- If you’re viewing this as an email and it is hard to read or missing the picture below, please view it on our website by CLICKING HERE.
- Please bookmark the Volunteer Resource Page. It has newsletter archives, an updated volunteer sourcebook, continuing education opportunities, and volunteering opportunities. It is your one-stop source for program essentials!
- Have an item for eNews? Please contact staff by the second or last Wednesday of each month. Please use this event checklist to ensure all needed information is included in your request.

- Shoutouts
- Dam Proud Day. On April 26, Beavers everywhere will come together to support the things we do best: transformative educational experiences and life-changing research.
- Oregon Master Gardener Program is excited to be raising support specifically for our Seed to Supper program and updating our foundational resource, the “Sustainable Gardening Handbook” to reflect current knowledge. Please join us in gathering your friends and colleagues to give to support the Master Gardener Program on Dam Proud Day, at any donation level. See you (online) April 26th!
- Plant Clinics are happening! Trainees who have completed (or mostly completed) modules can join events where a certified Master Gardener has enrolled, and earn those required Plant Clinic hours. Find opportunities at the office and in the community.
- I volunteered! How do I log my hours? Here are some resources to help!
- How do I use the Volunteer Reporting System?
- What categories do I use for various activities?
- Please check out page 27 of the Volunteer sourcebook for examples.
- Thanks, Ranee Webb for contributing a cheat sheet with more examples of common Linn MG activities.
- 4/20 @6:30pm – 8pm, LCMGA Chapter meeting will go over logging hours at the Linn Extension Office.
- Dam Proud Day. On April 26, Beavers everywhere will come together to support the things we do best: transformative educational experiences and life-changing research.
- Volunteer opportunities [T] = includes opportunities that trainees can join now!
- NEW! [T] Flex schedule. LCMGA Website Volunteers. Experience with Shopify or similar platforms is helpful, no coding skills are required. If you are interested in helping design, develop, and maintain the Linn Master Gardeners Association website email goergenb@gmail.com or call 541 990 5624.
- NEW! [T] Flex schedule. Volunteers are needed for one-time delivery of donated bee habitats to Tangent and South Shore schools. RSVP to Elza. Report service as Other Approved Projects: Indirect.
- NEW events just added! [T] Various dates – Linn County: Special Event Plant Clinics. Host plant clinics at Farmers’ markets and venues. Learn more and RSVP. Report service as Plant Clinic: Direct
- NEW! [T] Mondays and Thursdays – Linn Office Plant Clinic. Test soil, view specimens, and respond to questions by email, phone, and in person. Learn more and RSVP. Report service as Plant Clinic: Direct
- [T] Wednesdays and Fridays – Linn County Master Gardener Association Demo Garden Workdays 1:00pm – 3:00pm. See a map to the garden HERE. Drop-in. Report service as Educational Garden Maintenence: Indirect.
- [T] Community science. Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Explore and sign up. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as citizen science: indirect.
- Find ongoing and anytime opportunities on the Linn Volunteer Opportunities Page
- Continuing Education [G] = opportunities that Trainees can use for Garden Lab credit.
- [G] New! 5/2 Know Your Weeds Community Workshop, 6-7:30pm, Corvallis Community Center – Free! You may have some of our most noxious local weeds in your own backyard! These invasive species can spread quickly and negatively impact agriculture, forests, and waterways. Learn about some of our “Most Wanted” local weeds, how to spot them, and how to remove them in your own backyard. This workshop is presented in partnership with OSU Master Gardeners and the Benton Cooperative Weed Management Area. RSVP. Please bring a bagged sample of one or more weeds shown HERE.
- 5/4 Public Seed Library Talks – Thinning, weeding, and succession planting – 6:00pm – 7:00 pm, Corvallis Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis.
- 5/10 Public Seed Library Talks – “Weather Wise” Gardening – 6:00pm – 7:00 pm, Corvallis Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis
- [G] 5/12 Growing Together LCMGA classes in the Demo Garden – Care & Maintenance for your Garden 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
- Anytime: Growing Oregon Gardeners – Level Up 2022: watch recordings HERE
- Anytime: Recordings of Zoom Master Gardener training from Curry County with your favorite guest lecturers from OSU and beyond, are available for any volunteer to take as continuing education. Trainees are also welcome to watch and supplement their classes. More links are being added weekly, see the current list HERE.
- Anytime: The Oregon Master Gardener Program Online is available for returning volunteers, free of charge. Refresh your knowledge of MG basic training topics. Look for a link to apply in the email version of this post.
- OSU Extension Master Gardener Program News
- OSU Extension Service is hiring for Statewide Extension Master Gardener Program Manager to lead the statewide program after Gail Langellotto takes a new job this summer. Learn more and share this application with anyone who might be the right person for this job!
- Stormi’s story: Master Gardeners are on-the-ground community scientists. Stormi is heavily involved in her local community work of Master Gardeners working to help preserve the threatened Oregon Silverspot Butterfly (OSB). In a partnership with the Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District (LSWCD) Stormi worked with fellow Master Gardeners “to conduct very small-scale “tests” that could help increase the adult OSB’s feeding area and determine how far adult OSBs will travel. Read the post.
- OSU Extension FREE Catalog – Popular this Week
- EM 8677 Analytical Laboratories Serving Oregon
- EC 1304 Growing Blueberries in Your Home Garden
- EM 9027 Growing Your Own
- LCMGA News
- Via Betty Goergen, LCMGA Board President: MEMBERSHIP MEETING April 20, 2023 Linn County Extension Office 6:30-8 pm. Questions about recording hours? How to access the site, and which category to use…????? This meeting is devoted to RECORDING HOURS and as time allows questions about other topics. Handouts will be provided and also online help. Please come so we can answer all your questions and have fun doing so. DOORS OPEN AT 6 PM MEETING STARTS AT 6:30. Linn Extension Office
- Vote for Master Gardener of the Year and Behind the Scenes MG.
- Directories are ready and can be picked up at this meeting.
- The State Legislature is considering funding for Master Gardeners and the more letters we send about our positive experience as a Master Gardener the better. Send letters to our 3 Linn State Legislators:
- Rep.DavidGomberg@oregonlegislature.gov
- Sen.SaraGelser@oregonstatelegislature.gov
- Rep.JamiCate@oregonlegislature.gov
- Click the links below for suggestions on what to write:
- The State Legislature is considering funding for Master Gardeners and the more letters we send about our positive experience as a Master Gardener the better. Send letters to our 3 Linn State Legislators:
- Via Betty Goergen, LCMGA Board President: MEMBERSHIP MEETING April 20, 2023 Linn County Extension Office 6:30-8 pm. Questions about recording hours? How to access the site, and which category to use…????? This meeting is devoted to RECORDING HOURS and as time allows questions about other topics. Handouts will be provided and also online help. Please come so we can answer all your questions and have fun doing so. DOORS OPEN AT 6 PM MEETING STARTS AT 6:30. Linn Extension Office
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- None this week – check back soon.
Posted in Linn e-News.