* May 2016 PPTs – tree borer. plant identification (not debris focused. not CSI) (inherited from leaving ID – FE 430, Arne Skaugset)

– Idea 1 – crime scene. tree died in forest, what killed it? use tree borer and clinometer to investigate. then Q&A with teacher. ala BOT 350 plant detective)

photoscan like Alan Dennismossy pole bench

Idea 2 – three stage forest-to-community-engagement (based on week 1 materials. piaget. toddlers collect balls in forest. grade school forms questions at border. adult gives speeches at city hall) (design ala TheLab longBow)

– ID and teacher feedback
Oct2016 – Vive demo. meetings with both (real start).

* idea 3 – two stage: forest facts (+ tools), and baby lesson plan
NW oregon forest reality. lessen the capstone fear.

– teacher sends 10 facts. James completes OER tool videos.

* version 1 – whitebox (March 2017 – 5 months later)
cardboard distances. puzzle variety/designs.

photoscan– lincoln city grove (too much at once)

* version 2 – hokey forest ranger (April 2017)
feedback: confusion. plus, performance concerns (water particle systems)

– olga design discussion (coherence) and ideas

– tango scans + ricoh 360 + meshlab tricks (best way for quick 3D cardboardVR).

* version 3 – museum class (july 2017 – 3 months later)

– VR SDKs updating (breaking everything). troubles switching between 2 builds.

– pressure to get something done by summer, and save more for later.

– instructor & ID sign off?

– close captioning
– options (mute. mouse look speed)
– puzzle design
– focii (animals? debris felt more important when all you was drop giant logs)
– unaddressed teacher desires (move around. less claustrophobic. reuse space. 3D animals in forest. owl on final card)

might want to put puzzle board front and center, and shift all but one button out of initial view.?
(what will cover fringe to back trail?)

add message: “The 10 puzzle pieces you collect will show up here” ?

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