Category: Uncategorized

  • Senior Project Blog #2

    I chose this project because it is a perfect mix of engineering and music, two of the most important things I am passionate about and I can’t live without. I really like how I can finally incorporate my passion into my coursework and that I can work with people who have similar musical passions as…

  • Senior Capstone Blog 1

    Hi! My name is Tanya and I love music! I’ve been involved in music ever since I was a kid. At this point in my life, I consider music to be a way of life and that I can’t live without it. When I found out about the Music Affect Data Collection App,  I was…

  • Senior Capstone Blog 3

    I chose this project because it is a perfect mix of engineering and music, two of the most important things I am passionate about and I can’t live without. I really like how I can finally incorporate my passion into my coursework and that I can work with people who have similar musical passions as…

  • Senior Capstone Blog 2

    My most favorite technology would have to be using Flutter in Android Studio. This is my first time using Flutter, and I really enjoy learning how to create an app with it. I also like how simple it is to install and run on Android Studio. It saves my teammates and I so much time…

  • Senior Capstone Blog 1

    One thing I would like to start doing more often would be to try implementing the boy scout rule in my code submissions. After reading chapter 1 of Robert Martin’s “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship,” I don’t know why, but I never really implemented this rule as much as I should when…

  • Senior Capstone Blog 3

    In this blog, I will be discussing about a couple of life hacks on how to handle stress in job interviews. For starters, research the company you are interviewing for. It’s always a good thing to know about the company before hand so you don’t mess up your interview and also why interview for a…

  • Senior Capstone Blog 2

    In this blog, I will be discussing about a couple of life hacks on how to handle stress in school. For starters, meditation is a great way to decompress and relax after a long day. School can be hard and stressful sometimes and what I normally like to do after I come back from a…

  • Senior Capstone Blog 1

    Hi! My name is Tanya and I love music! I’ve been involved in music ever since I was a kid. At this point in my life, I consider music to be a way of life and that I can’t live without it. When I found out about the Music Affect Data Collection App,  I was…