Nichols on new podcast “Mindpop” hosted by David Sehat
Listen to an interview with Prof. Christopher McKnight Nichols, where he talks about the dilemmas facing the United States in the world, the shortcomings of existing foreign policy approaches, and his attempted rehabilitation of an idealistic isolationism to guide the United States in the future.
Jacob Darwin Hamblin Wins History of Science Society’s Watson Davis and Helen Miles Davis Prize
Jacob Darwin Hamblin is the recipient of this year’s Watson Davis and Helen Miles Davis Prize for his 2013 book, “Arming Mother Nature: The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism.” The prize, given by the History of Science Society, is awarded annually to “the author of a book useful in undergraduate teaching or which promotes public understanding of the history of science.”
Hamblin is a professor of history at Oregon State University. His work has also appeared in the New York Times, Salon and publications devoted to the history of science, technology and the natural world.
His book traces postwar American scientists; roles in facilitating the study of ecosystems for military purposes. The prize committee called Hamblin’s book “an outstanding example of what interdisciplinary research and writing for a broad audience can achieve.” Hamblin is also the author of “Poison in the Well: Radioactive Waste in the Oceans at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age,” and “Oceanographers and the Cold War.”
His current research is based on work he’s done at the International Atomic Energy Agency in which he will look at the global promotion of nuclear ‘solutions’ especially in the developing world, from 1945 to the present.
The award was announced Nov. 5 at the annual meeting of the History of Science Society in Atlanta, GA.
Retired OSU professor gives historical context to Malheur standoff
Fall 2016 Classes on Flickr
SHPR is offering a diverse array of upper division courses for F16. Be sure to check out our Flickr Gallery to browse through your options!
Winter 2016 Classes on Flickr
SHPR is offering a diverse array of upper division courses for W16. Be sure to check out our Flickr Gallery to browse through your options!
Phi Alpha Theta Applications are Due!
We would like to invite you to join the Oregon State University chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society. Membership is limited to history majors with an overall GPA of 3.25 and a history GPA of 3.5. As a member of Phi Alpha Theta, you would be connected with history majors throughout the country with a year’s subscription of The Historian magazine. You would also be eligible for various scholarship and conference opportunities. For more information about Phi Alpha Theta, you can visit to
If you have any questions about your information (GPA/History Hours/Etc.), you can find that information under your OSU “My Degrees” @
If you would like to join Phi Alpha Theta, please complete this membership form.
Don’t forget to save your responses before sending the file!
Other eligibility restrictions apply (total # of credits, etc.) – For questions and to submit your application, email to David Bishop at You can also drop your hard copy application off at Milam 322. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, June 2.
New initiates will be honored at the History Department Awards Ceremony on June 5. During the ceremony, new initiates will be inducted into Phi Alpha Theta and receive their certificates of membership. We hope you will be one of them!
Philosophy Talk Returns!
Nationally syndicated radio program Philosophy Talk returns to Oregon State University on Wednesday April 15th, 2015 on the Withycombe Hall Main Stage for a live show taping. This time, our topic will be:
“Science and Politics: Friends or Foes?”
The ideal of science is objectivity in the service of advancing knowledge. We tend to assume that to be objective, scientists must keep their politics from influencing their work. But time and time again we see that science, even some of our best science, is awash in political influences.
Could politics sometimes have a positive effect on objectivity in science? If so, which kinds of politics might have a positive effect and which might not? What criteria could we use to make the distinction? And does ‘objectivity’ still have meaning in this context?
John and Ken take all sides with SHPR Philosophy Prof. Sharyn Clough, author of Beyond Epistemology: A Pragmatist Approach to Feminist Science Studies.
Click below to watch the 2015 Oregon Trailer from Philosophy Talk.
Still need a class for Spring?
Still need a class for Spring? We have uploaded all of our course flyers to our Flickr page. You can browse our SP15 course offerings here – History / Philosophy
Check out the short video below to see all of the Religious Studies courses available.
Were National Parks Actually Mexico’s Best Idea?
“On the eve of the Second World War, Mexico led the world in number of national parks. The Mexican government designated hundreds of thousands of hectares in fourteen states as national parks by 1940, during a time when the country was still recovering from the tumultuous revolution and civil war of the century’s second decade. Although the idea of national parks is typically associated with being the “best idea” of the United States, it was Mexico that led the way in the 1930s. Why Mexico?
In Revolutionary Parks, Emily Wakild tells us that the parks communicated the ideals of the social revolution in Mexico, espousing social justice while implementing the tools of rational science.”
Prof. Jacob Darwin Hamblin leads an all star cast in another excellent H-Environment Roundtable Review. Panelists this time include: Sterling Evans, the Louise Welsh Chair of History at the University of Oklahoma; Adrian Howkins, Associate Professor of History at Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Curt Meine, an expert on Aldo Leopold and is a scholar of conservation principles; and Cynthia Radding, is Gussenhoven Distinguished Professor of Latin American Studies and Professor of History at the University of North Carolina.
Read more @ on Jake’s website and/or on h-net.