MGV Project show and tell! Are you looking for a way to get better acquainted with fellow Master Gardeners while working on projects together, often safely outdoors? A way to serve your local community? Or have you wondered about all the committees that the Benton County Master Gardener Association has and what they do? Join us Monday evening, October 18, at 7:00 PM to hear a panel representing many of those committees, ask questions, and learn how you can join in their work. Following this discussion, we will elect new officers to serve the Association next year. Find a link to this event in your email!

  • Shout outs
    • Elect BCMGA board members for the next service year on October 18 at 7PM. Also attend for an overview of Master Gardener projects looking for volunteers, detailed above.


  • Past President–Deb Kern
  • President–Jana Tindall 
  • President Elect–Mary Mellard
  • Secretary (sharing position)–Cynthia Roler & Wendi Gale
  • Treasurer (sharing positions) Lynne Trimpe & Paula Lupcho
  • VP Programs—Janet Magedanz
  • At Large–Alan Taylor, Fred Prahal & Frank Garcia
  • It is just about three weeks until the close of the service year, on 10/31! Everyone who would like to participate in any volunteer activities in 2022, needs to re-enroll by reviewing Guide to Volunteering 2022 and completing annual program agreements. Everyone on this list should have received a DocuSign via email, or if requested, will soon receive a hard copy. Not sure about re-enrolling? Check out some common questions and answers. If you have questions not answered here please contact Elizabeth Records.
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for recurring events.
    • This week: – Plant propagation – donations and divisions. Many dates and times – drop in and sign up when you arrive. See full schedule.
    • Garden writing opportunity!  The BCMGA is looking for someone to prepare a monthly posting for the Neighborhood Plant Kiosk.  The posting generally relates to tasks to be completed in the garden for the following month (which can be found online) and generally takes approximately two hours to prepare.  Time preparing the post qualifies for volunteer service for certification purposes.  If interested, please contact Denise Saunders at or 541 760-0523.
    • Mountain View Elementary School Garden: The current emphasis is to get all students and teachers involved in the garden. A grade appropriate lesson in plant propagation is followed with the students planting in the garden. If possible, the lessons are scheduled so that the students can harvest before school is out in June. Fall crops can be harvested shortly after the September start of school, if that grade is still enrolled at the school. Please contact Glen Canning if you are interested.
    • Community Garden Action Team & Seed to Supper: Teaching hands-on gardening to underserved community members. Contact Judith Kenner if interested.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with $)
    • Happening now: Mason bee cocoon care workshops for the Willamette Valley are back this fall! Watch a fun instructional movie on your own schedule to learn how you can have three times as many bees through basic cocoon care. Then join a cocoon care Q&A to troubleshoot the pests and parasites that attack mason bees, along with emeritus entomologist Rich Little and the Linn MGV Pollinator Project members. Sign up for October Q&As.
    • New ($): “Gardening for Resilience”, the annual UVM Extension Master Gardener conference, will be held virtually on November 5-6, 2021, from 12-3:30 pm each day with recordings available to all registered participants. The conference is for everyone who loves to garden in Vermont and beyond. This year, an amazing lineup of speakers will teach about  indigenous agricultural practices and their application in today’s gardens, how mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant health, heirloom plant cultivation, food resiliency, and how to develop community connections through gardens. For a complete description of the education sessions and speaker backgrounds, and to register, click on this LINK.
    • Nov 9 @3:00 pm – 4:00 pm PST Online: Health Soils for Healthy People | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series
  • BCMGA updates are now found in the President’s mailings.
  • Extension updates.
    • Can Oregon Master Gardeners Answer Hemp or Cannabis Questions? This question comes up, repeatedly, throughout the year. If someone calls the Master Gardener help desk, or submits a question through the Ask an Expert Service, can Master Gardener volunteers provide advice or support for growing hemp or cannabis? The short answer is ‘no’. Read the post.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • None this week.

Dear Master Gardener Volunteers,

No eNews this week since there is not a lot of news to share! 

The new Guide to Volunteering is out – please take a look HERE.

Then check your email for directions and a DocuSign to re-enroll. Let me know what remaining questions you may have and thanks for continuing to volunteer! 

Things look a bit different but we’re still supporting our communities with garden education, donating produce to local food pantries, growing amazing gardens and more. I hope you’ll consider joining us. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about re-enrolling in Master Gardener Programs of Linn and Benton Counties.

Eilzabeth Records, Program Coordinator (interim)

Q: I haven’t done much with Master Gardeners lately. I might want to do a few activities next year but I am not sure. Should I re-enroll?

A: If you might want to receive the volunteer newsletters or volunteer at even one or two activities, please complete program agreements to re-enroll. 

Q: Does signing up obligate me to volunteer a certain amount of time? 

A: No. 

Q: Do I need to be certified to do projects like dig in the demo garden, grow plants or raise mason bees for sale, or other hand-on tasks? 

A:  No, to do strictly hands-on activities, you just need to re-enroll.

Q: Do I need to be certified to do projects like answering gardening questions, giving presentations, teaching classes or writing educational articles?

A: Yes, Master Gardener Volunteers need to be certified to volunteer as educators, unless they are trainees working on their first certification. The goal is for volunteers to keep on learning and providing the most updated information when teaching on behalf of Extension. If you were certified in 2019, there are no official service targets to remain certified at this time, but please log your service and continuing education hours so we can show stakeholders how much volunteers are still doing. Also, take advantage of the great continuing education options.

Q: I prefer in-person activities. What opportunities are available?

A: In-person events can be found in the Volunteer opportunities tabs at:

Q: I prefer distance activities, what opportunities are available? 

A: Online or distance events can be found in the Volunteer opportunities tabs at:

Q: I want to get involved with teaching 2022 trainees – how can I help?

A: Several MGV committees across counties will be helping with in-person, outdoor garden labs taught at demo gardens in spring of 2021. Other online and in person opportunities to collaborate with incoming volunteers will be available. Talk to committee chairs or your program coordinator to get involved.

Have more questions? Please contact interim coordinator Elizabeth Records:

541-730-3471 or

Need a badge? Order replacement MGV badges by 11:59 pm on 9/31/2021. To order CLICK HERE.
  • Program updates: In case you missed it earlier – OSU has updated guidelines regarding event planning, as shared by Statewide program coordinator Gail Langellotto in a recent update. The takeaway: in-person non-credit educational events can currently proceed without having to card participants, so long as participants register. Things can change, so offering hybrid events and/or having a virtual plan B would still be wise. If you are planning an event, get the latest information and more details on this important topic. – Elizabeth Records, interim coordinator
  • Shout outs
    • It is just about four weeks until the close of the service year!
      • Continuing volunteer? There are no official service targets to remain certified at this time, but please log your service and continuing education hours so we can show stakeholders how much volunteers are still doing. Also, take advantage of the great continuing education options.
      • 2nd year trainee? Please aim to complete 40 service hours, counting from winter 2020, by 10/31/21 if you would like to earn your first certification this year. Please aim for 50% plant clinic or direct service. Having challenges? Let’s talk – we can figure something out!
      • Everyone who would like to participate in any volunteer activities in 2022, needs to re-enroll by reviewing the soon-forthcoming Guide to Volunteering 2022 and completing annual program paperwork. This will be sent by DocuSign in early October, or can be completed as a hard copy and sent to the office. Look out for a post with full directions coming soon.
  • Calling all community scientists! Before you clean out your mason bee cocoons, please send a sample to the Pollinator Health Lab at OSU. We’re working to better understand some new exotic bees and bee pests and predators that have been recently introduced into Oregon. You can help! Take the Mason Bee Survey.
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for recurring events.
    • This week: 9/30/2021 10am-12pm. Perennial herb propagation. Sign up.
    • This week: – Plant propagation – donations and divisions. Many dates and times – drop in and sign up when you arrive. See full schedule.
    • Garden writing opportunity!  The BCMGA is looking for someone to prepare a monthly posting for the Neighborhood Plant Kiosk.  The posting generally relates to tasks to be completed in the garden for the following month (which can be found online) and generally takes approximately two hours to prepare.  Time preparing the post qualifies for volunteer service for certification purposes.  If interested, please contact Denise Saunders at or 541 760-0523.
    • Mountain View Elementary School Garden: The current emphasis is to get all students and teachers involved in the garden. A grade appropriate lesson in plant propagation is followed with the students planting in the garden. If possible, the lessons are scheduled so that the students can harvest before school is out in June. Fall crops can be harvested shortly after the September start of school, if that grade is still enrolled at the school. Please contact Glen Canning if you are interested.
    • Liaison to Sustainability Coalition: Attend Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Meetings, Quarterly meetings, Annual Town Hall meeting. Share information and activities related to sustainability between MG and Sustainability Coalition. Please contact Judith Kenner or Jennifer Klammer if interested.
    • Community Garden Action Team & Seed to Supper: Teaching hands-on gardening to underserved community members. Contact Judith Kenner if interested.
    • Central Park Committee Chair needed.  The chairperson is responsible for coordinating work parties, recruiting new committee members at committee fairs, interfacing with Corvallis Parks and Recreation, reporting committee activities to the BCMGA board, submitting an annual budget to BCMGA and approving expenditures from that budget, as well as storing committee owned tools.  Please contact Kathi Tucker if you are interested.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs)
    • This week: For the Love of Hummingbirds-Marion County Master Gardener Association Speaker Series. Be the guest of Brooke Edmunds and Marion County Master Gardener Association, Sep 30, 2021 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm PDT. No cost, registration required. Learn more and RSVP.
    • NewThe Introduction to Inclusive Excellence in Extension course supports members of the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension community in understanding OSU’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as Extension’s federal Civil Rights responsibilities, so they can be equipped to act in a manner that is consistent with OSU’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence. To register for this anytime course CLICK HERE.
  • BCMGA updates are now found in the President’s mailings.
  • Extension updates.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • OSU is currently recruiting candidates for two positions, with responsibilities to the Extension Master Gardener Program. Both positions are located on the Oregon Coast. The first is a Professional Faculty / Program Coordinator position in Newport, Oregon, serving the Lincoln County Small Farms and Master Gardener Programs. The second is a Staff / Educational Program Assistant Position in Gold Beach, Oregon, serving the Curry County Master Gardener Program. Anyone interested should contact Gail Langellotto.
MGVs check out the strawberry bed at the Laurs’ garden tour. Photo by Deb Kern. What’s going on your garden? Please share photos for this space.
  • Program updates: OSU has updated guidelines regarding event planning, as shared by Statewide program coordinator Gail Langellotto in a recent update. The takeaway: in-person non-credit educational events can currently proceed without having to card participants, so long as participants register. Things can change, so offering hybrid events and/or having a virtual plan B would still be wise. If you are planning an event, get the latest information and more details on this important topic. – Elizabeth Records, interim coordinator
  • Shout outs
    • Our office is open by appointment. Please schedule online through bookings or call our office at 541-713-5000, and sign in on arrival. Liz, Kelly and Yasmine thank you!
    • Need a badge? Order replacement MGV badges by 11:59 pm on 9/31/2021. To order CLICK HERE.
    • For the Love of Hummingbirds-Marion County Master Gardener Association Speaker Series. Be the guest of Brooke Edmunds and Marion County Master Gardener Association, Sep 30, 2021 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm PDT. No cost, registration required. Learn more and RSVP.
    • What are Zoom Garden Consults? Early results from the Oregon Master Gardener Needs Assessment show that clients are very interested in personalized consultations. For this pilot volunteer opportunity they would request an appointment with a Master Gardener for a Zoom visit to trouble shoot their garden concerns. You can always do more research and follow up. Zoom, email and internet are the only tech needed. If this interests you please contact Elizabeth.
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for recurring events.
    • NEW! Garden writing opportunity!  The BCMGA is looking for someone to prepare a monthly posting for the Neighborhood Plant Kiosk.  The posting generally relates to tasks to be completed in the garden for the following month (which can be found online) and generally takes approximately two hours to prepare.  Time preparing the post qualifies for volunteer service for certification purposes.  If interested, please contact Denise Saunders at or 541 760-0523.
    • NEW! Mountain View Elementary School Garden: The current emphasis is to get all students and teachers involved in the garden. A grade appropriate lesson in plant propagation is followed with the students planting in the garden. If possible, the lessons are scheduled so that the students can harvest before school is out in June. Fall crops can be harvested shortly after the September start of school, if that grade is still enrolled at the school. Please contact Glen Canning if you are interested.
    • NEW! Liaison to Sustainability Coalition: Attend Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Meetings, Quarterly meetings, Annual Town Hall meeting. Share information and activities related to sustainability between MG and Sustainability Coalition. Please contact Judith Kenner or Jennifer Klammer if interested.
    • NEW! Community Garden Action Team & Seed to Supper: Teaching hands-on gardening to underserved community members. Contact Judith Kenner if interested.
    • Central Park Committee Chair needed.  The chairperson is responsible for coordinating work parties, recruiting new committee members at committee fairs, interfacing with Corvallis Parks and Recreation, reporting committee activities to the BCMGA board, submitting an annual budget to BCMGA and approving expenditures from that budget, as well as storing committee owned tools.  Please contact Kathi Tucker if you are interested.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs)
    • New: The Introduction to Inclusive Excellence in Extension course supports members of the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension community in understanding OSU’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as Extension’s federal Civil Rights responsibilities, so they can be equipped to act in a manner that is consistent with OSU’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence. To register for this anytime course CLICK HERE.
  • BCMGA updates are now found in the President’s mailings.
  • Extension updates.
    • Report to the Oregon Master Gardener Association Board of Directors (4th Quarter meeting, 2021) from Statewide Coordinator.
    • It is just about six weeks until the close of the service year!
      • Continuing volunteer? There are no official service targets to remain certified at this time, but please log your service and continuing education hours so we can show stakeholders how much volunteers are still doing. Also, take advantage of the great continuing education options.
      • 2nd year trainee? Please aim to complete 40 service hours, counting from winter 2020, by 10/31/21 if you would like to earn your first certification this year. Please aim for 50% plant clinic or direct service. Having challenges? Let’s talk – we can figure something out!
      • Everyone who would like to participate in any volunteer activities in 2022, needs to re-enroll by reviewing the soon-forthcoming Guide to Volunteering 2022 and completing annual program paperwork. This will be sent by DocuSign in early October, or can be completed as a hard copy and sent to the office. Look out for a post with full directions coming soon.
    •  Want to propose a new and original project for volunteer service? Please use this updated project proposal form.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • OSU is currently recruiting candidates for two positions, with responsibilities to the Extension Master Gardener Program. Both positions are located on the Oregon Coast. The first is a Professional Faculty / Program Coordinator position in Newport, Oregon, serving the Lincoln County Small Farms and Master Gardener Programs. The second is a Staff / Educational Program Assistant Position in Gold Beach, Oregon, serving the Curry County Master Gardener Program. Anyone interested should contact Gail Langellotto.
  • Program updates: Regarding OSU’s latest public health policies, our best options for volunteer activities are outdoor events with 25 people or less, and/or distance events. Many activities are not affected but some may need to adapt. Please keep doing great volunteering activities and help everyone in our community stay well. Get the latest information and more details on this important topic. – Elizabeth Records, interim coordinator
  • Shout outs
    • You have just 30 days left in the Master Gardener photography contest to submit your photos!  
    • Here’s an exciting update: there are prizes for the winners: 
      • First-place winners in each of the three categories will receive signed, autographed copies of the books Trees to Know, and Shrubs to Know. In addition, an OSU Foods of Oregon reusable tote.  
      • All second-place winners in each of the three categories will receive signed, autographed copies of the book Trees to Know. In addition, an OSU Foods of Oregon reusable tote.  
      • Make sure you are taking your photos for the categories! They need to be either peopleplaces, or program priority photos, as shown above. You can get all of the details, including a guide to taking great photos on the program news blog here
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for recurring events.
    • Plant propagation workday coming up 9/3. Sign up.
    • Central Park Committee Chair needed.  The chairperson is responsible for coordinating work parties, recruiting new committee members at committee fairs, interfacing with Corvallis Parks and Recreation, reporting committee activities to the BCMGA board, submitting an annual budget to BCMGA and approving expenditures from that budget, as well as storing committee owned tools.  Please contact Kathi Tucker if you are interested.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs)
  • BCMGA updates
    • Board meeting information is now found in the President’s mailings.
  • Extension updates.
    • New continuing education opportunity: The Introduction to Inclusive Excellence in Extension course supports members of the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension community in understanding OSU’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as Extension’s federal Civil Rights responsibilities, so they can be equipped to act in a manner that is consistent with OSU’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence. To register for this anytime course CLICK HERE.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • OSU is currently recruiting candidates for two positions, with responsibilities to the Extension Master Gardener Program. Both positions are located on the Oregon Coast. The first is a Professional Faculty / Program Coordinator position in Newport, Oregon, serving the Lincoln County Small Farms and Master Gardener Programs. The second is a Staff / Educational Program Assistant Position in Gold Beach, Oregon, serving the Curry County Master Gardener Program. Anyone interested should contact Gail Langellotto.
    • Got alyssum? “We have a parasitoid experiment in the works and our greenhouse alyssum is senescing. Do master gardeners have some in your yard(s)?  We need about 15 small flower heads three times a week.” –Katerina Velasco-Graham, MS. Please contact Katerina directly: grahkate (at)

New continuing education opportunity: The Introduction to Inclusive Excellence in Extension course supports members of the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension community in understanding OSU’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as Extension’s federal Civil Rights responsibilities, so they can be equipped to act in a manner that is consistent with OSU’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence.
To register for this anytime course CLICK HERE.
  • Program updates: Per today’s order from the Governor, everyone needs to wear face coverings for outdoor activities where they cannot stay 6 feet apart, whatever their vaccination status. This is similar to last week’s public health policy update from OSU. Please keep doing great volunteering activities and help everyone in our community stay well. Get the latest information. 
  • Shout outs
    • We need your photos and stories! What are you doing in the garden? Share a selfie and/or image of a lovely plant and a story about it, for our headline photo!
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up.
    • In-person plant clinic is back with a new outdoor option! Now – even more shifts available.
    • Online plant clinic opportunities too!
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs)
  • BCMGA updates
    • Board meeting information is now found in the President’s mailings.
  • Extension updates.
    • Featured plant clinic question: Tomato plants have browning leaves that showed up in the past few weeks. What could be the cause? To find out what volunteers think was happening, CLICK HERE.
    • Featured publication: When to pick the perfect pear. Don’t wait for pears to turn yellow or soft before you pick them. Instead, pick them before they mature and place them in cold storage. 
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Non-paid volunteer garden coordinator needed in Philomath: Lupe’s Community Garden is seeking a coordinator. This is a non-paid, volunteer position under the supervision and partnered with Philomath Community Services. We would be happy to meet interested parties and give a tour of the location. See a position description HERE.
Welcome, Dr. Ivory Lyles, as the new Director of the Oregon State University Extension Service. We look forward to working with you, to promote and support sustainable gardening across Oregon!
  • Program updates: Oregon is experiencing a significant increase in COVID-19 due to the more virulent Delta variant. Your safety and health, as well as that of those we serve, is of utmost importance. In addition to following the university’s updated face covering policy, we can take additional actions to help slow the transmission of COVID-19 in our communities while we continue to serve. Get the latest information. 
  • Shout outs
    • Recertification question
      • Q: Are the direct and indirect public outreach hours still being waved for recertification?
      • A: Master Gardeners who were certified for the 2020 calendar year will maintain their certification in 2021. Service expectations will continue to be responsive to the public health situation that emerges in 2022. Please continue to report any volunteer hours completed. Every hour reported for this service year shows stakeholders that the Master Gardener program is worth supporting.
    • The Culture of Gardening: Today we’re publicly launching a storytelling initiative of the Master Gardener Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Taskforce. This initiative, called The Culture of Gardening, explores and shares the voices of gardeners growing plants to connect with their heritage, culture, and identity. Read the stories and share them.
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up.
    • In-person plant clinic is back with a new outdoor option! Now – even more shifts available.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs)
  • BCMGA updates
    • Board meeting information is now found in the President’s mailings.
  • Extension updates.
    • Featured plant clinic question: Black spots on pinot noir grape vines. The fruit is developing normally – does the gardener need to manage the spots?
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Produce donations needed: Growing Ancestral Roots serves our community by working together to produce food in our backyards. They also grow at a local small farm focused on favorite veggies of international communities. To donate produce, please contact: sandie.cheung (at)

Volunteering outside? Be aware of the potential for heat related injuries. If you are planning an outdoor event (or in a greenhouse), please review this information on symptoms of heat injuries, and how to respond, HERE. Please discuss these topics with other volunteers. Time spent reviewing this may be counted as continuing education. Please also check heat index ahead of events, and consider postponing work if heat index is above “moderate”. 
  • Program updates
  • Shout outs
    • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up.
    • In-person plant clinic is back! Now – even more shifts available.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs)
  • BCMGA updates
    • Board meeting information is now found in the President’s mailings.
  • Extension updates.
    • Featured plant clinic question: yellowing leaves on raised bed tomato. Can they replant tomatoes in the same bed each year?
    • Adult Learning and You. This is from a partner organization and comes highly recommended. It’s for people who teach farmers but the take-aways would apply well to MGVs and Extension staff teaching gardeners. You may report up to one hour of continuing education for reading this and writing about what you learned when reporting in VRS.
    • Elizabeth Records (program staff) now has a bookable calendar. Schedule a zoom, call or visit with me to plan volunteer activities, or just check in.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Produce donations needed: Growing Ancestral Roots serves our community by working together to produce food in our backyards. They also grow at a local small farm focused on favorite veggies of international communities. To donate produce, please contact: sandie.cheung (at)

Tour: County Line Flowers. Visit Pami Monnette’s new flower Farm near Harrisburg. Learn more HERE.
Congratulations! Master Gardener of the year in Benton county goes to Benton
County Online Plant Sale Tech Team (clockwise: Lisa Borgerson,
Leslie Hauser, Jill Farrow, Rich Taylor).
  • Program updates: Most activities can resume, with a bit of planning. Get the latest information. 
  • Shout outs
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up.
    • In-person plant clinic is back! Solo and paired shifts, inside and out.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
  • 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
    • Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond.
      • Learn the ECCO database/diagnostic tool for solving gardeners problems.
  • BCMGA updates
    • Board meeting information is now found in the President’s mailings.
    • Tour: County Line Flowers. Visit Pami Monnette’s new flower Farm near Harrisburg. Learn more HERE.
  • Extension updates.
    • OSU Extension Master Gardener photography contest is now open! Join in a photo contest to best capture the people, places and about the Master Gardener program. Current Master Gardener volunteers are invited to submit their very best photos between now and September 30th. There will be prizes! Read about the contest, get excited, and learn how to join us HERE.
    • Popular this week: Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardening in the Pacific Northwest. Includes a list of suitable plants, along with planting dates and recommended varieties.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Oregon Food Bank Ambassadors. This is an opportunity to help support local leadership and community development with an emphasis on strengthening our local food systems. Individuals from the following communities are encouraged to apply: Refugee and Immigrant communities, Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming communities, Single mothers and caregivers. Learn more: English – Español. Depending on the project this could be eligible for MGV volunteer service – check with Elizabeth Records for details.