Outreach and Education

ODA Videos: Pest Emergency, Written Notice, Warning Signs

IPM in Schools:  Legal Requirements and Practical Solutions (.PDF)

Template for IPM Parent Notification Letter (Word)

Pest-Proofing Before School Break (.PDF)

Food in the Classroom (.PDF)

PowerPoint to Educate Staff (by David Parsons, North Santiam SD)

PowerPoint to Educate Staff (by Vicki Williams, McMinnville SD)

PowerPoint to Educate Staff (by Vonnie Good, Salem Keizer SD)

Hiring an Outside Contractor (pluses, minuses, good bid specs)  (.PDF)


IPM inspection form (Word)

Alternate IPM inspection form (Word)

Kitchen & Concessions inspection form (Word)

Pest Logs (.PDF)

Alternative Pest Log (.PDF)

Pesticide Forms

(See Pesticides page)

Model IPM Plans

IPM Plan for Small Private Schools (Primarily for small private schools)

Small IPM plan (For smaller school districts, private schools, Head Starts) (.PDF)

Large IPM plan (For larger school districts) (.PDF)

Tips for Making Your IPM Plan Complete (Check your IPM plan and fix deficiencies)

Useful Websites

OSFMA – Oregon School Facilities Management Association (Promoting and developing innovative maintenance and operations procedures and practices)

Bugguide.net (Lots of photographs to help ID pests)

IPM for Sensitive Sites Western Region Work Group (Newsletters, national standard training)

iSchool Pest Manager (IPM materials from different states)

Pest Prevention by Design (Authoritative guidelines for designing pests out of structures)

Pesticide Websites

(See “Useful Websites” on Pesticides page)


“That which can be foreseen can be prevented” William Mayo, co-founder of the Mayo Clinic

“IPM is as much people management as it is pest management” Marc Lame, Indiana University