Life and Death Choices

Medical ethicist Courtney Campbell deals in thorny questions. If there’s a shortage of chemotherapy drugs, for example, how do you ration them? Who receives a flu vaccine if there isn’t enough to go around? When should medical treatment be stopped and death allowed? Finding answers to these seemingly intractable questions, though, is critical to developing fair medical policies.


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Married scholars explore Jewish masculinity, femininity

Check out this article featuring Dr. Rena Lauer & Dr. Kevin Osterloh about their participation in the 12th Annual Weekend in Quest coming up March 2-4, 2018, in Astoria.

Married scholars explore Jewish masculinity, femininity

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Dr. Stacey Smith discuss her role in the Oregon building names project

Stacey Smith will appear alongside OSU VP Steve Clark on Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Think Out Loud program today 11/29 to discuss the historical research into OSU building names and President Ray’s naming decisions. Tune in from 12:30 to 1 pm today to catch the segment in Corvallis, AM 550 or FM 103.1.

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Philosophy School of Phish

In her innovative “Philosophy School of Phish,” Prof. Stephanie Jenkins gets students and artists in touch with philosophical questioning.

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National Science Foundation awards Dr. Jacob Hamblin, Professor of History and Dr. Linda Richards, Instructor of History a three-year grant.

The grant will support a hybrid project involving research as well as infrastructural development, the latter being a collaboration with SCARC to develop the Downwinders historical collection at OSU. Graduate students will help to conduct oral histories of scientists, victims, and other stakeholders related to the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) project that occurred in the late 1980s and 90s.

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Peace march begins at OSU

Linda Richards, hosted a group participating in the 13th annual Pacific Northwest Interfaith Peace Walk.

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History Is Not a Useless Major: Fighting Myths with Data

Over the past 20 years, warnings from a variety of sources—from career counselors to administrators to government officials—have convinced many prospective college students (and their parents) that the only safe path to a well-paying job is through a STEM major. Members of the academy—including STEM faculty themselves—have repeatedly challenged assertions that majoring in the humanities is useless. And employers of STEM graduates say that they value skills cultivated in a wide-ranging curriculum.

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Check out the new spring edition of Terra magazine, featuring Profs. Mutschler, Guerrini and Osborne

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Mike Osborne was elected to full membership in the International Academy of the History of Science in December 2016

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Philosophy Assistant Professor Barbara Muraca interviewed for podcast

Philosophy Assistant Professor Barbara Muraca was interviewed for a podcast organized by the German Green Foundation “Heinrich Boell” It is the 5th episode of a series on Climate Justice.

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