
How’s it going! I decided to take a week off from blogging in the hopes that I could have some newer things to talk about. My team has made some great progress on our application, it’s nice to have confidence that we will be able to get things wrapped up in time. Open ended projects can be hard to put deadlines on, so I’m glad we’re doing well in that regard.

I do also want to say, I’ve really enjoyed working with Flutter. It’s very high pace and interesting with the way widgets work. I would love to work on my own mobile application one day if I get a good idea. The cool thing is that I have confidence that I could do it myself which is huge.

In other more serious news, I am very stressed about the conflict with Russia and Ukraine. Following along with the title of this blog, it really does put things into perspective. We’re so focused on our day to day lives, that we can forget how valuable it is to live in peace. It’s really disappointing that one person can inflict suffering on so many. I hope for the best for the people of Ukraine and hope that this doesn’t escalate into anything further.

In other news, I got a team match call with Google, scheduled for today! It’s in a domain that I don’t have experience in (cloud), but I’m eager to learn and hope that the manager likes me. In some ways it’s more stressful than the actual onsite interview because you don’t know if you passed. Right now I’m so close, I just have to be a good fit for the team.

There’s just been so much on my plate lately and I know I’m not the only one. The quarterly system can be super hectic. One of my teammates is also taking 3 classes… while working 20 hours a week! Absolutely crazy, and very impressive as well.

Lastly, I’m not sure if the same person reads each blog, but if so I hope you are doing well, and have a good day!

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