Here are some selected references regarding Sudden Oak Death:
Resources from OSU Extension:
Sudden Oak Death Prevention, Recognition and Restoration. This resource has a planting guide as well a description of current treatment methods (note that the quarantine map is out of date):
Check out the OSU Extension Coos and Curry County Facebook Page. Click the Facebook logo.
Resources from the Interagency Oregon SOD Program
The SOD Dashboard provides data on Sudden Oak Death sampling and treatments and is updated on a regular basis based on GIS data from ODF/USFS SOD staff. .
Resources from Oregon Department of Forestry:
Sudden Oak Death fact sheet:
Sudden Oak Death Economic Impact Assessment:
Planning a forestry operations in a Sudden Oak Death area:
Resources from NRCS:
Environmental Quality Incentive Program for Sudden Oak Death Restoration:

Resources from California:
California Oak Mortality Task Force:
For general questions regarding Sudden Oak Death workshops, OSU Extension publications, citizen science projects and forest management questions contact Norma Kline, OSU Extension Forester serving Coos and Curry Counties, 541-572-5263 ext. 25294. For questions regarding Sudden Oak Death treatment areas, timber harvesting within the quarantine area as it relates to SOD or to report symptoms of Sudden Oak Death, contact Oregon Department of Forestry Sudden Oak Death foresters (Casara Nichols, 541-435-5031 or Randy Wiese, 541-294-8425).