SHPR Digest – Fall 2013

The latest news and information from the
School of History, Philosophy, and Religion (SHPR)
Oregon State University


SHPR faculty were active preparing and publishing new works and giving presentations at academic conferences around the world, in your community, on television, and even in virtual worlds online!    Here are some highlights from across the School from Fall 2013.


Benny is not only the coolest mascot, he's also a good role model!

Benny is not only a cool mascot,
he’s also a good role model!

As the mascot for Oregon State University, it should not be surprising that Benny Beaver is a positive ethical role model.   This term, Benny collaborated with Philosophy professor Stephanie Jenkins for the “Be Like Benny” project to help demonstrate what it means to ‘Be Orange.’

 This collaboration grew out of the Phronesis Lab for Engaged Ethics project “Be Good, Be Orange” – a blog devoted to exploring, developing, and challenging what it means to “Be Orange”, or an OSU Beaver.  “Being Orange” means being an active citizen of the OSU community.  We all perform our “Orangeness” in our everyday actions and engagement with the world. Be Good, Be Orange At the blog, they encourage OSU students, faculty, staff, alumni, family, and friends to reflect on the values outlined in the Oregon State Strategic Plan: accountability, diversity, integrity, respect, and social responsibility.

                              (Visit to learn more)

Congratulations are also in order for Jenkins who has been awarded both an LL Stewart Faculty Development Grant and a CLA Research Grant this Fall.

Jenkins prepares to take the podium in Second LifeIn September, she participated in  the International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference – a high-tech virtual conference held in the online realm of Second Life.   There, she presented “Gender, Community, and Collaboration: The Experiences of Women Living with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy,” a study co-authored with Nina Slota.   She also presented “Using Foucault’s Genealogical Body in Disability Ethics,” at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy conference at the University of Oregon.


The Chakra's of the Subtle Body

Stuart Sarbacker presented a paper entitled “Otto and the Numinous: Religious Emotion and the Roots of the Real” at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, held Nov 23-26 in Baltimore, MD.

While in the DC area, Sarbacker also attended a private tour of the exhibit “Yoga: The Art of Transformation” at the Smithsonian Institute with fellow yoga scholars given by the curator, Debra Diamond.

Left:  The Chakras of the Subtle Body, part of the new exhibit Yoga: The Art of Transformation at the Sackler Gallery till January 26, 2014


Christopher McKnight Nichols’ article “The Enduring Power of Isolationism: An Historical Perspective” appeared in Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs, [Vol. 57, No. 3 (New York: Elsevier Press, Summer 2013): 390-407]  noting doubts about American involvement abroad are on the rise, up 10 percent in a decade.    This led to multiple international news stories including:  The Huffington Post, The Albany TribuneThe North Korea Times, The Kenya Star, and the Malaysian Sun (and many more!).

Nichols Co-moderated a plenary session on the “The United States and the World: Intellectual Histories of American Foreign Relations” at the Society for U.S. Intellectual History Annual Meeting (Nov 1-3; Irvine, CA, UC-Irvine) as well as chairing two panels: one on transnational intellectual exchanges and one on ideas and foreign relations.  He also presented a paper at the American Historical Association-Pacific Coast Branch Annual Meeting (Denver, CO) on August 10, 2013


C-SPAN “American History TV,” aired the Keynote Panel on “American Power in Historical Perspective” recorded at the OSU American Military and Diplomatic History Conference in May.   The panel featured Nichols, co-authors Milne and Lynch and SHPR Director Ben Mutschler.   It first aired on August 3-5, 2013

Nichols was also recently spotlighted by the American Historical Association!

McLain.Promise.summer.2013.Sharpe.Promiseintern.summer2013Finally, alumnus and student Steven McLain and Matt Sharpe, who have been working with Nichols as part of the prestigious PROMISE Program summer, presented the results of their research at the PROMISE internship fair this Fall.

Nichols said “McLain and Sharpe have achieved a great deal and have learned a lot, including acquiring new advanced skills in primary source research and analysis.   They’ve done a great job!”


Speaking of fantastic students, undergraduate philosophy student Trenton Ogden delivered a paper of his own at the 2nd Annual SDSU Undergraduate Conference in Philosophy held at San Diego State University on Oct. 19th and 20th.   His paper presentation was entitled “Pragmatic Alternatives to the Melting Pot Theory and Solutions for Modern Immigration Problems.”    When not busy with academics and research, Trent also helps to direct the newly founded Religious Studies Student Group.    Visit them on Facebook to learn more!


In Oct., Jonathan Kaplan attended a conference at Stanford University The Stanford School Conferencecelebrating what has come to be known as The Stanford School of Philosophy of Science, featuring prominent philosophers such as Nancy Cartwright, John Dupré, Peter Galison,  Peter Godfrey-Smith, Patrick Suppes, and  Debra Satz.  As a graduate of the program mentored by these key figures, Kaplan was chosen to speak on the “Next Generations Panel”   See the full line up here.

Kaplan has also continued his research collaboration with Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther on issues surrounding “race” and biology.  Together they have so far written three papers together on these topics: “Realism, Antirealism, and Conventionalism about Race,” in Philosophy of Science; Jon at the CLA Holiday Party “Ontologies and Politics of Bio-Genomic ‘Race'” in Theoria; and “Prisoners of Abstraction? The Theory and Measure of Genetic Variation, and the Very Concept of ‘Race’,” in Biological Theory.

Finally he continues to collaborate with Audrey Chapman (Healey Professor of Medical Ethics and Humanities, University of Connecticut School of Medicine) and Adrian Carter (University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Ethics, Addiction Neuroethics Unit) on issues surrounding genetic research into addition and addictive behaviors.  They have written a book chapter on these issues together, and are expanding that work into a series of articles, and possibly into other media.


The Oregon Humanities ‘Conversation Project’ offers Oregon nonprofits free, humanities-based public discussion programs about provocative issues and ideas.  In the first four years of the program, more than 170 nonprofits across the state hosted almost 400 Conversation Project programs as stand-alone events, parts of a series, and supplements to their regular programming.    This year, this program features twenty-two programs, including several new conversations that will inspire and challenge Oregonians to talk and think.

Two of these programs are from Hundere Professor of Philosophy, Courtney Campbell:

Church and State

Grave Matters

Click here to learn how to bring these programs to YOUR community!


Historian Anita Guerrini has been busy during this fall, writing and presenting six different papers across three countries including:

  • and four in the past month as a “visiting director of studies” (ie visiting professor) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France including:“Jean Riolan, Experimenting, and the Circulation of Blood”
    “Humanism, Animals, and the Origins of the Paris Academy of Sciences”
    “The Ghastly Kitchen: Cooking, the Household, and Experimental Science”
    “The King’s Animals and the King’s Books: the illustrations for the Paris Academy’s Histoire des animaux”
Anita Guerrini working a printing press

The Work of Printing.
Photo by Roberta Ballestriero

Congratulations are also in order as Anita’s new book manuscript, *The Courtiers’ Anatomists: Animals and Humans in Louis XIV’s Paris*  has just been accepted by the University of Chicago Press and will soon go into production.

Left:  Guerrini had the opportunity to operate this beautiful ornate cast-iron nineteenth-century manual printing press while visiting the John Rylands Library in Manchester, England.   Coincidentally, this Fall, Guerrini will teach HST599, a special topics course on “The History of the Book.”

You can read about the work of printing and more on Anita’s blog “History, animals, science, food”


Shari Clough had a busy writing term with three essays going to press including:

–  “The Objectivity of Feminist Values and Their Place in Science”
in the Italian collection La Contingenza dei Fatti e l’Oggettività dei Valori
(The Contingency of Facts and the Objectivity of Values)

–  “Pragmatism and Embodiment as Resources for Feminist Interventions in Science”
in the journal Contemporary Pragmatism, and

Shari awarded at the Open House

Super-Hero Space Consultant of the Night.

–  “Feminist Theories of Evidence and Biomedical Research Communities: A Reply to Goldenberg” in the new on-line resource The Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.

Clough also travelled to New York City to work with a co-author on an upcoming paper on biomedical explanations of sexuality, and gave a presentation to the New York Society for Women in Philosophy.

At our November Open House, Shari was recognized, along with Dwanee Howard & Ben Mutschler, for their work on the extensive renovations and redesign of Milam Hall’s 3rd Floor.


Professor José-Antonio Orosco had a comment piece on the Syrian chemical weapons published in the October issue of the journal Etsákupani Internacional, a publication put out by the Universidad Latina de América (UNLA).   The issue was on the subject of human rights and you can read it here.  (p. 10)

Orosco also received a Faculty Internationalization Grant from the International Programs Office in September to fund the development of the Peace Studies class, PAX 199 Peace and Conflict in the Americas.   This was a binational course that allowed OSU students and students from the Universidad Latina de America in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico to discuss together questions of violence and nonviolence through video conferencing.  This grant allowed me to travel to Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico in September to give a couple of lectures at the Universidad Latina de America on human rights and peace studies.  In October, the grant paid to bring Professor Enrique Fuentes from UNLA to Oregon State University.    In an event co-sponsored by the Oregon State University Peace Studies Program, the Anarres Project for Alternative Futures, and the Center for Latina/Latino Studies and Engagement (CL@SE), Flores gave a presentation on the Challenges for Higher Education in Mexico.   You can see his presentation below:

Finally, Orosco and Tony Vogt joined forces this Fall to create The Anarres Project for Alternative Future.   The Anarres Project is a forum for conversations, ideas, and initiatives that promote a future free of domination, exploitation, oppression, war, and empire, to the fullest extent possible.

The project is off to a strong start and sponsored
several well attended events during Fall term including:

Imagination and Social Change: The Creativity of Occupy  (10/15)

Liberation Leadership for Anti-Racist and Feminist Social Justice  (10/25)


Surrender: Guerilla to Grandmother  (10/31)

(click the links above to watch the presentation videos on YouTube)


Kara Ritzheimer delivered a paper called “The Gender of Germanization: The BDM in the Buffalo BillReichsgau Wartheland” at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference of the German Studies Association held in Denver in early October.

Ritzheimer also completed her manuscript “Battling Buffalo Bill: Regionalism, Gender, and Censorship in Early 20th Century Germany” which is now under review at Cambridge.


Paul Kopperman’s recent book Regimental Practice” by John Buchanan, M.D.: An Eighteenth-Century Medical Diary and Manual was favorably reviewed in the journal Social History of Medicine 26-3 Aug 13.

Marisa Chappell (author of the War on Welfare: Family, Poverty, and Politics in Modern America) was quoted in a recent Media and Public Opinion Post article on the causes of poverty in America.

Stacey Smith’s new book Freedom’s Frontier was recently given
The Page 99 Test.    Read the article and learn more!

Jake Hamblin’s new book Arming Mother Nature was recently featured in the Ecologist in an article entitled “What greens can learn from Dr. Strangelove.


Education Beyond the Classroom

Education doesn’t stop in the classroom.   Events on campus provide opportunities for academic discourse and inspiration, for community education and outreach, and for student interaction with top researchers in their field.   The School of History, Philosophy, and Religion continues to raise the bar and sponsor diverse quality programming that enhances the culture of learning and community on the Oregon State University campus.

Students, faculty, alumni, and friends all showed their
support during our first Open House in November.

Fall 2013 may have been one of our busiest terms yet.   During the 10 week Fall term, we hosted the 15th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, as well as the annual Oregon State University Constitution Day event, two speakers in the Horning 2014 ‘Culture and Religion’ Lecture series, a three speaker series examining the life and faith of Emperor Constantine I, two events sponsored by the Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word, four events sponsored by the Anarres Project for Alternative Futures, five events co-sponsored by the Hundere Endowment and the newly formed Religious Studies student group, and a host of smaller events!!  (Whew!)  In all, SHPR was involved with 28 events this term – that’s nearly 3 a week – including several standing room only events!

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has come out and attended our events this term and encourage you to join us for some of the diverse programming coming during Winter quarter.


01/06:  Winter Term Begins

01/14:  Russia’s Anti-Gay Laws and the Sochi Olympics
4pm – MU Journey Room
(a panel discussion with Kara Ritzheimer, Bill Husband, and Bradley Boovy)

01/15:  A Gathering for Peace and Conflict Studies at OSU
12pm – Milam 319A

01/15:  California Bound: Reckoning with the American West’s Unfree Past
4pm – MU Asian/Pacific Room (An American Conversations Lecture)

01/22:  World Peace and Other Fourth Grade Achievements
7pm – Majestic Theater (Part of the City of Corvallis MLK celebration)

01/23: The Seeds of Peace Tomorrow are in the Children of Today
7pm – Milam Aud.  (The Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Peace Lecture)

01/28:  Native American Spirituality and Traditional Healing
7pm – MU Journey Room (Hundere Lecture with Susan Crawford O’Brien)

02/11:  The Role of Mormon Women
7pm – MU Journey Room (Hundere Lecture with Susanna Morrill)

02/14 & 02/15:  Transformation Without Apocalypse
All Day – LaSells Stewart Center (A Spring Creek Project event with Tim DeChristopher, Ursula K. LeGuin, Kim Stanley Robinson, Kathleen Dean Moore, Rob Nixon, and more… Click here for more information.)

02/19:  Sex in Crisis 
7pm – LaSells Stewart Center (Carson Lecture with Dagmar Herzog)

02/24:  Why the World Needs Religious Studies
7pm – MU Journey Room (A Hundere Lecture with Nathan Schneider)

03/06:  Nietzsche and Spirituality in the US
4pm – MU Journey Room (Horning Lecture with Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen)


“As we leave the moon and Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind,” he spoke. “As I take these last steps from the surface for some time to come, I’d just like to record that America’s challenge of today has forged man’s destiny of tomorrow.”

– the last words ever spoken on the Moon…

– Gene Cernan, Apollo 17 ; which returned to Earth on this day in 1972.

Posted in Departmental News, Faculty News, Student News | Leave a comment

SHPR Digest – June 2013


campbellCourtney Campbell was recently featured as a medical ethics guest expert on an episode of “The Blaze.”   With hospitals facing a shortage of organ donors, this show asked if there is a free market solution that can solve the shortage and save lives.  Fortunately, Courtney was on hand to weigh in on the ethics and implications of creating an open market for human organs.
You can watch Courtney’s full interview here.

Campbell was also quoted in the Oregonian earlier this month regarding the current organ transplant system pointing out that “roughly 7,000 people die each year – 19 a day –waiting for the organs that could save them.”


blackboardCongratulations to Jon Dorbolo who was awared the 2013 Blackboard Catalyst Award for Exemplary Course Design by the folks at Blackboard, Inc.    They stated, “The efforts made by Jon Louis Dorbolo really do make a difference in enhancing the learning experience at your institution and for many other institutions across the globe.”  His work will be highlighted at the Blackboard World 2013 conference awards luncheon which will take place on July 11, 2013 in Las Vegas.


opb Congratulations to Jacob Darwin Hamblin who was interviewed on Oregon Public Broadcasting’s show Think Out Loud.  According to the accompanying article entitled “How the Cold War Created Environmental Science,” Jake’s new book, Arming Mother Nature, has scene after scene that makes you wonder if Dr. Strangelove or Dr. No weren’t so fictional after all…  (It really is a great read!)

Click here to read the article and listen to the full interview


Slide1The Phrōnesis Lab group, led by Sharyn Clough and Stephanie Jenkins, has just wrapped up teaching a ten-week course in Peace and Social Justice to a group of 11 at-risk youth from neighboring College Hill High School.  The course focused on topics chosen by the high school students, including LGBT issues, poverty, homelessness, and bullying.  The philosophy program at OSU is a perfect incubator for the Phrōnesis Lab because the faculty here have always been committed to philosophy engaged with and in the real world.   This course will be offered every Spring.


Philosophia ConferenceStephanie Jenkins also recently presented a paper at the 7th Annual Meeting of philoSOPHIA in Banff, Alberta Canada.   Her paper, which was part of the Bios, Biopower, and Bioethics: Critical Disability Theory Perspectives Session, was entitled “Morally Considerable Life: Towards a Feminist Disability Ethics.”


Cecularism in Antebellum AmericaEarlier this month, the Religion in American History blog did a week long series of critical interpretations of John Lardas Modern’s Secularism in Antebellum America.    Kicking off this week long event was Amy Koehlinger who had recently chaired a provocative and well-attended session on the topic at the American Academy of Religion conference in Chicago.

You can read Amy’s introduction and the entire series here!


usihThe 2013 Society for U.S. Intellectual History conference committee announced two main plenary sessions to be held the evenings of November 1 and November 2, 2013, at UC-Irvine.    One of these sessions, The United States and the World: Intellectual Histories of American Foreign Relations, will be co-chaired by Christopher McKnight Nichols.

Click here to learn more about the 2013 US Intellectual History conference.

Nichols’ class on the U.S. role in the world in the post-Cold War era/ca. 1989-2001, which was taped on March 12, 2013, aired on June 8 & 9 on C-SPAN’s “Lectures in American History.”   Nichols has since received a flood of positive emails on both his teaching and the high quality student insights and participation.

Click here to watch the class broadcast online!


Ethical Adaptation to Climate ChangeEarlier this month, Allen Thompson presented at the 2013 OSU Authors and Editors Recognition Luncheon.   Joined by faculty from across the University, Allen discussed his most recent book “Ethical Adaptation to Climate Change.”    Allen was the only professor from the College of Liberal Arts to present.

Click here to learn more about Allen’s work.


Guerrina-Steen-fat-kitchen-1024x789Anita Guerrini had a wonderful blog/article featured on the website for the 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine which will be held 21-28 July in Manchester England.   Her post is based on the paper , “Une affreuse cuisine: The ghastly kitchen,” which she is due to give at ICHSTM as part of symposium T159, “Place and affect in early-modern sciences,” on Monday 22nd July.

Click here to visit the ICHSTM website and read the article!


social justiceIt is one thing to hear about social injustice second hand.  It is another to go out and see for yourself.    During Spring term, Joseph Orosco and Tony Vogt hosted the OSU Peace Studies Social Justice Reality Tour to give students the opportunity to go out and investigate social justice in their own community and to report back about their experiences.   As one part of this project, they have set up a fantastic blog entitled “Ground Truthing Social Justice:  Reports from the Field” to give students the opportunity to publicly post about their research and findings.  They hope to offer this course regularly and investigate a different series of on-the-ground issues each time.


rumblesCongratulations to recent MS History of Science graduate Peter Rumbles who has accepted a post at the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City.  Chartered by the State of New York in 2009, the museum is the only museum of mathematics in the USA and has  substantial outreach missions to K-12 students and the general public.  For more on the museum and its history see:


Maanas TripathiAward winning history student and recent graduate Maanas Tripathi was featured this month in an article by the College of Liberal Arts entitled “Off the Beaten Path.”   In this article, he says, “I honestly used to be really bored with my experiences in school until I decided to major in history. For once, I was actually excited about going to class.”    Maanas has been accepted into medical school and begins his advanced classes this fall.


The University Honor’s College at OSU has awarded Victoria Price the Honors Promise Finishing Scholarship for 2013-2014.   Her award was one of only two given to students in the Humanities.   This $5,000 scholarship is the highest dollar value award made by the UHC.  This award adds to Victoria’s already impressive list of awards and accomplishments this year including the School’s WIC Culture of Writing award and the Robert Wayne Smith Book award.



Note that the east entrance to Milam Hall will be closed to foot traffic.  They will be trimming the boxwoods and plants near the entrance and then painting just as they did the front north entrance.  This project will most likely take most of the summer.



SHPR now has a Flickr Photo Account!!   Click below for recent photo’s from:

Milam Hall Construction
Philosophy Student Awards Ceremony
History Student Awards Ceremony



As you all know, we are already deep in scheduling events for this Fall!
Current events on the schedule include:

  • September 26:   A Horning Lecture with David Hollinger
  • October 3-5:  The Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum Conference
  • October 07:  “Muslim Cool” – A Hundere Lecture with Su’ad Khabeer
  • October 24:  A Pauling Nobel Anniversary Lecture with Tim Naftali
  • November 20 (Tentative):  A Horning Lecture with Jon Butler
  • April 28-May 1st:  Holocaust Memorial Week

If you have events planned for Fall that are not on this schedule, please set up an appointment to meet with me asap.




After many years with the Religious Studies Department, the Philosophy Department, and ultimately the School of History, Philosophy, and Religion, Lois Robertson has retired.   There are not enough words of praise for the fantastic work she has done all these years in support of our programs.    Her warm smile and pleasant demeanor will be greatly missed.



“Space isn’t remote at all.  It’s only an hour’s drive away if your car could go straight upwards.”  – Sir Fred Hoyle (b. 06/24/1915)

Posted in Departmental News, Faculty News, Student News | Leave a comment

SHPR Digest – May 2013


Nichols2Christopher McKnight Nichols has had a banner month starting with the American Military and Diplomatic History Conference that was held on campus May 7th to celebrate the launch of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Military and Diplomatic History  – a massive two volume reference work he co-edited with David Milne and Timothy Lynch.   CSPAN was on hand to film the event which is slated to air later this month!

The History News Network also ran a great piece on The Limits of American Power by Nichols.

And, as if that was not enough, his prior work, Promise and Peril:  America at the Dawn of a Global Age continues to get international publicity and glowing reviews – this time in the Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.  (12:2 Apr. 2013, p. 260-268)

“…Nichols adeptly traces the transformations within isolationist thought
while challenging simplistic characterizations of the policy…”


smith_freedom“Although California was distant from the battlefields of the Civil War, the state endured its own struggle over freedom that paralleled that of the North and the South.”  

Also big congratulations to Stacey Smith who’s first blog post for the New York Times came out this month exploring Native American involuntary servitude in California during the Civil War era.    Much of this research has grown from her forthcoming book Freedom’s Frontier: California and the Struggle over Unfree Labor, Emancipation, and Reconstruction which comes out this August.

You can read her full NYT article here!


weaponized_weatherThere has also been fantastic press this month for Jake Hamblin‘s new book  “Arming Mother Nature: The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism”  as Salon excerpts a chapter!

“Cold War secrets: Melting polar ice cap with nukes, changing the sea level, even LSD weapons were all on the table…”

You can read the Salon excerpt here or get your own copy here!


strA hearty congratulations to Stuart Sarbacker who received the Hundere Publishing Fellowship to assist in the completion of his forthcoming book, Tracing the Path of Yoga, under contract with SUNY Press.   His most recent article “Herbs (ausadhi) as a Means to Spiritual Accomplishments (siddhi) in Patañjali’s Yogasutra” was also published this month in the International Journal of Hindu Studies.

Sarbackers’ popular yoga course was featured in a recent OSU video.


avahelenMina Carson presented a lecture on Ava Helen Pauling at the Oregon Historical Society in Portland on Thursday, May 9th to a wildly enthusiastic audience.   Her talk Ava Helen Pauling: Wife, Mother, Gadfly, Activist presented research and insights gained writing her biography of Ava Helen that was released on OSU Press this month.


CampbellThe Spring 2013 issue of Oregon Humanities magazine featured an article by Courtney Campbell entitled Fearful Beauty:  Embracing Both the Wonder and Terror of Awe.

“In a postmodern world where the gods may be silent and spectacles are packaged and commodified for our consumerist lusts, we do well to follow Einstein’s admonition to not close our eyes to the awe and wonder that pervade our experience.”


Jon Butler Conf.Amy Koehlinger visited Yale University last month as co-organizer and presenter at Historiographical Heresy:  A Conference on the Legacy of Jon Butler.   Dr. Koehlinger presented a paper entitled “Questioning ‘The Catholic Imaginary’: Catholic Exceptionalism in the Historical Imagination”

You can read more about this excellent conference @ the Religion in American History blog under “An Olympics of Intellectual Takedowns.”

Koehlinger was also awarded a Hundere Teaching Fellowship to assist in the development of her new course, “Religion in the American West” to add to the curricular offerings of the School of History, Philosophy, and Religion in the field of religious studies!


Miles and Piatt 2013 Debate PosterThe Socratic Club @ OSU, helmed by Gary Ferngren, continues to bring thought provoking debates to campus.   This month featured a debate asking if the concept of hell and the concept of a loving God are incompatible.

For more information about the Socratic Club @ OSU, visit their website at

You can watch this and more than 20 of their previous debates online at:

Ferngren’s 2009 book Medicine and Health Care in Early Christianity was also extensively quoted this month by ABC Australia in an article entitled “The roots of benevolence: Christian ideals and social benefit.


Glaubenssysteme BeliefDavid Luft was recently in Canada to give a presentation at the Glaubenssysteme Belief-Systems Conference at the University of Waterloo.

He spoke on “Resisting Belief-Systems in Austria” and also served as moderator for the Austria & It’s History panel.


Black Urban Atlantic CoverCongratulations go out to Nicole von Germeten who contributed a chapter, “Black Brotherhoods in Mexico City” to the recently released book The Black Urban Atlantic in the Age of the Slave Trade  Edited by Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, Matt D. Childs, and James Sidbury on University of Pennsylvania Press.

You may remember Dr. Cañizares-Esguerra from earlier this year as he gave the 2013 Carson Lecture “Silencing the Past: On Imperious Historical Categories.”   His lecture is still one of the top three viewed videos on our YouTube channel.


Miner's DiggingPh.D. candidate Linda M. Richards, has done us proud again:  her article on uranium mining on Navajo land, entitled “On Poisoned Ground,” is the cover story in the latest issue of the magazine Chemical Heritage which is published by the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) in Philadelphia.  They’ve also put images from her article on the front page of both the hard copy magazine and their website.  If you are not familiar with the CHF, it is a major center of research in the history of chemistry (including the health and environmental dimensions).

Work like Linda’s is helping to make our School not only a center of excellence in history of science, but also in environmental, peace, and social justice issues.   This is a bumper academic year for Linda, who also recently published a refereed journal article about Linus Pauling’s “fallout suits” in the journal Peace and Change.  (Volume 38, Issue 1, pages 56–82, January 2013)


Hannah Mahoney

Hannah Mahoney interned in the OSU Multicultural Archives and organized an archival document set related to a really distinctive church founded by Caribbean immigrants in Portland in 1911. The Church (St. Philip the Deacon) recently donated its records to OSU Archives.

A big congratulations to History senior Hannah Mahoney was awarded the OSU Library Undergraduate Research Award in the humanities for 2013, for her paper “A Global Affair: Understanding 1960s Geopolitics through the New York World’s Fair”

Hannah was also featured in a recent
OSU Spotlight where she said,

“I didn’t choose Oregon State for history, but I probably am getting the better history degree I would have gotten anywhere else,” she says. “All the professors are great. They really love where they are and what they’re doing.”


Dr. Robert SelfOSU History (91′) alumnus Robert Self (now Professor of History at Brown University) returned to Oregon to speak at 3:30 pm on Thursday, May 9 at the University of Oregon (375 McKenzie Hall).

Dr. Self is a prominent scholar of twentieth century US history.  His first (award-winning) book, American Babylon, explored racial politics in Oakland, California in the postwar era.   He will be speaking about his new book, All in the Family, which has already received significant attention.


bildeThe Salem Statesman Journal ran a great article on OSU alumnus and former faculty member Willi Unsoeld.   “A graduate of Oregon State University, Willi Unsoeld later served on the faculty of the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Oregon State before taking a leave of absence to join the Peace Corps and embarking upon his historic trek (as part of the first American expedition to climb Everest).   It was a quest that would cost Unsoeld nine of his toes from frostbite, but cement his reputation as one of the country’s greatest climbers and give birth to a legacy of adventure-seeking that today still thrives at Oregon State University.”

You can read the full article here!


Dr. Elizabeth Stillwagon SwanCongratulations go out to Dr. Elizabeth Stillwagon Swan, the Horning Fellow in History and Philosophy of Science for 2010-2011, who has been appointed assistant professor of philosophy at Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA.

Dr. Swan taught science writing for the OSU Gradate Program in History and Philosophy of Science during her year at OSU’s Center for Humanities. At Mercyhurst professor Swan will be teaching courses in philosophy of mind and philosophy of science, and plans to collaborate with colleagues in the university’s programs in forensic science and intelligence studies. Her most recent book is Origins of Mind (Dordrecht: Springer, 2013).



And, finally…

Please join me in a School wide heartfelt congratulations to Heather and Caleb Stinger who welcomed their first baby, Taryn, this month.

We wish them the best of luck in the future and look forward to Heather’s return in June!


Upcoming Events

Teddy Roosevelt’s Oregon Roadshow
May 16, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
Benton County Historical Museum; Philomath,OR
(click here to learn more!)

(For those that saw Horning Visiting Scholar Robert Fox’s talks last week…,  this may be of interest!)
Human Curiosities: People on Display at the 1905 Lewis and Clark Exposition

Lunchtime Lecture with Emily J. Trafford, Ph.D. candidate, University of Liverpool
Friday, May 17 at 12 PM
Oregon Historical Society Madison Room (Free with museum admission)

Organizers of the 1905 Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition in Portland, Oregon, chose to include displays of live humans, a practice that was common at the time but about which there are many questions today. Historian Emily J. Trafford will be working to answer those questions during four weeks of intense research into collections held by OHS, work supported by the Society’s Donald J. Sterling Research Fellowship. Join her for an illustrated update on what she has discovered in our archive and what she thinks it all means.   (Learn more here!)

The History Students Association Undergraduate Research Conference
Saturday, May 18, 2013 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Valley Library, Willamette East & West Room
(Please consider attending and lending your support to our young researchers!)

A Brief History of Extraterrestrial Communication
Tuesday, May 21, 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Milam Hall, Room  319A

The CLA “Scholarship and Creativity Fair”
Thursday, May 30, 5:00 PM -8:00 PM
Reser Stadium, Club Level

The 1st annual SHPR “No-Ice-Cream” Social and Awards Presentation
Thursday, June 06, 2:00 PM -4:00 PM
Memorial Union, Journey Room

Commencement 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:00 PM


Upcoming Opportunities

Be a Mentor!

Project Social Justice

Project Social Justice (PSJ) is a nine-month mentoring program for individuals interested in becoming effective social change agents.  The vision of the program is to develop diverse leaders dedicated to creating a welcoming and inclusive society.  Participants will be expected to attend activities, meet independently, engage in authentic conversations, and provide reflections throughout the experience.  Mentees will create a culminating personal growth and social justice project.  It is our hope that mentors and mentees will build meaningful relationships with one another and within the cohort of participants.  The program begins during the Fall 2013 term and ends Spring 2014.  Undergraduate and graduate students can apply to be a mentee.  Staff, professional faculty, and teaching faculty can apply to be a mentor.  

The full program description can be found here.

While this is a free program for enrolled students and campus faculty and staff, spaces are limited.  To apply click here.

Application deadline is Thursday, May 23, 2013.


Aloha and E Komo Mai!

hawaii2014 Hawaii University International Conferences
On Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
January 4-6, 2014

Ala Moana Hotel
Honolulu, HI

Call for Papers/ Proposal /Abstracts/Submissions
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2013

Visit our website | Submit via online form | Contact Us


The Last Word

“I’m not interested in preserving the status quo;
I want to overthrow it.”

Niccolo Machiavelli (b. May 1469)



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SHPR Digest – April 2013


Congratulations go out to Jim Blumenthal
who was the focus of a feature story
entitled ‘Hemisphere to Hemisphere’
for the College of Liberal Arts.

“When Jim Blumenthal finished his degree at the University of San Diego in 1989, he took off on a backpacking trip through Asia. He had no idea, at the time, that in ten years he would receive his Ph.D. in Asian religions, or that by the end of twenty he would have personal relationships with world leaders of modern Buddhism, the Dalai Lama included. For Blumenthal, an associate professor of philosophy at Oregon State, the trip was a process of self—and global—exploration:…”

You can read his full feature here.

Jim will also be presenting “Buddhist Thought: The Basics” to the
Religious Studies Group on Tuesday April 2nd at 4pm in Milam  301.

When asked what he would like on his pizza, he replied:
“Make me one with everything…”


Speaking of the Religious Studies Group, David Arnoldthey were featured this month in a front page story in the Barometer in a story entitled “A Close Look at Religions” by Dakotah Splichalova.

“With an inclusive philosophy, the Religious Studies Club focuses on investigating scholarly issues and creating a collegiate community committed to interreligious values and study.”

During March, the group met on 3/6 to discuss perennial philosophy and again on 3/15 to discuss the process of Papal Conclave and the impact of the selection of Pope Francis to the Catholic Church.   The Religious Studies Group is advised by Amy Koehlinger, Paul Kopperman, and David Arnold (pictured left above).

Click here to read the full Barometer article.


The Horning Endowment for the Humanities held the Digital Humanities Symposium earlier this month exploring the impact of contemporary technological advances on scholarship and research in the humanities disciplines.   The event featured Rob Iliffe (director of the Newton Project / Sussex), Anita Guerrini (OSU), Patrick McCray (UC Santa Barbara), Dan Rosenberg (UO) and James Capshew (Indiana).

You can watch Anita Guerrini’s presentation
Google Books, the n-gram, and Culturomics” below:


The Phronesis TeamPhronesis: A Laboratory for Engaged Ethics is a new SHPR project directed by a team of Philosophy faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students and will be launching its first major experiment in the spring quarter. In concert with the College Hill High School alternative education program in Corvallis, the Phronesis team is running an on-campus class for at-risk youth focused on research and writing skills through the application and test of working ethical hypotheses. The topics in the class will be selected by the students, and framed by peace and social justice narratives such as LGBT rights, discrimination in education, criminal justice issues affecting individuals with developmental disabilities, and the role of social media. The narratives are geared toward helping students to recognize and work to ameliorate social inequalities in their communities. Combining journaling, investigative research, social experiments, and community projects, the students’ work in the class will culminate in the production of individual research portfolios that test the ethical hypotheses they’ve developed against the evidence of their own experience.

The project is supervised by Drs. Sharyn Clough and Stephanie Jenkins, and the class itself will be taught by Matt Gaddis, as part of his practicum requirements for the Applied Ethics MA program, along with Sean Creighton who recently defended an Applied Ethics MA thesis that discussed State standards for high school science curricula. Philosophy major Sione Filimoehala is the teaching assistant for the class. Ashley Eveleth, a community volunteer, rounds out the team.

Check out the Phronesis website for more exciting details!


Colorado State University recently created a new web resource – “100 Views of Climate Change” – which prominently features both a wonderful short video presentation by Kathleen Dean Moore entitled Climate Change: A Moral Crisis and another great review of Moral Ground:  Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril!

Kathy also participated in the March event (sponsored by the Spring Creeks Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word) “Thinking About Animals Thinking” where she read a lovely essay from her book Wild Comfort entitled “The Possum in the Plum Tree.”

You can watch her presentation below

Other speakers at this event included Michael Nelson, Virginia Morell, Bill Ripple, Dave Mellinger.   You can watch all of their videos on our YouTube Channel!

OSU press will be re-releasing Moore’s award winning book Holdfast this month.


While we are talking about animals and Spring Creeks, we should mention the amazing event with Virgina Morell that happened last month.    Morell’s presentation, Animal Wise, was an insightful and inspirational look into minds and emotions of animals.

We had so many people attend this event, from school children to seniors, that we had to move the event from C&E hall and into Austin Auditorium to accommodate the crowd!


Lights, Camera, Nichols!    C-SPAN was recently on campus filming Christopher McKnight Nichols’ class on US foreign relations for their show American History TV.

Watch for his episode to air sometime in June!

Nichols was also just featured by the College of Liberal Arts in a cover piece entitled “Fitting-In.”   This article highlighted Nichols success and popularity as a professor at OSU, his latest work, the “Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History,” and the American Military and Diplomatic History Conference which he is hosting on May 7th.


Nichols isn’t the only faculty involved with a current Oxford reference publication…,

Allen Thompson is also currently co-editing the
Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics, with
Stephen Gardiner at University of Washington.

Allen also recently became the
Treasurer of the International Society
for Environmental Ethics.

Congratulations Allen!


What does it mean to “Be Orange?”
What does it mean to “Be Good?”

In this new project, led by Stephanie Jenkins, philosophy students have worked to explore these questions and have blogged their work.

Visit to read their results (which clearly show why we have some of the best students anywhere)!


The Horning Endowment for the Humanities also sponsored a lunch bunch talk in March with Nicole Archambeau entitled “Reconsidering the Health Care Provider: Lessons from Medieval Miracle Accounts.

Nicole’s interesting presentation has become the most popular
video on our YouTube Channel for the month!


Big congratulations go out to Stacey Smith who was just awarded an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship!!  The fellowship provides a stipend to travel to the Huntington Library in San Marino, Calif. where she will conduct research for her next book project, “An Empire for Freedom: Transcontinental Abolitionism and the Black Civil Rights Struggle in the Pacific West.

This month, we also got a first look at the cover for her current book, “Freedom’s Frontier:  California and the Struggle over Unfree Labor, Emancipation, and Reconstruction” which is due out on UNC Press in August.

Finally, Smith has been invited to submit a paper and give a talk on the Thirteenth Amendment in the American West at a special conference called “The World that the Civil War Made,” which will take place at the Richards Center for the Civil War Era at Pennsylvania State University on June 21, – 23, 2013.   The essays by participants will eventually be published in an edited collection for University of North Carolina Press in 2015.



We also got our first look this month at the cover for Nicole von Germeten‘s upcoming book “Violent Delights, Violent Ends: Sex, Race, & Honor in Colonial Cartagena de Indias.”

Her book, on University of New Mexico Press, is also due out in early Fall.   Click here to read a synopsis of her upcoming work.



Ava Helen Pauling cover

Mina Carson‘s long-awaited biography of the complex Ava Helen Pauling, which comes out this June, is an important addition to the literature on women’s and family history as well as her famous spouse, Linus Pauling.

Ava Helen Pauling: Partner, Activist, Visionary shares the fascinating history behind one of the great love stories of the twentieth century and the personal story of Ava Helen’s own career as an activist first for civil rights and liberties, then against nuclear testing, and finally for peace, feminism, and environmental stewardship.


Courtney Campbell and the Hundere Endowment for Religion and Culture announced three awards to support the Religious Studies initiative across the School.

1)      The first of these is the annual student award for best undergraduate and graduate paper address an issue of relevance to religious studies.  Please announce this to your students, and encourage any students who have submitted excellent papers in relevant classes to submit a paper.

2)      The Second is a teaching fellowship, which provides some professional development funds for developing a new course or revising an existing course to advance the aims of our current Religion and Culture certificate, and ultimately our anticipated major.

3)      The third is the continuation of the Hundere Publishing Fellowship that was initiated by Marc Borg, and provides some funding for course releases to allow a faculty member to work on and complete a book-length project.

Contact Courtney for more information!


United Nations Association of Oregon

On Tuesday, March 26, Joseph Orosco addressed the United Nations Association of
Rose Villa in Portland on the topic of “Just Wars and Good Interventions”.


Helen Wilhelm

Finally, we have a new face
in the front office!

Helen Wilhem will be joining us
while Heather Stinger is away.

Please stop in and say hello
if you have not already done so!


Upcoming Events

April 2, 7:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
A Dying to Tell:  Stories of Good Death
(A Hundere Lecture with Felicia Cohn)

April 08-11, 7:30 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
OSU Holocaust Memorial Week
Alex Hinton, Ruth Klüger, Peter Hayes, & Henryk Grynberg (and more!)

April 16, 4:00 PM (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
American Liberalism and the Cold War: The Case for Monroe Sweetland
An American Culture and Politics Lecture with Bill Robbins

April 25, 7:00 PM (Memorial Union, Pan Afrika Room)
Lincoln’s Bequest: Losing and Finding Religion in a Time of War
A Hundere Lecture with Ray Haberski

April 26, 12:00 PM (Memorial Union, Pan Afrika Room)
Bellah’s Lament: the Making of Civil Religion in America
A Lunch Bunch Lecture with Ray Haberski

April 29, 4:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E Auditorium)
Cultural Competence: The Spirit Catches You
A Hundere Lecture with Anne Fadiman

April 30, 7:30 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, Austin Auditorium)
Waging Peace:  The Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture
Leah Bolger, National President of Veterans for Peace

May 06/08/10 (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
Science and Nationhood
A Horning Visiting Scholar Lecture Series with Robert Fox

May 07 (MU, Journey Room / LaSells C&E)
The American Military and Diplomatic History Conference
David Milne, Timothy Lynch, Danielle Holtz, Christopher McKnight Nichols


The Last Word

Hard to believe another month has already passed us by.    A personal thank you to everyone who sent in updates and suggestions for this month – as you can see, even on a slow month, we are a fantastically active School!

If you have items or updates that you would like included in the next issue, please send them as well as any comments/suggestions to Robert Peckyno before April 30th!


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SHPR Digest – March 2013

Notes From the Chair

Welcome to the first installment of the SHPR Digest – our new monthly-ish summary of news from across the School.  A big thanks to Bob for pulling this together and all of you who wrote in with updates.  As he says in his final words, we really do encourage you to keep us all up to date on your activities.

Have a great March!


Faculty News

Anita Guerrini

A huge congratulations go out to Anita Guerrini who was just elected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to be Chair of the Section on History and Philosophy of Science.

Dr. Guerrini officially became ‘chair-elect’ on February 19, 2013 and will assume the role of chair in 2014.    The 2014 annual meeting of the AAAS will be held in Chicago, IL – February 13-17, 2014 on the theme “Meeting Global Challenges: Discovery and Innovation.”

It would be great to have a large SHPR presence at this meeting as this would be a fantastic opportunity to showcase our programs.    You can submit symposium proposals through April 23rd, 2013.

Be sure to check out Anita’s new blog, Anatomia Animalia!

* * * * * * * * * *

Stuart Sarbacker was featured in the most recent issue of OSU’s research magazine, Terra in an article entitled “Green Yoga: Posture for the Planet“.   Stuart explained that in India, the birthplace of the exercise, yoga is beginning to stretch beyond the boundaries of one’s self and into the ecological realm.   A new movement called “Green Yoga” encourages men and women who practice yoga — called yogis and yoginis — to strive for bettering their environment.

Stuart will be teaching a course during Spring Term devoted to Green Yoga.

* * * * * * * * * *

  • Amy Koehlinger‘s recent article “By Whose Authority” on the conflict between nuns and the Vatican was featured on the cover of the “American Catholic Studies Newsletter.”

Visit the Cushwa Center @ Notre Dame to read the full article!


  • Amy along with Stuart Sarbacker has also started a reading group for faculty in SHPR, and throughout the university, on theories and methods in the academic study of religion.   Contact Amy or Stuart for more information!
  • Amy and Courtney Campbell also teamed earlier this month to present:

“God Talk” in the Public Presidency

You can watch their presentation below!

* * * * * * * * * *

Joseph Orosco hosted the annual conference of the the Peace and Conflict Studies Consortium (PCSC) entitled “The Chemistry of Peace: Transforming Cultures of Fear Through Education.”   Peace and Conflict Scholars converged on Milam Hall earlier this month to compare notes, programs, and lessons learned.

The keynote for this event, “Crucible of Dissent: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling,” was delivered by Mina Carson who will be releasing a biography of Ava Helen Pauling later this year.   You can watch her presentation below:

Be sure to also check out Mina’s new blog, The Historian’s Lens

* * * * * * * * * *

The Sun Magazine recently interviewed Kathleen Dean Moore for an article entitled “If Your House is on Fire” discussing the twin threats of climate change and corporate hegemony.

Moore’s presentation “Red Sky at Morning: Ethics and the Oceanic Crisis,” which was given at the Nobel Conference 48: Our Global Ocean, was also recently uploaded to YouTube.

You can watch her excellent presentation below:

* * * * * * * * * *


Congratulations go out to Stacey Smith who will be guest blogging for the New York Times starting this month.

Look for her first published article sometime in mid-April!


* * * * * * * * * *

Stephanie Jenkins and Shari Clough have begun laying the groundwork
for a new philosophy outreach project entitled “Phronesis.”

Look for more details on our homepage in the coming months!

* * * * * * * * * *

Congratulations also go out to Michael A. Osborne, Professor of History of Science who has just been elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of the History of Science.

The Academy, based in Paris, was formed in 1928 to represent and organize the history of science at an international level.

 * * * * * * * * * *

On January 8th, Oxford University Press released the The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History co-edited by Christopher McKnight Nichols.   We will be celebrating the release of this monumental reference book with the American Military and Diplomatic History Conference which will be held on May 7th.

This release comes while Nichols is still getting a flurry of publicity and a recent 17 page rountable review in the Journal of American Studies about his most recent book, Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of the Global Age.

…Nichols has accomplished a major feat, demonstrating that isolationism was a far richer and more complex intellectual tradition than its critics have ever imagined–one that still speaks to our own time, freshening the stale formulas of the Washington consensus and allowing us to re-imagine the role of the United States in the world.  –Jackson Lears

  * * * * * * * * * *

Speaking of books, Paul Kopperman‘s most recent book “Regimental Practice” by John Buchanan, M.D.: An Eighteenth-Century Medical Diary and Manual has been released to the Scholar’s Archive at OSU.   Unlike the 2012 version published by Ashgate Press, this complete and unabridged version includes over 300 pages of additional notes and historical context on Buchanan’s therapy for select diseases, surgical operations, and the uses and recipes for drugs.

We recently sat down with Dr. Kopperman to discuss this unique collaboration as the inaugural video for our new SHPR “Behind the Books” video series.

* * * * * * * * * *

Last month, the Horning Endowment for the Humanities sponsored an Alpine Environments workshop featuring several climate historians and scientists including Mark Carey (UO), Toby Dittrich (PCC), Mike Osborne (OSU), and Harold Zald (OSU).   The keynote for this event featured environmental historian Roderick Nash who was introduced by Jake Hamblin and spoke to an overflowing standing room only audience.

All of the presentations can be seen on our departmental YouTube Channel,
but you can view Nash’s full talk below:

 * * * * * * * * * *

On Feb. 11th, the annual Carson Lecture was held featuring Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra who presented a talk entitled “Silencing the Past: On Imperious Historical Categories.”   His talk, introduced by Nicole von Germeten, has rocketed up our YouTube channel and in one week is already our third most viewed video.    (David Luft‘s fall talk on Philosophy and Science in Nineteenth-Century Austria is still #1)

You can watch Dr. Cañizares-Esguerra’s lecture below:

 * * * * * * * * * *

Upcoming Events

(Click for additional information)

March 6, 5:00 PM (Milam Hall, 301):
Religious Studies @ OSU: Perennial Philosophy

March 6, 5:30 PM (Valley Library, Autzen Room):
History Students Association Career and Job Fair

March 7, 7:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
Animal Wise: The Thoughts and Emotions of our Fellow Creatures
The Spring Creek Project presents Virginia Morell

March 8, 3:00 PM (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
Thinking About Animals Thinking
A Spring Creek Project Symposium with Michael Nelson, Kathleen Dean Moore,
Dave Mellinger, Bill Ripple and Virginia Morell.

April 2, 7:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
A Hundere Lecture with Felicia Cohn

April 4, 7:30 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, Austin)
Nonviolence in the Contemporary World / Samdhong Rinpoche
The Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Peace Lecture

April 08-11, 7:30 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
OSU Holocaust Memorial Week
Alex Hinton, Ruth Klüger, Peter Hayes, & Henryk Grynberg

April 16, 4:00 PM (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
American Liberalism and the Cold War: The Case for Monroe Sweetland
An American Culture and Politics Lecture with Bill Robbins

April 25, 4:00 PM (Memorial Union, Pan Afrika Room)
Lincoln’s Bequest: Losing and Finding Religion in a Time of War
A Hundere Lecture with Ray Haberski

April 29, 4:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E Auditorium)
Cultural Competence: The Spirit Catches You
A Hundere Lecture with Anne Fadiman

May 06/08/10 (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
Science and Nationhood
A Horning Visiting Scholar Lecture Series with Robert Fox

May 07 (MU, Journey Room / LaSells C&E)
The American Military and Diplomatic History Conference
David Milne, Timothy Lynch, Danielle Holtz, Christopher McKnight Nichols

For Your Consideration

Grant Proposal:  These NEH grants support national or regional (multistate) training programs for scholars and advanced graduate students to broaden and extend their knowledge of digital humanities. Through these programs, NEH seeks to increase the number of humanities scholars using digital technology in their research and to broadly disseminate knowledge about advanced technology tools and methodologies relevant to the humanities. The projects may be a single opportunity or offered multiple times to different audiences. Institutes may be as short as a few days and held at multiple locations or as long as six weeks at a single site. For example, training opportunities could be offered before or after regularly occurring scholarly meetings, during the summer months, or during appropriate times of the academic year. The duration of a program should allow for full and thorough treatment of the topic.

Receipt Deadline March 7, 2013 for Projects Beginning October 2013
Click here for more information.

 * * * * * * * * * *

CFP:  Oregon Humanities is still seeking scholars, community leaders, innovators, provocateurs, artists, and other engaged thinkers to lead Conversation Project programs.

The Conversation Project offers Oregon nonprofits free, humanities-based public discussion programs about provocative issues and ideas. We are looking for leaders who are smart, passionate about ideas, and curious–who understand the role of the humanities in the public sphere, but who are also teachers at heart, regardless of their day job.

Proposals for 2013-15 Conversation Project programs are due March 8, 2013. Visit to read the full Request for Proposals and apply online.

 * * * * * * * * * *

CFP:  The Seventeenth Annual Meeting or the International Association for Environmental Philosophy will be held in Eugene Oregon on October 26–28, 2013.

There is still (a little) time to submit!   The Deadline on the CFP is MARCH 8, 2013.
Click here for more information!

 * * * * * * * * * *

CFP:  The Interdisciplinary Encounters in Religion, Law, and Ethics working group at the University of California-Irvine contributes to the culture of interdisciplinary reading that focuses on probing the tensions in religious and secular ethics and legal systems.

The group is holding its first interdisciplinary conference on May 10, 2013 at the University of California-Irvine.

Deadline for submissions is March 10, 2013, 5pm PST.
Click here for more information.

 * * * * * * * * * *

Grant Proposal:  The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor will support a program to promote freedom of expression and association for majority and minority religious populations, focusing on youth and religious leaders. The program will design and implement a participatory online network and related social media tools to help foster respect for religious diversity, reduce sectarian tensions, counter violent extremism, and respond to calls for the punishment of blasphemy and apostasy.  Focused on Near East Asia / Indonesia.

Click here for more information and details.

Deadline for submissions is  March 22, 2013

 * * * * * * * * * *

Grant Proposal:  Land O’Lakes Foundation Community Grants range from $500 to $25, 000. Some larger donations are made.   Land O’Lakes Foundation Community Grants Program provides support through cash grants to nonprofit organizations that are working to improve communities where Land O’Lakes has a significant concentration of members or employees. These include organizations:

  •     Such as United Way that provide funding to community human services.
  •     That work to alleviate hunger.
  •     Designed to build knowledge and leadership skills of rural youth.
  •     Active in addressing and solving community problems.
  •     Promoting artistic endeavors — especially in under-served rural areas, touring or outreach programs.

Land O’Lakes Foundation funds national programs and programs in 20 states: Arkansas, California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin.

Generally, grants are restricted to organizations that have been granted tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Community Grants are limited to one per organization per calendar year.

Click here for more information!

Final Deadline:   April 1st, 2013 (others later)

* * * * * * * * * *

Grant Proposal (for those up for a real challenge):  The Program Challenge Fund was created to support high-profile, primetime, limited series for the national public television schedule. The Program Challenge Fund is jointly administered by CPB and PBS, which make funding decisions based on mutually established programming goals and objectives.

Click here for more information!

Final Deadline:   April 4th, 2013 (rolling/bi-annual)

 * * * * * * * * * *

Grant Proposal:  The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture.  This grant application information is for Publishing Historical Records projects.

Colonial and Early National Period
(projects preparing publications whose documents fall predominantly prior to 1820)

Final Deadline:   June 6, 2013

 * * * * * * * * * *

Grant Proposal:  The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture.  This grant application information is for Digitizing Historical Records projects.

Final Deadline:   June 11, 2013

 * * * * * * * * * *

The Last Word

This is our first attempt at a monthly-ish news post and this will be an evolving process.   I hope to release one of these around the first day of each month so that we can all keep up with everything going on across the SHPR.   Are there things that could be better?   Are there things you would like to see more / less of?    Do you have a great source of information you’d like to share?   Have you actually read this far?

If you have items or updates that you would like included in the next issue, please send them as well as any comments/suggestions to Robert Peckyno before March 24th.

Posted in Departmental News, Faculty News, Student News | Leave a comment

Persistent Praise & Publicity for “Promise and Peril”

Congratulations go out to Dr. Christopher McKnight Nichols!

The latest issue of The Journal of American Studies
(Volume 46 / Issue 04 / November 2012, pp 1077-1094) roundtable reviewed and featured his latest book
“Promise and Peril” covering a lengthy 17 journal pages!

Promise and Peril

Highlights include:

The scope and ambition of ‘Promise and Peril’ is refreshing…”

“Historians are in his debt for his sensitive excavation of different but complementary visions of America’s proper world role during a watershed moment. “

Visit this link to learn more about Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of the Global Age

Visit this link to learn more about Christopher Nichols.

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SHPR Faculty and Administration Honored (x3!)

Congratulations go out to faculty and staff across the
School of History, Philosophy, and Religion at Oregon State University.

CLA Dean Larry Rogers and SHPR Academic Coordinator David Bishop

CLA Dean Larry Rogers and SHPR Academic Coordinator David Bishop.


SHPR Academic Coordinator David Bishop
was honored during CLA day with the
Carolyn Maresh Professional Staff Award,
which recognizes outstanding job performance
and dedication to the College.


Professor Jose-Antonio Orosco

Professor Jose-Antonio Orosco

Professor Joseph Orosco was awarded the 2012 Best published Op-Ed from the American Philosophical Association Committee on Public Philosophy. He was one of five philosophers so honored.  The original op-ed which ran in the Corvallis Gazette Times on March 31, 2011 was entitled “As I See It: Tuition bill the decent option.”

Click here to read the original op-ed.

Mary Jo Nye

Horning Professor of the Humanities and Professor of History Emeritus, Mary Jo Nye

Congratulations also go out to Professor Mary Jo Nye!!!

She has been awarded the 2012 John and Martha Morris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Modern Chemistry and the Chemical Industry.

The presentation of the award will take place at the 9th International Conference of the History of Chemistry in Uppsala in August 2013. (

We are so very proud of all of them and these awards are a testament to both their skill and dedication as well as the strength and vitality of our program as a whole.

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Pariahs’ Progress: On Isolationism

Congratulations to Christopher McKnight Nichols’ whose latest book, Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of a Global Age, received extensive press and a great review by Jackson Lears in the September 17, 2012 edition of ‘The Nation.’

“Nichols has accomplished a major feat, demonstrating that isolationism was a far richer and more complex intellectual tradition than its critics have ever imagined—one that still speaks to our own time, freshening the stale formulas of the Washington consensus and allowing us to reimagine the role of the United States in the world.” – Jackson Lears

You can read the entire article online at:

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Hello and Welcome to the Official Blog of the Oregon State University School of History, Philosophy, and Religion.    I’ve created this blog as a central clearing house for the wide variety of faculty and student blogs, announcements, news stories, and other items of interest.

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