The Emotional Side of Email Marketing

There are many types of email marketing, the emotional side of it can bring in as many customers as it can push away. This is why there are many things to take into consideration when sending out email in a large amount. Some people might not be the right people to email to about special moments. Finally, finding the persona you want is what is most important and should be accomplished before sending out your marketing message.

What do they need that you offer?

Email Triggers

One of the most important things to bring back customers is to create triggers. There are many different types of triggers you can create. One trigger the book Digital Marketing Essentials mentions is one way to trigger people is to remind them that they have things in their shopping cart. This reminds people that they want something and it’s available for purchase when they are ready. At times certain companies even add a special discount in order to incentivise the consumer to make the purchase as soon as possible. This can either push or actually bring in the consumer depending on how much they wanted the outfits.

Another type of trigger we will talk about is the emotional side trigger. This is used when reminding someone of a special event coming up or just hitting the spot where the call to action stands out. The only reason this trigger might not result in the action the company wants is that when sending out an emotional email you have to know and understand your targeted people.

Wrong Emotional Triggers

In an article written by Rachel Treisman on NPR, she talks about how certain emails affect people differently. In the article, In A Grief-Filled Year, Brands From Etsy To Pandora Let You Skip Mother’s Day Emails, they talk about how brands are becoming more aware of certain people’s life aspects. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day emails remind people that they are almost out of time with their shopping. But what about those that do not have someone special to shop for?

This could cause a lot of emotional triggers for the consumers but for all the wrong reasons. Triggers are important but it depends on how they are taken by certain people. The article talks about an emotional breakdown Mackenzie Walton faced because of some emails she received marketing Fathers Day. When in the wrong context it might come off as judgemental which Rachel also points out. The subject line might look like it is just a friendly reminder but not many people might take it like that. This is why consumer relationship management is important to build the right steps to create a persona and figure out those who don’t fit it.

Figuring out your Persona

One of the most important quotes I heard in a video, cited down below, was that as marketers “customized messages so the persona feels like it resonates with them”. Email marketing is an important part of marketing since it is still fairly popular. The only downfall is that you can start going into the spam folder if you do not fit or have similar products to what the consumer needs. 

In order to not end up in this situation finding your persona is of utmost importance and should be figured out quickly. When doing this you need to look into what your brand personality is and what you want to attract. You need to figure out the following:

  • Needs 
  • Wants
  • Experiences
  • Goals
  • Behavior

Finding these out will help you target the right people with the right message. If their experiences, like the one mentioned above, harm a consumer they will be less likely to want to buy from your company. Personalized emails make a person feel a connection not only with the email, but possibly with the company as well. This could lead to your persona shopping for more than what you presented, creating a larger profit. Your brand personality should somewhat match what you are trying to sell, as you are not only selling your products but your brand too. 

Their goals need to match or be similar to yours, this creates an understanding between the both of you. It makes sending out emails in mass simpler with a smaller chance of going to spam and an increased chance of having more of them opened. Engagement will be higher and possibly bring those you attracted once when their needs change and become more similar to what you are selling. In total, your marketing will become more effective and you will have a bigger chance at selling to those who want to buy when you look into what persona fits your goals.


Ecampus, director. MRKT 484 Ashley on Personas. Oregon State University Media, Oregon State University, 2 Nov. 2018,

Larson, Jeff, and Stuart Draper. Digital Marketing Essentials. Edify, 2019, Stukent,

Lofgren, Lars. “The Power Of Emotional Marketing.” QuickSprout, 18 Apr. 2019,

Treisman, Rachel. “In A Grief-Filled Year, Brands From Etsy To Pandora Let You Skip Mother’s Day Emails.” NPR, NPR, 7 May 2021,

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