Annual Graduate Student Review

Graduate students enrolled in the Department will be reviewed by their major professor (or temporary advisor), annually, during fall term. The purpose of this review is to help both student and major professor stay informed and on track with a student’s degree progress. A standard evaluation form (see example below) is to be completed by each major professor with “Completed,” “Scheduled,” or “Anticipated” dates provided in the “Milestone” category. The professor also will provide written comments on progress made and goals for the upcoming year. These comments should accurately reflect the activities of the student in the previous year. Major professors are encouraged to use this annual evaluation as a written benchmark to show that the student is making satisfactory progress toward degree completion. Major professors are encouraged to involve the student in providing specifics on progress made as well as the goals for the upcoming year.

Major professors must provide a copy of the review to the student and then should arrange a time to discuss its content. Students are required to sign the completed review and may append their own comments if they choose. Students should feel free to discuss concerns they may have with the review, or other matters concerning their graduate program, with any of the following; their major professor, the Recruiting and Admissions Committee (or its chairperson), individual members of their program committee, or the department chairperson. In special instances, the department chairperson may refer the student to the Dean of the Graduate School for assistance; e.g., when individuals outside the Department are involved.

The Recruiting and Admissions Committee will monitor the completion of annual reviews. This committee will seek assistance from the department chairperson if concerns arise with either student progress or faculty mentoring.

Graduate students seeking to change their major professor or the type of degree are encouraged to seek counsel from their current advisor, a member of the graduate studies committee, or the department chairperson.

Policy adopted by vote of professorial faculty on 6 June 1996.



Graduate Student Review

Graduate Student’s Name

Department of Botany & Plant Pathology Degree Program

Date Entered Program

Expected completion Date


Major Professor’s Comments: (continue on separate page)

Progress made:






Goals for up-coming year:





Milestone Circle one Date

Coursework Completed / Anticipated

Program filed with Grad School Completed / Scheduled / Anticipated

Teaching (Ph.D. only) Completed / Scheduled / Anticipated

Written Exam (Ph.D. only) Completed / Scheduled / Anticipated

Oral Exam Completed / Scheduled / Anticipated

Thesis Proposal Seminar Completed / Scheduled / Anticipated

Thesis Completed / Scheduled / Anticipated

Seminar Completed / Scheduled / Anticipated


Signed Date



Graduate Student’s endorsement:

I have reviewed the Review with my major professor and understand that I may, at my option, discuss the evaluative statements with the Graduate Studies committee. I understand further that I may enter into my personnel record file as an attachment to this review such comments, explanations or rebuttals as I may wish.


Signed Date