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Breakthroughs in Science

Archive for the ‘Zoology’ Category

Terra: A World of Research and Creativity at OSU

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

At the right of this page, you’ll see a few hotlinks to sites that might also be of interest, including Terra, OSU’s research magazine. It’s excellent.  One of the features of the Winter 2008 issue cites new funding from Oregon SeaGrant to support OSU scientists in the Departments of Zoology and Geoscience, who have documented a slow but steady takeover of […]

What to ants and juicy berries have in common, you ask?

Friday, January 18th, 2008

Dr. George Poinar, Jr., a member of our Department of Zoology, has come out with this answer, circulating today. George is known as the world’s authority on the nematodes that parasitize insects. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2008/01/16_ants.shtml Our Department of Zoology was ranked sixth in the nation in the last report by the Chronicle of Higher Education.