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Lizeth–Home for Break  January 5th, 2010

Well this term is finally over and I am now in my hometown, Brookings, Oregon. It feels awesome and great to know that I have finished my first term in college with straight A’s, and that I survived the emotional rollercoaster that college puts people through. When I finished my last final I felt overwhelmed with happiness and also felt no more stress, because I knew I was going to get to go home and enjoy the company of my family. When I arrived at home for the second time since the beginning of the school year it made me feel so good. I really missed my family and their crazy way of being and doing things. My mom cooks me my favorite meals and really shows me how much she has missed me over the few months I have been gone. When I went back to my high school, to watch a basketball game, it felt different and weird to be back again and see the changes while I was away, but it was good to see my old teammates and other friends and just be able to catch up and talk. Being away from OSU is a relief because I don’t have to think about homework, tests, papers, and all the other activities college requires. I do miss the friends I made and the independence I had in OSU, but I will be there soon and have all those things again. Now that I am home I am taking it pretty easy, relaxing, and catching up on the sleep I missed doing assignments and studying for tests. Overall, my first term in college was a success. I made many memories and friends, accomplished my goals for the term, gained new experiences being a student and an intern for university housing and dining services, and learned new techniques to succeed in school. I also discovered that college is not a scary place where everyone tries to make your life difficult.  It is a place where you grow as an individual, find out who you really are, and expand your knowledge. College is hard most of the time, but after experiencing all the great things I have I would never want to go back to high school. Well I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Years!
