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Nov 25, 2012

A Brief History

This is my third blog and like the others, this one is about motorcycles. The first blogs talked about two 1967 Triumph motorcycles. Each one a hopeless, non-running basket case. In the same year, I acquired two vintage bikes of the same make and same year, and after some time, both were built from junk into treasures. If you are an avid reader of mine, you noticed the final chapters of the second blog stopped dealing with the Triumph at hand, and began to focus on my preparation for going dirt track racing. I will now move those chapters to this blog and put a proper ending on the The Tale of Two Triumphs.

The intent of these chapters is to chronicle my preparation of a vintage motorcycle, turning it into a period-correct, ready to race, flat track dirt racer, to air my fears and celebrate any successes as I take to the track – just as I dreamed of doing more than 40 years ago.

While there are details in the chapters, a pictorial summary is below:




Some acknowledgements: ‘Bikes in the Dirt’ is a song written by my stepson twenty years ago when he was four. The title is used here with his permission. The two photographs in the header are not of me. On the left is my wife sitting on the 1973 Yamaha DT3 which is the bones of this blog’s race bike, also used with permission. The picture on the right is Nicky Hayden demonstrating his skill of piloting a race bike on a dirt track – the level of skill I will never possess, but with practice?

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