
Blog 2 F22

Someone in our group has sent a message to the instructor about participation issues in our team. I’ve spoken to other a member about the issue and they were was confused as well. Im not sure if the issue was directed towards me or the other person because I believe we both have contributed. The issue I have with this is the fact that someone went against our team guidelines and spoke to the professor before meeting with the team first. Our communication as a team has not been efficient and I have proposed alternative methods of communication. Previously, I have encountered the same issues in the past. Communicating what portions should be done by each person is essential. This is help track who has been slacking or who takes on more than they need. One taking up more than needed will cause resentment for others on the team and vice versa.

As for career, I am still curious about if a degree will help with professional work. My roommate graduated with a business degree but interned with Mcafee and still was able to get a top tier programming job because he knew the hiring manager personal. They taught him everything he knows during his training period. Most classes nowadays in CS have us read free articles and help tutorials online, which I believe is ridiculous for the amount we pay for school.

One life hack I have been really into is changing topics. If I am stuck on a project or question, I move on and continue with something else. It solves my paralysis analysis issue. This helps ensure I am being productive as possible.