No eNews the second half of July. Please see email newsletter for a list of who to contact for sharing events and other needs.
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- Invasive alerts
- Jumping worms: Rich Little has confirmed the presence of invasive jumping worms in the Linn MGV Demonstration garden. Worms and their tiny cocoons move around in soil and plant materials. These worms destroy soil structure. Once introduced control options are very limited. When you visit the demo garden please check in with lead volunteers on appropriate precautions.
- Now is a good time for all volunteers to review how to identify jumping worms and discuss how to prevent their spread. Earn 0.5 hours of continuing education for each of these activities:
- reviewing this resource and sharing three takeaways when you report to VRS.
- sharing best practices to prevent jumping worms in local MGV and partner projects through a chat with fellow volunteers or project partners.
- Now is a good time for all volunteers to review how to identify jumping worms and discuss how to prevent their spread. Earn 0.5 hours of continuing education for each of these activities:
- Emerald ash borer is now in Oregon. It has the potential to devastate habitat and reduce urban forest cover. It is deadly to all ash species in North America and Europe. It’s important to learn what emerald ash borer looks like and to report sightings. We’ve gathered information to help you identify them, how to report them, and know what to look for. Please share this information with others.
- Jumping worms: Rich Little has confirmed the presence of invasive jumping worms in the Linn MGV Demonstration garden. Worms and their tiny cocoons move around in soil and plant materials. These worms destroy soil structure. Once introduced control options are very limited. When you visit the demo garden please check in with lead volunteers on appropriate precautions.
- Shoutouts
- OMGA – Joy of Gardening Conference Mini-College will be held July 28-30, 2022, live at OSU Campus! Learn more and get tickets.
- Welcome intern Caitie Smith! Caitie’s duties include coordinating blog and social media posts for the new MGV Seasonal Content Team. Learn more about Caitie’s interests as a researcher and educator. And read the latest post from the Content Team.
- Rich Little entomology learning opportunities:
- Diagnostics desk sessions/Office plant clinic. Thursdays 1-3 – learn how to identify and solve insect and plant issues with longtime MGVs Rich and Susan. These two are retired scientists and coordinates of the BEEvent pollinator conference. Sign up and make sure to bring a sample to work on if there’s not one from a client.
- NEW – Save the dates for live workshops on August 18th from 10 am to 12 noon, and September 15th 6-8 pm. These will be at the Linn Extension Office and open to both Linn and Benton County Master Gardeners. Sign up coming soon.
- Volunteers needed
- NEW Jul 23 Summer 2022 Master Gardener BioBlitz – Online
- Report service as Citizen Science: Indirect
- New dates at Linn County Fair and Mennonite Village: Pop-Up Plant Clinics need people to “talk plants” with our communities. Sign up HERE.
- Report service as Plant Clinic: Direct
- Sign up now: 9/3 & 9/4 Plant Clinic at the State Fair. Free wristbands and parking permits will be mailed to participants as soon as they are available. Learn more and RSVP.
- Report service as Plant Clinic: Direct
- Trainees welcome – Demo Garden: Join us for work parties at the Linn Demo Garden on Wednesdays and/or Fridays from 10:00am-12:00pm.
- Report service as Educational Garden (Maintenance): Indirect.
- Find ongoing and anytime opportunities on the Linn Volunteer Opportunities Page
- NEW Jul 23 Summer 2022 Master Gardener BioBlitz – Online
- Continuing education opportunities:
- Drop-in classes In the Demo Garden (free). Master Gardeners are teaming up to discuss gardening. Each session features a short talk, demonstrations and valuable information to take home.
- Planting your Garden—How and when to prepare the soil, plant, and transplant vegetables and ornamentals. June 30th Thursday 6 pm
- Container Gardening—Growing in containers unleashes possibilities for gardening in a small space. July 9th Saturday 10 am
- Plant a Fall Garden —It is not too late to plant a garden to enjoy in fall through winter. August 11th Thursday 6 pm
- Growing & Using Herbs—Learn to start, grow and care for perennial and annual herbs. August 27th Saturday 10 am
- Harvesting Fruits & Vegetables—How to determine the peak flavor and ripeness of fruits and vegetables. Sept 8th Thursday 10 am and 6 pm
- Growing Oregon Gardeners – Level Up 2022:
- Drop-in classes In the Demo Garden (free). Master Gardeners are teaming up to discuss gardening. Each session features a short talk, demonstrations and valuable information to take home.
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- OSU Plant Clinic has moved! This fee-for-service clinic is now located in Room 2614 of Cordley Hall. Please address all future packages and checks to the below address: OSU Plant Clinic, 2614 Cordley Hall, 2701 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331