Check out the new format debut!
- New executive eNews format! Get what you need faster. Bookmark this page to find it anytime. Receive a direct email for each update.
- This is your eNews! Share your thoughts about the new format in this 3-minute survey.
- You can still find back issues HERE.
- Want to share something in eNews? Please email Elizabeth Records, program staff.
- Program updates
- What does COVID-19 mean for Extension volunteer activities? Get the latest information. Currently we’re in a holding pattern and are expecting more updates in early July.
- Shout outs.
- In case you missed it, Brooke Edmunds has transferred to Marion and Polk County Extension. Program staffing is still TBD. I (Elizabeth) am currently your main contact for MGV program needs.
- Volunteers needed. New this week –
- Plant clinic online – help desperately needed. Explore questions like, “is this a ZomBEE?” and more. New flexible shifts.
- Greenhouse area cleanup at Philomath High School.
- Interview partner organizations for the Oregon MGV Program Needs Assessment. If you collaborate with regional or local non-profits, schools, working groups, or agencies, check this one out!
- Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up.
- Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
- 7/13/2021 @3pm: Fire-wise Landscaping | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series.
- 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
- Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond.
- Learn the ECCO database/diagnostic tool for solving gardeners problems. Join Deb K, Fred P, Ann S, Tessa H and others in using a tool that is a major upgrade to other question tracking tools.
- Anytime: Portland Metro Master Gardener webinar series.
- Extension updates
- Japanese Beetles in Oregon. Learn to identify and scout for Japanese beetles at each cycle of life, and find out how to report a suspected sighting.EM 9158 Revised June 2021
- Community news
- None this week. Check back soon.