2014 Alternative Spring Break service trip applications are now available! Please help to spread the word to students about these opportunities. This year the Center for Civic Engagement is offering three spring break trips from March 22 to March 29, 2014. Trips for 2014 include:
• Hunger & Homelessness in San Francisco, California, Estimated Trip Cost: $435 (includes 4 dinners and breakfast)
• Community & Cultural Engagement in Yakima, Washington, Estimated Trip Cost: $145 (includes 4 dinners)
• Environmental Restoration & Conservation: Ashland, Oregon, Estimated Trip Cost: $ 205 (includes 4 dinners)

Students can learn more about the alternative break program, download the application packet, or apply online here: http://oregonstate.edu/cce/alternativebreaks. Applications are due Monday December 2, 2013 by 5pm. This is a unique opportunity for students to bond, learn, and serve. There many benefits to participating, many are listed below.

Benefits of participating in an Alternative Break:
• Engage in meaningful service to impact change related to an issue you care about
• Learn about and reflect upon the complexity and interconnectedness of social issues and problems
• Improve your leadership, critical thinking, and dialogue skills in dynamic real world scenarios
• Learn about options for continuing community engagement work upon your return to OSU
• Build meaningful relationships and a new community of civic-minded OSU students
• Travel to and learn about regional communities
• Learn about and explore new perspectives
• Develop skills in negotiating multiple perspectives, viewpoints, and stakeholders’ interests in decision making and actions
• Develop an increased capacity to work across differences to build communities
• Gain valuable experience for your resume
• Experience a program that will likely inform your future career path and lifestyle
• Learn about yourself, challenge yourself, and have fun

Emily E. Bowling
Civic Engagement & Service Coordinator
Student Leadership & Involvement
Oregon State University
154 Snell Hall; Corvallis, Oregon 97331
p: 541.737.7673 | f: 541.737.7504

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