Heritage News!

deschutes_elklakeguardcabin.jpgThe Elk Lake Guard Station in the Deschutes National Forest has been added to the National Register of Historic Places.

In 1929, employees of the US Forest Service built the Elk Lake Guard Station, described as a “simple cabin” made of logs with a wood-shingle roof. The station is historically important as an early example of the Forest Service’s current management polices that emphasize both recreation and natural resource conservation.

In the early-20th century, Guard Stations were constructed in remote areas as outposts to protect timber, water, wildlife, and fish. At Elk Lake, increasing public recreation led to the construction of a guard station to both protect natural resources and serve visitors. To meet the agency’s goals, the facility was sited to allow for maximum contact between Forest Service personnel and forest users while still allowing backcountry access to the soon-to-be designated Three Sisters Primitive Area. The station was one of the agency’s first efforts to standardize building appearance and its design represents the desire to construct buildings that complemented the natural environment.

More than 1,800 historic Oregon properties are now listed in the National Register, which is maintained by the National Park Service under the authority of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. More information about the guard station and recent Oregon listings is online at http://www.oregonheritage.org/OPRD/HCD/NATREG/nrhp_recent_nominations.shtml

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