Category: Uncategorized

  • From Coders Block to Confidence Boosts: My Website Security Adventure

    Technology and personal growth – the perfect combo, right? I am just wrapping up a website project focused on cybersecurity, and let’s just say it’s been a wild ride. It was all about challenges, surprises, and upgrading my skills. So, if you’re ready for some real talk about confusing code, unexpected lessons, and the occasional…

  • Tech Reflections: From Complexity to Clarity

    In this ever-evolving landscape of software development, each technology we choose to use offers its own set of challenges and rewards. This journey, filled with trials and tribulations, shapes our skills and preferences. Here, I will give a personal reflection on the technologies that have marked my journey, highlighting favorites, least favorites, and the valuable…

  • My Journey in Cybersecurity and Teamwork

    Embracing the Challenge of Project Design In our cybersecurity project, we’ve embarked on a unique challenge: understanding website security by examining what makes a site insecure. As newcomers to project design, my team and I are learning on the go, creating documentation that will pave our path to success in this class. It’s intriguing to…

  • “Mountains, Marathons, and Machines: Living the Oregon Tech Life”

    Introduction Hey there! I’m Lucas…or Luke, depending on when you met me. I went by Luke until I moved to Oregon after high school. For some reason, folks here preferred Lucas, and who was I to argue? So, Luke is pre-Oregon, Lucas is post-Oregon. Just don’t use a ‘K,’ that’s strictly reserved for Luke… just…