed allocation, field inspections, harvest, bin sampling, receiving, conditioning, packaging, warehousing and distribution. The Emerging Leader will manage and coordinate assigned projects according to the needs of the Business Unit or Location. These work assignments may include: Production, Sales, Marketing, Sales Training and Development, Research, and Supply Chain. The Emerging Leaders Program is designed to span 12-24 months of actual job assignment, and the Emerging Leader will be encouraged to apply for open positions within the company once they move closer to completion of the program. The 2013 ELP position locations may include production locations in Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, Washington and other locations across North America. Emerging Leaders must be willing to relocate as necessary.


Position Type: Permanent Full-Time
Desired Major(s): College of Business, College of Agricultural Science
Desired Class Level(s): Post Baccalaureate, Senior
Job Function: Agriculture/Natural Resources/Environment
Qualifications: Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Agronomy, Business, Marketing, or related field with a broad interest in the agriculture industry.


Day 21:


OSU students and alumni have the opportunity to meet representatives from a variety of companies with diverse hiring needs and representing a diverse number of industries.  You just might be the perfect match for the company.  You won’t know unless you attend the career fair with your best foot forward and find out what those hiring needs are.