What would this course cost to prototype?

Although the cost of the project would be taken on by the State of Oregon we will provide a cost estimate for designing the course. According to
How much does it cost to develop an online course? by Sergiy Movchan it would take $3,150-$13,175 for 1 hour of content produced in the design process. This brings our estimate of the cost for the typical 130 hours of class time in Oregon Schools to between $409,500 and $1,712,750 for a full 130-hour course design.

What is the complete cost of the final project?

Important numbers:

The total amount of expenses is the cost to push for the law to be passed added to the cost to develop the online education modules. The cost to implement the course would be negligible because It would replace an existing elective course that a student would take. The cost for providing the course on Canvas is 181,963 (number of Oregon high school students / 200 (small plan with 1 gb storage) * $380 (cost per year for small plan) = $345,729 per year. The cost to push for a law could include hiring a lobbying agency at a rate of $7,995 for 12 months and advertising added with an additional $100,000 for unexpected expenses brings the total cost to about $200,000. The cost to develop the course will be about $2,916,030.

This 2.9 million dollar figure includes the design cost, so it would be reduced by the cost of the prototype as previously stated. Additionally, there could be a cost reduction if the school district already uses Canvas as there would be no additional Canvas infrastructure need.

How is the cost of the project divided?

According to How much does it cost to develop an online course? by Sergiy Movchan a creating a course can be divided into four stages. These stages are analysis, design, development, and implementation. The analysis stage includes the course owner and marketing specialists at a cost of $900-$3000 per hour of course content. The design stage includes consultation with a subject matter expert, designing visual content, and designing practical tasks. This requires hiring a subject matter expert, psycholinguist, lecturer, project manager, instructional designer, and a graphic designer for a total cost of $3150-$13175. The development stage includes writing notes, designing videos, filming videos, designing intros and editing videos. This requires hiring video editors, camera operators, and a director in addition to the previously hired staff for a total cost of $2995-$13025 per hour. The implementation stage includes uploading the course, quality assurance, course monitoring, and project management. This requires hiring a content manager in addition to some of the previously mentioned staff for a total cost of $2115-$6020 per hour.

Expected expenses (Non-profit)
Item/Task Who How many Rate Total
Pass bill State Lobbyist 1 $7,995/month $95,940
Advertising Various methods 1 $100,000 $100,000
Total expected Expenses


Expected expenses (Oregon Board of Education)
Item/Task How many Rate Total
Course Development (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation) 1 $22,431/credit hour $2,916,030
Canvas “Small Plan” for Students 909 $380/year $345,729
Total expected Expenses $3,261,759


How could the project be funded?

As our project is to get a state law passed it cannot be funded in the typical way that a business product would be funded. We would create a non-profit organization with the goal of getting this law passed and first ask for donations from the public. Our next goal would be to talk with senators and hire a lobbyist who could convince state senators to hold fundraising events if they believed in passing the law. At these fundraising events wealthy donors would contribute money in an effort to get the law passed.

If the law was passed, the funding would then come from the state budget which allocated money to the Oregon Department of Education who would then create the curriculum and fund the implementation of the classes and then funding from their budget would be divided between schools.

Potential Funding Sources
Source Amount
Public Donors $50,000
Private Donors at Fundraising Events $150,000
Total $200,000

12 thoughts on “Funding for the Project

  1. The images of the sheets above are too small to read easily, and the link to the source ought to be a copyright statement. I recommend instead of embedding someone else’s sheets in your write-up, that you write a paragraph that talks about that person’s cost breakdown and hyperlink to their source.

  2. This page would benefit from using headers and bold to highlight key information and differentiate different sections.

  3. I believe the cost of canvas you are listing is the cost for business users not educational institutes. The education cost should be a fraction of that.

    • I don’t think so. The figures I used are under the heading “How much does it cost a school to use canvas?” on the website. It could be cheaper but I don’t have a source indicating that so I’m fine with using an overestimate.

  4. How would you fund private schools, especially since it’s supposed to be standardized and not every private school has the funding to get their students a Canvas account just for one course.

    • It won’t fund private schools. They have never been funded by public funds so it has always been up to them how they choose to fund their courses and what they teach and it will continue to be that way.

  5. Where do the figures in your funding sources come from? Are they what you hope to receive, or do you have a reason to expect that much?

    • The cost of the lobbyist source is linked under the important numbers section. The cost of advertising would be variable as its purpose is to inform the public and to get them to support the law. The numbers would be what we hope to receive and I think they are realistic figures.

    • The senator themselves isn’t funding the project. We would try to convince a senator to introduce the law and to hold a fundraising event so that wealthy donors could donate to the cause.


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