Category: Uncategorized

  • My Experience Using a Templating Engine

    I started the front-end implementation of the admin website. The admin website is supposed to allow teachers to access and set project and student information. In order to implement the front end, we decided to use Handlebars to connect to our nodejs. I started with implementing the ‘students’ page which displays all the students, and…

  • Our Capstone Project

    I wanted to introduce the Capstone Project we are working on this quarter. This is one of the final projects of my education at Oregon State University! Yes! I am so close to graduating. For this project, I decided to join the “Citizen Science Application for Kids” which is a two part project – one…

  • My first tech interview

    After 2 classes at OSU, I decided to shoot my shot and apply for an internship for the summer! Boy, the every step of the process was humbling. I applied to 30 companies and heard back from one — ClassPass. Keep in mind I only had two classes under my belt (Discrete Structures & Intro…

  • About me and my decision to change careers

    Welcome to my first ever blog post! My name is Emily Yu. I am student at Oregon State University with a post-baccalaureate degree in Computer Science in progress…. I am en-route to graduate March 2023!! YAY! A little bit about me — I’m a trained structural engineer with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and…