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Category: UHDS Staff Blogs

Mocktails: Not to be disregarded  March 8th, 2011

Spring is a great time to explore new beverages.  Contrary to urban legend, a great beverage doesn’t require alcohol.  A bartender friend of mine once worked for TGI Fridays.  They have a recipe book with about 200 alcohol free mocktails and spend as much time learning to build alcohol-free beverages as they do alcoholic beverages.  Read the rest of this entry »

Wellness Tips for Studying  February 23rd, 2011

Contributed by Megan Ahlquist

Megan is a Junior at OSU majoring in Nutrition

Unbelievably winter term is already half over.  For the majority of college students this means Round 2 of mid-terms.   I know for me personally, this is when I start getting burned out.  After quizzes, homework, and papers, I can barely muster up the energy for round 2.

Looking for ways to keep your energy steady while studying and maximizing your “mental stamina?” Here are some wellness tips for studying. Read the rest of this entry »

Being an Ally  February 23rd, 2011

An ally is a person who identifies within a dominant identity, yet chooses to aid or fight alongside those who identify with subordinate identities. An example of what an identity can be is how I identify as being a white, straight, male. Those are all examples of dominant identities and the supplement subordinate identities would be a person of color, gay, and female. I now consider myself an ally to all subordinate identities, even though in the past I didn’t give my support. Read the rest of this entry »

What To Do About Class  February 23rd, 2011

Over the past couple of weeks I have been discussing where I identify with social class and how my new identity has changed my outlook on life.  Now the question remains, what am I going to do from here?  Being in an area of privilege, I have the opportunity to serve a community that is oppressed throughout society.  Over the past three weeks I have been reading ad researching various ways to serve communities that are oppressed due to class.  Although breaking the institutionalized classism in America is difficult, starting to slow the growth of classist remarks on a personal level is extremely feasible.

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You’re Invited: Soul Food Cafe  February 11th, 2011

On Wednesday, February 23rd from 5:00pm to 8:00pm UHDS will host “Soul Food Cafe:  A Journey through Culture and Cuisine” at McNary Dining Center. Soul Food Cafe celebrates Black History Month and is one of several “Journeys through Culture and Cuisine” that UHDS has hosted over the last few years. It will feature slow smoked Virginia ham, Southern Fried Chicken, Tofu Creole, Collard Greens, Fried Okra, Bananas Foster, and homemade New Orleans -Style Beignets.

Each of these cultural events is an outgrowth of our Diversity Initiative which is a multi-faceted approach to creating communities that are open, caring, and supportive of students from all cultures.  As a department, our Diversity Initiative is aspirational.  We know we have more work to do to create inclusive environments, but we are dedicated and committed to the journey and we ask the rest of the campus community to join us and support us as we travel on our journey.

Working with our campus partners brings great energy to these events and I appreciate everyone’s involvement.  Come join us for at McNary Dining Center for Soul Food Café and mellow out to the blues of the Ty Curtis Band.

In Times of Worship and Fear  January 27th, 2011

In light of the recent attempted bombing of Pioneer Square in Portland, and the resulting burning of a mosque in Corvallis, I question how a person makes the leap from an individual’s actions to holding a whole religion responsible and thus burning a place of worship. As I reflect on the situation, the essay “The Moral Insight” by Josiah Royce comes to mind. Read the rest of this entry »

Changes in Masculinity  January 27th, 2011

Two years ago if you asked me to define what masculinity meant I could have done it relatively easily. I would of described the usual stereotypes of being tough, don’t cry, and to be brave. Today the task of defining what masculinity means to me is much more difficult of a task. Read the rest of this entry »

Learning to Serve  January 27th, 2011

After reflecting on how I identify in the sense of social class, I have started to pay more attention to my access to wealth.  My immediate family is a low income family in a manufactured home neighborhood, aka a trailer park. My extended family, on the other hand, has an abundance of resources. I have been struggling with identifying as lower class, based on my immediate family, or upper middle class with this new consideration of my access to wealth through my extended family. Read the rest of this entry »

Vitamin D: Are You Getting Enough??  January 27th, 2011

The easiest way for our bodies to synthesize Vitamin D is through the sun.  That’s right, the sun.  Therefore, it is not surprising that (in a state where it rains nine months out of the year) many individuals living in Oregon have low Vitamin D levels.

But before you run off to the Bahamas to replenish your depleted Vitamin D stores Read the rest of this entry »

Adjusting your Meal Plan to Meet your Needs  January 11th, 2011

What we eat and when we eat are very personal and each of us has unique dietary needs which means that no single meal plan is going to perfectly fit your situation.

So at the end of fall term some of us had large meal plan balances and some of us used up all of our Dining Dollars and added money to our Orange Rewards account to get through the end of fall term.  Read the rest of this entry »