Week 10’s blog
After I watched the TED Talk: “weird or just different?”, I really like the sentence the speaker mentions is that “sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize assumptions we didn’t even know we had, and realize that the opposite of them may also be true. ” I like this sentence mainly because in our life, there is no absolutely right or wrong, we need to think about something on another aspect to get more.
From the Shape of Design CH5, I learned fiction and bridges to help design connections. Just like the bridge I drew in the first picture, design is like a bridge like this, it means that the products of design are not autonomous objects but are creations that bridge in-between spaces to provide a way toward an intended outcome. The drawing 2 shows that Airbnb is a good example to describe design thinking and design research inform strategic decision-making on many levels. Drawing 3 shows Airbnb’s Enlightener “snow white”. According to the article we know that Airbnb started the project, appropriately code-named “Snow White,” by creating a list of the emotional moments that comprise an Airbnb stay. They built the most important of those moments into stories. It helps them become more successful. Drawing 4 shows Levi’s using a new platform called FLX, which mixes technologies like digital imaging and laser etching, the company can create new prototypes (or replicate past ones) on an iPad and then have it sent to a machine, which then prints the final product. Drawing 5 – 7 shows the process of creating a creative brief, which is very important things in the design process. It allows everyone having a general understanding of the project or product. The last drawing shows the important of ethnography, Ethnography is a tool for better design. Great design always connects with people. Designers inspire, provoke, validate, entertain and provide utility for people. To truly connect, designers need to have compassion and empathy for their audiences. Designers need to understand the relationship between what they produce and the meaning their product has for others.
During this week, I learned a lot of things about Storytelling from class lecture and require readings. Through the group cooperation during this week, I went deeper to experience and understand every step of Storytelling. through require reading, I also learned the deep meaning of each step. For example, “Melody” step is telling us:“To be effective, your stories should have a chorus that resonates with your emotions and convictions. The power of storytelling often lies in its ability to stir emotion and motivate us to find a solution.” (aristotles-7-elements-of-good-storytelling)Through the require reading “The Shape of Design: Chapter 04”, I have learned that all design work seems to have three common traits: there is a message to the work, the tone of that message, and the format that the work takes. Successful design has all three elements working in co-dependence to achieve a whole greater than the sum of the individual parts.
After attending this week’s lectures and finishing the require readings, I learned more about design thinking and how it helps people come up with new ideas and solutions. All thing I learn during this week help me to have a deep understanding of five “modes” (Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test) that we identify as the components of design thinking. For example, empathize is the foundation of human-centered design, and we are building empathy for our users by learning their values. Moreover, there are three ways use to empathize: Observe how users interact with their environment, engage users directly – interact with and interview them, and immerse yourself in your users’ experience (Design Thinking Bootleg). I learned that ADA enables C-Suite leaders to gain customer sympathy through Watching, Observing, listening to the Customer and Relentless Pursuit of Questions and Curiosity (How the ADA Empowered C-Suite Leaders to Gain Customer Empathy). I also learned some examples about how design thinking works in people’s real life, and in step by step, to come up with a new product or service (Designers-think big! Tim Brown).
After attending the lecture and reading the articles in week 1, I learned what is design thinking, and when it happens. Design thinking is a very important step to come up with new ideas. Need is the basis of design thinking. Empathy, reframe the problem, ideate, iterate, and test are five steps of design thinking. In addition, by reading this week’s required reading, I learned what Design-Centric Culture is. The term Design Centric can be applied to a region where the design disciplines and the results of good design are recognized as adding value to the economy and the area’s quality of life. Design centric does not refer to just a concentration of designers, but also to a concentration of companies and organizations that use and benefit from good design.