SCARC completed 5 new or updated finding aids in October and November 2020. Following is a list and a little information about what we accomplished.
These finalized finding aids are available through the Archives West finding aids database, and the OSUL discovery system (a.k.a. “the catalog”).
All of these materials are available to researchers.
Three of the guides are for new collections that had been received in 2018-2020 and were previously not available to researchers:
Abram Goldman-Armstrong Papers, 1988-2018 (MSS GoldmanArmstrong)

The materials in the Abram Goldman-Armstrong Papers reflect his work as a writer, interest in sustainability, research on beer styles and breweries, and participation in the brewing community. Goldman-Armstrong is an author and former owner of Cider Riot!, a hard cider company in Portland.
Shirley Dow Stekel Collection, 1955-2018 (MSS Stekel)

The Shirley Dow Stekel Collection consists of biographical materials, essays, and photographs documenting alumna Shirley Dow Stekel’s student experience at Oregon State College. This collection also contains materials relating to Stekel’s career as a physics professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Stekel studied physics at OSC and earned undergraduate and masters’ degrees in 1958 and 1961, respectively. Stekel is among the first women to earn a graduate degree in physics at OSU.
Don Younger Beer Publications Collection, 1979-2007 (MSS Younger)

The Don Younger Beer Publications Collection is comprised of periodicals and newsletters collected by Younger about brewing in the United States. Don Younger bought the Horse Brass Pub in Portland, Oregon in 1976. He was a strong supporter of local beer and a mentor for other publicans.
Two guides are enhanced finding aids for collections that were previously under-described with incomplete guides:
Merton Lane Papers, 1893-1973 (MSS Lane)

The Merton Lane Papers consist of materials generated and collected by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) entomologist Merton Lane, and include article reprints and drafts, correspondence, reports, publications, research materials, and photographs. Most of these records pertain to wireworm and pest control research. In his four decades working for the USDA, Lane worked in a number of locations in the Pacific Northwest, including Forest Grove, Oregon, and as the head of the USDA’s Pacific Northwest Wireworm Project worked with OSU Entomologist Louis Gentner in the identification of insects.
Oregon State University Retirement Association Records, 2001-2016 (MSS RetirementAssoc)

The Oregon State University Retirement Association (OSURA) Records consist of materials generated by OSURA that document the administration of the association and activities organized for its membership. In addition to newsletters, these records include meeting minutes, a membership list, newspaper clippings, and an announcement regarding a workshop sponsored by OSURA.