Autonomous Public Transportation

Proposal to alleviate poverty in the United States by improving access to public transit.


  • Nicholas Kim
  • Joseph Karam
  • Mitchell Rose

For many Americans in urban areas, transportation costs represent a major expenditure. According to the 2019 article, The High Cost of Transportation in the United States, the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy reports that the average American spends 13% of their income on transportation. For people with lower incomes, this percentage increases significantly. Our proposal is to implement free, autonomous public bus systems to help reduce transportation costs in major urban areas. These systems would be able to use artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of public transit and to help make it a more accessible transit option. In the following pages we have detailed why this technology is needed, how it works, how it will be implemented and how it will be funded.

3 thoughts on “Self-driving Public Transporation

  1. Is it possible to put your funding / financial information in a table? I believe it may make it easier to read.

  2. This page feels unfinished. Are you going to add anything more here? Additionally, comments are disabled on the rest of our pages.


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