Welcome to Oregon Archives Month!

For Oregon Archives Month, OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center has shared history in many different ways and this year is no exception!

OSU Library History Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt!

Visit the OSU Valley Library for a self-guided exploration of the past lives of this dynamic building and collect random stickers too! Historic images of the Library will be posted as a part of “Finder Fridays” in October. There will be clues with these images as to their current location (which in most cases look very different today!). At these spots, there will be envelope “sticker stations.” Take a sticker or two as a reward for being a history sleuth and share your adventure! Share with selfies of your adventure or places you’ve seen change on campus with us on Instagram

Our Favorite Things: SCARC Archivists Spotlight our Collection Highlights!

This will be both an online exhibit through blogposts and an onsite exhibit in our mini display case outside our Reading Room in the Valley Library.  

Find out what particular items in the SCARC collections get us really excited as we describe our “faves” in a series of posts on our “Speaking of History” blog (that’s right here!). Each week in October, we’ll feature a post from a different archivist in SCARC writing  about something they really like and why. There will also be an onsite exhibit about these “faves” on the 5th floor of the Valley Library.  

We’re Celebrating 10 years as SCARC!

Did you know SCARC used to be two separate departments? Did you know that SCARC was established ten years ago? Did you know we have a veritable treasure trove of old photos to share with you?

Check us out on Instagram every Wednesday when we share a photo from our past!

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