Amit Bashyal’s thesis work on anti-neutrino quasi-elastic scattering has been published as Bashyal et. al., “High-statistics measurement of antineutrino quasielastic-like scattering at Eν ~ 6 GeV on a hydrocarbon target”, Phys. Rev. D 108, 032018 , in the August 1 issue of Physical Review D. This paper uses the full MINERvA medium-energy data sample with 635,592 candidate interactions and the improved MINERvA neutrino flux and energy scale (see Amit’s previous paper, Bashyal et. al., “Use of neutrino scattering events with low hadronic recoil to inform neutrino flux and detector energy scale”, 2021 JINST 16 ).
for neutrinos (red) and antineutrinos (this measurement, black) extracted with at neutrino and antineutrinos energies ∼6 GeV. Right: Summary of fractional uncertainties on the differential antineutrino
cross section as a function of Q2.
The results for anti-neutrinos are compared to a previous measurement of neutrinos by Oregon State postdoc Mateus Carneiro and to new interaction models. The higher beam energy and statistics allow studies of the production rate out to energy-momentum transfer-squared, Q2, of 2.5 GeV2.
The new GENIE 3 series models do a much better job of explaining the high Q2 dependence of the observed cross section.
Full details are available in his doctoral thesis. Amit is now a postdoc at Argonne National Laboratory.