Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #3

    Hello! For this blog update, I mostly want to talk about spawning in objects. So previously, my natural forest objects would randomly spawn on my scene within set bounds… however, they would randomly spawn wherever at will, which means that they could potentially (and DID) spawn on TOP OF EACH OTHER! Well… For a simulated…

  • Blog Post #2 Winter 2023

    The technologies I’m learning include Rapier. Rapier is a collection of crates written in the rust language. It is intended for game development, and can be used to add colliders or physics to objects. I’m trying to learn to use it to add colliders to each my of gltf assets (or each of the different…

  • Blog Post #1 (winter 2023)

    Prompt: What is one thing from the articles that you would like to start doing (more often), and why? What is one thing you want to avoid doing and why? The article I read on clean code is: I really liked this article. It explained that clean code is easy to understand and maintain,…

  • Blog Post #3

    Hello, welcome back to Brandi Cook’s Amazing Bevy Blog Serious (title in progress). I’d say over the the course of the last two weeks I’ve been somewhat successful. As of last blog post, I hadn’t really gotten set up/working hand on with Bevy yet. However, by now, I have started to generate and actually create…

  • Epic Blog Post #2

    Hello! It’s ya boi, Brandi Cook, back at it again here to bring you yet another epic and cool blog post (don’t forget to hit that like and reblog button, helps my blog ). Well, more or less. Here’s my project progress so far. So my group and I are going to pretty much be…

  • Blog Post #1!

    Welcome to my my blog! This is my first ever blog post. My name is Brandi Cook, and I plan on becoming a game developer after graduating Oregon State. I currently live in central Texas (so CST), but I plan on moving back to the west coast ASAP! I love Oregon!! I have 3 kitties:…