Tag Archives: Spring

Election Season

It’s election season for PhIS, and nominations are now open!

Here is the link to the Google form to nominate people for PhIS officer positions. (note: nominations are limited to OSU students)

You can nominate yourself, you can nominate multiple people for the same position, and you can nominate the same person for multiple positions, so don’t hold back!

Nominations will close at 3 pm PST on May 24th, 2021, so don’t wait!

PhIS Meeting 5/10/2021

Our next PhIS meeting is on Mon. 5/10 at 3pm (PT).

Here is the agenda:

  1. Discussion: New Physics Department head
    The Physics Department is searching for a new head. We will be discussing what qualities you would like to see in the new head. Your opinions will be taken into consideration!
  2. Trivia!!!
  3. Discussion: Team-Up report
    We will be discussing Factor 3: Academic Support. This is on page 4 of the recommendations, and pg. 38-43 of the full report.
    Link to recommendations
    Link to full report

For the zoom link, please join our mailing list or contact us through this page.