
OSU/OHSU College of Pharmacy Students Place Second in National ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Competition

Dr. Harleen Singh, with Alex Boyd (P4), Manuela Pop (P4)
and Jennifer Lee (P4)

OSU/OHSU College of Pharmacy’s P4 students Alex Boyd, Manuela Pop, and Jennifer Lee took second place in the 7th annual American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Clinical Pharmacy Challenge in Hollywood, Florida on Monday, October 24, 2016. From the initial field of 112 teams, representing pharmacy schools from across the nation, OSU/OHSU College of Pharmacy students advanced to the final round to face East Tennessee State University, College of Pharmacy to compete in a “quiz-bowl” type competition comprised of trivia-lightning, clinical case, and jeopardy-style items. Both teams where virtually tied for much of the competition however the team from East Tennessee State University gained the lead during the clinical case section, putting them in first place. OSU/OHSU College of Pharmacy students won second place in the overall national competition. Congratulations to our competitors!