Hi Everyone,

This year we formed OSU SciComm, an open, informal group of OSU professionals and scientists promoting best practices in science communication. We plan to build community, provide training, and foster
discussions that will keep OSU on the cutting edge.

On July 1, we sent out this survey to people who already showed interest in this group to help plan next year’s topics. We’ve already received 46 completed surveys! This shows the interest and need.

If you haven’t already filled out the survey, you are invited to do so. It only takes about 5 minutes: http://tinyurl.com/k6tumw5

Thank you from the OSU SciComm Steering Committee:

Kaci Buhl, Project Coordinator, NPIC
Linda Lamb, Publications/Outreach Manager, CEOAS
Naomi Hirsch, Program Coordinator, EHSC/SRP
Heather Reiff, Science Policy Coordinator, COMPASS
Nick Houtman, Editor, Terra Magazine

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