Learn pruning basics on 10-year old apple, plum and pear trees trained in open vase shape on semi-dwarf root stock. We will have some hand tools available. Optional: Bring gloves, hand clippers. Wear weather appropriate clothing (rainwear, boots – long grass in orchard). Please be ready to wear a mask if social distancing is difficult during demonstrations.
Led by Meleah Ashford and Jennifer Klammer
Containers needed: BCMGA is putting together a display garden at the fairgrounds to show various types of edible vegetables, flowers and herbs that can be grown in containers. We are looking for large (18” or larger) decorative pots for the garden, preferably ceramic or terra cotta. If you have any extra pots that you can donate, please send a photo of the pots and an indication of size to Denise Saunders at vdenisesaunders@comcast.net
Volunteers needed
Call For Applications: Cohort II of the Master Gardener JEDI Task Force
JEDI stands for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity. Sometimes, we call ourselves the DEI Task Force.
Sometimes, we call ourselves the JEDI Task Force, because frankly, the word ‘JEDI’ is both more representative
of what we are trying to do, and is also more fun to say.
Applications for the second cohort of Master Gardener JEDI Task Force Members are now being accepted.
BCMG Greenhouse Help: It’s time to begin growing veggies in the greenhouse at Philomath High School for the annual plant sale on May 7. Enroll HERE.
Presentation:Corvallis CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) in Corvallis, Oregon is seeking a presentation for a group of volunteers that are interested in learning more about gardening, non-invasive species, native plants and more, as part of emergency response! If interested, please contact Elizabeth Records.
Office Plant Clinic sign ups open: The office is open to the public as of January 2022, and volunteers can sign up for plant clinic shifts as desired, to answer client questions or practice skills. Desk is open for solo volunteers, or grab our ipad and mini microscopes and work in the conference room with a friend. Sign up HERE.
BEEvent – save the date: Sat. March 5, 2022. Learn more & sign up February 2022 at linnmastergardeners.com
Consider This, Oregon Humanities: Join us on March 10, 2022 for an online conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss. Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. This program will be streamed live at 5:00 p.m. Pacific on YouTube. RSVP for this free program.
New! OSU Extension Master Gardeners announce 2022 Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series schedule It’s a new year and a new slate of free online learning webinars with Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series. Whether you want to learn how to finally be better with your irrigation, understand if cleaning up leaves in the fall is really good or not so good for the insects in the garden, or get excited for all things roses, there’s a class for you. March 8: Local Beauties: Native Plants for Ecologically Enhanced Gardens and Landscapes with Nikkie West, Kathryn Prive and Rick Martinson
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
Do you have an edible garden? Consider being a host on the Edible Garden Tour. Please respond to this survey if interested: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7FTPKW9
Office Plant Clinic sign ups open: The office is open to the public as of January 2022, and volunteers can sign up for plant clinic shifts as desired, to answer client questions or practice skills. Desk is open for solo volunteers, or grab our ipad and mini miscroscopes and work in the conference room with a friend. Sign up HERE.
BEEvent – save the date: Sat. March 5, 2022. Learn more & sign up February 2022 at linnmastergardeners.com
Consider This, Oregon Humanities: Join us on March 10, 2022 for an online conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss. Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. This program will be streamed live at 5:00 p.m. Pacific on YouTube. RSVP for this free program.
New! OSU Extension Master Gardeners announce 2022 Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series schedule It’s a new year and a new slate of free online learning webinars with Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series. Whether you want to learn how to finally be better with your irrigation, understand if cleaning up leaves in the fall is really good or not so good for the insects in the garden, or get excited for all things roses, there’s a class for you. This year’s schedule:
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
LCMGA Board Meetings Time: Feb 1, 2022 01:00 PM on Zoom. See your email for a reminder with link the morning of the meeting!
BEEvent – save the date: Sat. March 5, 2022. Learn more & sign up February 2022 at linnmastergardeners.com
Continuing education opportunities:
Consider This, Oregon Humanities: Join us on March 10, 2022 for an online conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss. Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. This program will be streamed live at 5:00 p.m. Pacific on YouTube. RSVP for this free program.
New! OSU Extension Master Gardeners announce 2022 Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series schedule It’s a new year and a new slate of free online learning webinars with Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series. Whether you want to learn how to finally be better with your irrigation, understand if cleaning up leaves in the fall is really good or not so good for the insects in the garden, or get excited for all things roses, there’s a class for you. This year’s schedule:
We have a full class of applicants for 2022! Thanks to everyone who joined us for Master Gardener Meet & Greets! We have a great group of applicants and you showed them why Master Gardener is important to you!
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
More than just soil amendments! We also offer a wide selection of propagation supplies, organic pest controls, cover crop seeds, and poultry/livestock supplies.
Order with us to get bulk pricing and save on freight charges. We’ll group your order with those of other local farmers and gardeners so we all share in the savings. Proceeds help support Ten Rivers Food Web.
You’re invited: MGV 2022 Applicant Meet & Greets! This is a good opportunity to meet potential trainees, learn about their interests, and share what you enjoy about volunteering as a Master Gardener. A link to meetings will be in eNews.
Tue 1/18/2022 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Wed 1/19/2022 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Thu 1/20/2022 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Sat 1/22/2022 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Continuing education opportunities: Events with Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss. Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. To get continuing education for either event, please share how what you learned is meaningful in the context of your service as a Master Gardener.
From Consider This, Oregon Humanities: Join us on March 10, 2022 for an online conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss. Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. This program will be streamed live at 5:00 p.m. Pacific on YouTube. RSVP for this free program. (LINK WAS BROKEN IN ENEWS BUT IS FIXED HERE.)
Lecture: Women as change agents in forestry. Speaker: Robin Wall Kimmerer, Plant Ecology, Ethnobotany, Traditional Indigenous Knowledge. Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 7:00pm, La Sells Stewart Center, Austin Auditorium. Registration required: Please register here. Please note: To reduce the risk or spread of COVID-19, you will need to provide proof of COVID vaccination or a negative test result within the previous three days of the event to attend. An OSU representative will check your vaccination status or review your negative test result upon your arrival at the event. Further information can be accessed at https://beav.es/U4a.
Volunteers needed
Office Plant Clinic sign ups open: The office is open to the public as of January 2022, and volunteers can sign up for plant clinic shifts as desired, to answer client questions or practice skills. Desk is open for solo volunteers, or grab our ipad and mini miscroscopes and work in the conference room with a friend. Sign up HERE.
Continuing education: It’s winter and most live events are on holiday. Take some ‘you time’ to learn something new in our huge library of recorded webinars.
Kick-off Meeting for the 2022 Benton County Fairgrounds Demonstration Garden. If you are interested in being part of a fun and fulfilling community gardening project, please join us on Zoom on Monday, January 24 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. for the 2022 kick-off meeting. See eNews for information on joining the meeting. Please contact Denise Saunders at vdenisesaunders (at) comcast.net or Dan Dix at DDIX (at) verizon.net for the more information.
Community Gardening Education Team contact update: Hello all! In an effort to streamline communications we’ve created a CGET Committee email address. We’d like to get the word out that starting immediately if you have a request for CGET or want to correspond with the CGET Committee we’d appreciate the email correspondence to be directed to CGET.BentonMG (at) gmail.com. As co-chairs we will be monitoring this email regularly and will respond to requests as soon as we can. Thank you, Cheryl Stratton, Kandi Maestri and Wendi Gale, CGET Committee Co-Chairs
Extension updates:
We have a full class of applicants for 2022 but are inviting people to join the wait list until 1/15.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
2022 Soil Amendment Sale Now Open!
More than just soil amendments! We also offer a wide selection of propagation supplies, organic pest controls, cover crop seeds, and poultry/livestock supplies.
Order with us to get bulk pricing and save on freight charges. We’ll group your order with those of other local farmers and gardeners so we all share in the savings. Proceeds help support Ten Rivers Food Web.
BEEvent – save the date: Sat. March 5, 2022. Learn more & sign up February 2022 at linnmastergardeners.com
Movie and Discussion: The Ants and the Grasshopper, and a climate change discussion for gardeners with Vivek Shandas. Join us for the 40th anniversary of OSU’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, when we will gather virtually to reflect upon environmental justice as a component to achieving social justice. We will watch the documentary that chronicles Anita Chitaya’s story, “The Ants and the Grasshopper”. Afterward, stay for a live discussion with Dr. Vivek Shandas about climate change effects on vulnerable communities, the intersection of climate change and social justice, and what role gardeners can play to promote healthier living environments for all.
When: Monday, January 17, 2022, 6pm movie, 7:15 pm discussion
Heather Stoven on Biological Pesticides. January BCMGA Association Meeting 2022 (Open to the public) Monday Jan 24. Join guest speaker Heather Stoven. Heather will give a presentation about “biological pesticides”. While something like rotenone has been around forever, there are new agents involving plant extracts, bacterial cultures, etc., that are becoming available to farmers and home gardeners in recent years, offering an alternative to synthetic chemical pesticides. Zoom in to learn more about these new developments and about uses and limitations.
Register in advance for this meeting HERE. After registering, will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Continuing education: It’s winter and most live events are on holiday. Take some ‘you time’ to learn something new in our huge library of recorded webinars.
Master Gardeners join 40th anniversary of OSU’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service exploring the intersection of climate change and social justice. How will you use your day of service? Read the whole article HERE.
We have a full class of applicants for 2022 but are inviting people to join the wait list until 1/15.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
2022 Soil Amendment Sale Now Open!
More than just soil amendments! We also offer a wide selection of propagation supplies, organic pest controls, cover crop seeds, and poultry/livestock supplies.
Order with us to get bulk pricing and save on freight charges. We’ll group your order with those of other local farmers and gardeners so we all share in the savings. Proceeds help support Ten Rivers Food Web.
BCMGA BOARD MEETING: JAN 10, 2022, 3:00PM – 5:00PM. In person and Zoom options – see email for details
Movie and Discussion: The Ants and the Grasshopper, and a climate change discussion for gardeners with Vivek Shandas. Join us for the 40th anniversary of OSU’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, when we will gather virtually to reflect upon environmental justice as a component to achieving social justice. We will watch the documentary that chronicles Anita Chitaya’s story, “The Ants and the Grasshopper”. Afterward, stay for a live discussion with Dr. Vivek Shandas about climate change effects on vulnerable communities, the intersection of climate change and social justice, and what role gardeners can play to promote healthier living environments for all.
When: Monday, January 17, 2022, 6pm movie, 7:15 pm discussion
Returning soon – Winter In-person plant clinic. Solo shifts at the desk and shared shifts in the conference room will soon be available. Also seeking on-call volunteers to meet clients or pick up samples at the office as needed, by appointment. Please contact elizabeth.records@oregonstate.edu to get started. An official sign up will be published soon.
Staffing the booth at the Corvallis Farmers market is a fun way to talk to the community about gardening. Volunteers needed for Farmers Market Coordination: Please contact Debbie Lauer ifinterested. Please, we need your help in 2022!!!!
Continuing education: It’s winter and most live events are on holiday. Take some ‘you time’ to learn something new in our huge library of recorded webinars.
January Association Meeting 2022 (Open to the public) Monday Jan 24 Zoom link will be provided in your email. Join us for the first Association meeting of the year with guest speaker Heather Stoven. Heather will give a presentation about “biological pesticides”. While something like rotenone has been around forever, there are new agents involving plant extracts, bacterial cultures, etc., that are becoming available to farmers and home gardeners in recent years, offering an alternative to synthetic chemical pesticides. Zoom in to learn more about these new developments and about uses and limitations.
Extension updates:
We have a full class of applicants for 2022 but are inviting people to join the wait list until 1/15.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
2022 Soil Amendment Sale Now Open!
More than just soil amendments! We also offer a wide selection of propagation supplies, organic pest controls, cover crop seeds, and poultry/livestock supplies.
Order with us to get bulk pricing and save on freight charges. We’ll group your order with those of other local farmers and gardeners so we all share in the savings. Proceeds help support Ten Rivers Food Web.
DUES: Linn Master Gardener Association (LCMGA) did not collect dues at the end of 2020. The Board has voted to resume collecting dues. Please pay your $15 dues by December 31st. Dues paid or post marked after December 31st are $18. You can pay with a credit card at:- www.LinnMasterGardeners.com. Put in the dues amount or any amount you wish to donate to LCMGA. As you go through the process and near the end, you will see an option to pay “without” a PayPal account. To learn more about being listed in the LCMGA directory and other reminders please click here.
Holiday closures (and no eNews the weeks of 12/20 or 12/27): Christmas Day Observed 12/24, New Years Day Observed 12/31
Volunteers needed
NEW! Love to grow veggies? Master Gardener volunteers are needed to provide advice for participants of the Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge. Note: The sign up is only open to MGs at this time. Please do not share with the public-thanks!
Must be a current Oregon Master Gardener volunteer (or a Master Gardener representing a county demonstration/educational garden).
You will be mailed 5 seed packets free of charge (cilantro, green onions, kale, mesclun lettuce mix, zinnias) to plant.
Must agree to give feedback on your growing process and results at least once—but as often as you want—during the Challenge. Feedback could include suggestions, comments, challenges and solutions, stories, photos, drawings or videos that we can share with others (with or without your name). You will receive an invitation to join our private discussion group—just for Master Gardeners—which will have monthly prompts and requests for your feedback. Report your active time spent on this project as Master Gardener volunteer hours (report as ‘community science’).
Hope you are able to join in! Questions? please reach out to Brooke Edmunds, OSU Extension, brooke.edmunds@oregonstate.edu
Continuing education: It’s nearly winter and most live events are on holiday. Take some ‘you time’ to learn something new in our huge library of recorded webinars.
NEW webinar:Trauma-Informed College Teaching: Prepare, Respond, Restore by Jeff Kenney, Ph.D. Have you ever had a fellow MGV or client respond negatively or shut down seemingly out of the blue? Or had this experience yourself? Understanding how common trauma is and how it affects adult learners can help community educators like us to reach more people and reduce barriers to learning. Though this webinar was made for college instructors, most lessons are valuable for MGVs and volunteer Extension educators. I, Elizabeth, got a lot out of this and would really recommend it for MGVs who regularly teach others.
Beevent and Through the Garden Gate are tentatively scheduled for 2022, format still TBD. That’s great news!
Master Gardener applications for 2022 are open, with a new more flexible schedule and sliding scale pricing. About 36% of applicants so far are from Linn County! Know someone who is ready to step up as a gardening educator or plant clinic researcher? They can find more information and apply HERE. Applications are coming in fast – folks who apply sooner have a better chance of joining us next year.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
NEW! Staffing the booth at the Corvallis Farmers market is a fun way to talk to the community about gardening. Volunteers needed for Farmers Market Coordination: Please contact Debbie Lauer ifinterested. Please, we need your help in 2022!!!!
NEW! Love to grow veggies? Master Gardener volunteers are needed to provide advice for participants of the Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge. Note: The sign up is only open to MGs at this time. Please do not share with the public-thanks!
Must be a current Oregon Master Gardener volunteer (or a Master Gardener representing a county demonstration/educational garden).
You will be mailed 5 seed packets free of charge (cilantro, green onions, kale, mesclun lettuce mix, zinnias) to plant.
Must agree to give feedback on your growing process and results at least once—but as often as you want—during the Challenge. Feedback could include suggestions, comments, challenges and solutions, stories, photos, drawings or videos that we can share with others (with or without your name). You will receive an invitation to join our private discussion group—just for Master Gardeners—which will have monthly prompts and requests for your feedback. Report your active time spent on this project as Master Gardener volunteer hours (report as ‘community science’).
Hope you are able to join in! Questions? please reach out to Brooke Edmunds, OSU Extension, brooke.edmunds@oregonstate.edu
Winter In-person plant clinic. Solo shifts at the desk and shared shifts in the conference room are available by appointment. Also seeking on-call volunteers to meet clients or pick up samples from the office as needed, by appointment. Please contact elizabeth.records@oregonstate.edu to get started.
Continuing education: It’s nearly winter and most live events are on holiday. Take some ‘you time’ to learn something new in our huge library of recorded webinars.
Featured webinar:Trauma-Informed College Teaching: Prepare, Respond, RestoreJeff Kenney, Ph.D. Have you ever had a fellow MGV or client respond negatively or shut down seemingly out of the blue? Or had this experience yourself? Understanding how common trauma is and how it affects adult learners can help community educators like us to reach more people and reduce barriers to learning. Though this webinar was made for college instructors, most lessons are valuable for MGVs and volunteer Extension educators. I, Elizabeth, got a lot out of this and would really recommend it for MGVs who regularly teach others.
January Association Meeting 2022 (Open to the public) Monday Jan 24 Zoom link will be provided next month. Join us for the first Association meeting of the year with guest speaker Heather Stoven. Heather will give a presentation about “biological pesticides”. While something like rotenone has been around forever, there are new agents involving plant extracts, bacterial cultures, etc., that are becoming available to farmers and home gardeners in recent years, offering an alternative to synthetic chemical pesticides. Zoom in to learn more about these new developments and about uses and limitations.
Extension updates:
Holiday closures (and no eNews the weeks of 12/20 or 12/27):
Christmas Day Observed 12/24
New Years Day Observed 12/31
Master Gardener applications for 2022 are open, with a new more flexible schedule and sliding scale pricing. Know someone who is ready to step up as a gardening educator or plant clinic researcher? They can find more information and apply HERE. Applications are coming in fast – folks who apply sooner have a better chance of joining us next year.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
Please consider donating to the Growing Ancestral Roots fundraiser to support creating food equity and access to people of color through community gardens. You can learn more support this group HERE.
NEW! Love to grow veggies? Master Gardener volunteers are needed to provide advice for participants of the Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge. Note: The sign up is only open to MGs at this time. Please do not share with the public-thanks!
Must be a current Oregon Master Gardener volunteer (or a Master Gardener representing a county demonstration/educational garden).
You will be mailed 5 seed packets free of charge (cilantro, green onions, kale, mesclun lettuce mix, zinnias) to plant.
Must agree to give feedback on your growing process and results at least once—but as often as you want—during the Challenge. Feedback could include suggestions, comments, challenges and solutions, stories, photos, drawings or videos that we can share with others (with or without your name). You will receive an invitation to join our private discussion group—just for Master Gardeners—which will have monthly prompts and requests for your feedback. Report your active time spent on this project as Master Gardener volunteer hours (report as ‘community science’).
Hope you are able to join in! Questions? please reach out to Brooke Edmunds, OSU Extension, brooke.edmunds@oregonstate.edu
Continuing education: It’s nearly winter and most live events are on holiday. Take some ‘you time’ to learn something new in our huge library of recorded webinars.
NEW webinar:Trauma-Informed College Teaching: Prepare, Respond, RestoreJeff Kenney, Ph.D. Have you ever had a fellow MGV or client respond negatively or shut down seemingly out of the blue? Or had this experience yourself? Understanding how common trauma is and how it affects adult learners can help community educators like us to reach more people and reduce barriers to learning. Though this webinar was made for college instructors, most lessons are valuable for MGVs and volunteer Extension educators. I, Elizabeth, got a lot out of this and would really recommend it for MGVs who regularly teach others.
Beevent and Through the Garden Gate are tentatively scheduled for 2022, format still TBD. That’s great news!
DUES: Linn Master Gardener Association (LCMGA) did not collect dues at the end of 2020. The Board has voted to resume collecting dues. Please pay your $15 dues by December 31st. Dues paid or post marked after December 31st are $18. You can pay with a credit card at:- www.LinnMasterGardeners.com. Put in the dues amount or any amount you wish to donate to LCMGA. As you go through the process and near the end, you will see an option to pay “without” a PayPal account. To learn more about being listed in the LCMGA directory and other reminders please click here.
Extension updates:
Holiday closures (and no eNews the weeks of 12/20 or 12/27):
Christmas Day Observed 12/24
New Years Day Observed 12/31
Master Gardener applications for 2022 are open, with a new more flexible schedule and sliding scale pricing. Know someone who is ready to step up as a gardening educator or plant clinic researcher? They can find more information and apply HERE. Applications are coming in fast – folks who apply sooner have a better chance of joining us next year.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
Please consider donating to the Growing Ancestral Roots fundraiser to support creating food equity and access to people of color through community gardens. You can learn more support this group HERE.
OSU has an update about face coverings which doesn’t much change current MGV activities. Just note that for OSU sponsored activities held indoors, face coverings are still required even though State rules on outdoor face coverings have changed. You can read details HERE.
Volunteers needed
Things are pretty quiet right now but plant clinic is still getting regular questions. Now would be a great time to partner with Diane and Bobbye to explore how online plant clinic works.
Continuing education: It’s nearly winter and most live events are on holiday. Take a moment to learn something new in our huge library of recorded webinars.
Master Gardener applications for 2022 are open, with a new more flexible schedule and sliding scale pricing. Know someone who is ready to step up as a gardening educator or plant clinic researcher? They can find more information and apply HERE. Applications are coming in fast – folks who apply sooner have a better chance of joining us next year.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
Please consider donating to the Growing Ancestral Roots fundraiser to support creating food equity and access to people of color through community gardens. You can learn more support this group HERE.