
OSU College of Pharmacy Aids in the Oregon COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts

OSU College of Pharmacy faculty and students, researchers and alumni are aiding nationwide in the effort to distribute and administer COVID-19 vaccines. Many students are assisting with the vaccination efforts through rotation locations, internship opportunities, and even volunteering at local immunization clinics. Dr. Shannon Starwalt, Interim Director for Experiential Education says, “The College of Pharmacy is acutely aware of the immediate and essential role that pharmacists and pharmacy students will have in addressing the immunization needs of our state in this global pandemic. We are moving forward with innovative plans to leverage current pharmacy partnerships and provide an opportunity for students to assist in the immunization effort while simultaneously meeting the educational mission and outcomes of the Doctor of Pharmacy program.”

OSU College of Pharmacy faculty is integrating COVID-19 materials into our current pharmacy student curriculum this term in multiple courses. Faculty are working hard to prepare students to enter the healthcare profession with knowledge of the disease through signs/symptoms, immunology, immunopathology, a full understanding of all vaccines, and the virus from a public health standpoint.